From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 95 - Your Better

Avalon Hill, Bludhaven

New Jersey

July 2006

Inside one of the rooms of the Malphas castle in Avalon Hill, two children can be seen sparring with one another while Bernard and Mordred watch on. The first of the children is a seemingly five year girl. She stands at a height of three feet two inches, possesses black hair, tan skin, and black eyes shaped in a way that denotes her chinese heritage. She is Cassandra Cain, now Malphas, biological daughter of David Cain and Lady Shiva, and adopted daughter of Azula and Ambrosius and her sparring partner is none other than a much healthier Jason Todd, now Malphas.

Despite Ambrosius and the other a.d.u.l.t's attempts to give them a normal life, the two refuse to live in such a way. For Cassandra, it is because she finds that once training stops being torture, she loves fighting. Maybe it's because she's talented, or because the way they teach her is not torturous, or maybe even because it's in her blood. Regardless of the reason, all she knows is that she enjoys a good fight.

For Jason, it's because he wants to be like everyone in the family and because he thinks it's cool. His adoptive father knows every form of martial arts with or without weapons, and so does his adoptive mother. The other mother figures in his life may not know every form of martial arts, but they still know enough to spar with Wonder Woman of all people. Heck, even his butler knows how to fight from his time in the special forces not to mention his sisters. He doesn't know if he'll follow in Mordred's footsteps to become a superhero yet, but he does know that he at least wants to be able to fight like one.

"He's progressing along nicely." observes Bernard as he watches Jason make use of his superior strength to bridge the gap in skill.

"He definitely has a talent for fighting." answers Mordred as Jason judo flips a smiling Cassandra only for her to easily land on her feet before sweeping his out from under him. "But he still wants to be flashy." she says as Jason tries to turn the fall into a backflip only to fail and allow Cassandra to win by pinning him to the floor.

"Ugh, you always win." groans Jason as he and Cassandra get up from the floor.

"You...flashy too much?" answers Cassandra questioningly as she looks towards Mordred for confirmation.

"You are…"corrects Mordred as Cassandra parrots her. "...too flashy."

"You are too flashy." repeats Cassandra with a nod and a satisfied smile at her progress when speaking.

"I believe that is enough for today." says Bernard with a clap. "The Master and Madams have left explicit orders that training should not be overdone."

"Cmon Bernard, just a little longer." says Jason with pleading eyes.

"Young Master Jason, no amount of-" before Bernard can finish his sentence, a flash of purple light envelops the room and he disappears, shocking the three children.

"Bernard!" exclaims Mordred as she examines the place where he stood a moment ago. "Magic." concludes Mordred with frown. "Max, is this an isolated incident?" questions Mordred as she speaks to the castle's Magical AI, a successful attempt by Morgan and Scáthach to give the castle some form of sentience.

"No. Throughout the world, anyone over the age of seventeen has disappeared. Including Master Ambrosius, Madam Scáthach, and Madam Azula. Madam Morgan's whereabouts are unknown." answers the AI's monotone voice.

"I really hate magic sometimes." whispers Mordred to herself while hoping that Hecate does not hear her. "What is the cause of this?" asks Mordred as a worried Jason and Cassandra walk up to her and grab each of her hands for reassurance. "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere." reassures Mordred with a grin while awaiting the castle's answer. Even as she says that however, Mordred knows that they may be attacked. She was careless when returning to the castle once and was spotted going in. Rumors spread that Shining Knight lives on Avalon Hill and her father had to rebuke by saying that Shining Knight was simply visiting. Not everyone believed him and even those that do now know that if you want to get to Shining Knight you simply have to take the Malphas family hostage. Although, no one has ever even come close to succeeding.

"We're not worried." answers Jason with a brave face on while Cassandra merely nods.

"A surge of magical energy is responsible for the current phenomenon. Its origins are unknown." informs the AI just as the castle's alarms blare to life. "Warning! Magical energy of unprecedented proportions approaches!" warns the castle as it displays the image of an approaching figure enshrouded in a purple aura flying towards the castle "Cause of phenomenon found. Magical signatures match." says the castle as it zooms into the approaching figure to display gold and purple amulet tied around its neck.

"So that's what's responsible." mutters Mordred as she thinks of what her mother taught her about dispelling spells done by an artifact.

"Undo spell… or…destroy ar-ar-artifact?" says Cassandra with a frown.

"Yes, artifact." confirms Mordred as she kneels in front of the two. "I have to get that artifact to fix this." informs Mordred. "The castle's defenses will be up, so you'll be safe. Look out for each other ok?" says Mordred with a smile.

"Go get em." cheers Jason while Cassandra simply nods with a smile.

With a grin on her face and a thumbs up to her siblings, Mordred summons her armor before she has the castle teleport her at the entrance of Avalon Hill while the castle engages all defensive measures.

Arriving just outside of Avalon Hill, Mordred waits for the arrival of the figure that is heading towards the castle. For the first time in a long time, Mordred can feel a small amount of nervousness before entering battle. However her nervousness isn't for her, rather it is for what the outcome of this battle will mean for her new siblings should she lose. She's experienced enough in the world of superheroes to recognize a world domination scheme when she sees it. While before she knew that if she lost to a supervillain who wants to take over the world her parents would be there to stop the scheme, this time she isn't so sure. Yes she knows that her mother is now Goddess of Magic, but having never really paid attention to her magical lessons Mordred doesn't know what being Goddess of Magic entails. Does it mean that the person can do whatever they want with magic, or is it simply a title for her being the most powerful magician without having to use artifacts or a foci. It's moments like these that make Mordred miss her original world. Sure there was still magic, but it also had laws and rules that are meant to be followed. Here however, magic doesn't seem to have any rules whatsoever.

As she thinks this, the figure arrives and slowly floats down towards her.

As she watches the boy, Mordred feels as if she knows him. As she further studies him, Mordred comes to the realisation that had he been a girl, he would look like the spitting image of her at that age, albeit far less physically impressive. From what Mordred can see, the boy has no idea what work even is, much less hard work.

"Identify yourself, and state your purpose." orders Mordred as she gets into her superhero persona, Shining Knight.

"Shining Knight, I am your king and I have come in order to offer the prestigious position of being my personal Knight!" exclaims the boy dramatically.

As Mordred processes the words that came from the boy's mouth, she cannot help but bellow out a laugh due to how ridiculous the boy is.

"You? My King?" questions Mordred in between laughs, enraging him. "Do you know how ridiculous you are?" she asks him as she begins to regain her composure and further enrages him. "Only one person has ever been worthy of my oath as a Knight, and you aren't her." says Mordred in all seriousness as she finally stops laughing. "Now be a good boy and return the world back to normal." orders Mordred.

"No." answers the child as he opens his palm and faces it towards Mordred. "Now bow!" he orders as he channels the magic of the amulet in an attempt to make her bow to no avail.

"What was supposed to do something?" asks Mordred with a raised eyebrow knowing full well that the spell wouldn't work due to her armor's new magical defenses from her mother.

"Why won't this work?" whines the boy petulantly as he tries to turn her to a statue to no avail.

Before he can figure out what the problem is, Mordred lunges at him just as he attempts a different spell on the ground under Mordred's feet, turning it into quicksand. As she begins to sink, Mordred releases a torrential amount of magical energy that blows all of the quicksand away from her. Now free, Mordred continues her leaping away from Mordred and summons a bow capable of creating any type of arrow the wielder can imagine. Pulling the string back, She fires three arrows at the boy which he turns into birds mid flight. As he turns his attention back to Mordred, he finds that she is only a few feet away from him with a sword poised to slash his chest. Panicking, he turns her sword into a python that wraps itself around her and gives him time to quickly retreat to the sky.

"You dare attack your King?!" screams the enraged boy between taking in gulps of air.

Ignoring him, Mordred spits out a flame that burns the python and frees her. As the boy nonsensically rants in the sky, Mordred summons a very different sword to her hand with a golden flash of light, her very own personal blade. Forged by her father and enchanted by her mother, the sword is a weapon that she alone can wield. Not only does it have abilities similar to her father's trident and other abilities, but it is also enchanted to be immune to any hostile spell. This was their present to her when she became a Knight that has been recently upgraded by her mother when she became a goddess.

The sword is designed using Durandal from her original world as a base. The sword is a hand-and-a-half sword with a gold cross shaped guard, a black handle, and a small red gem at the base of the handle. It is named Interfector, or slayer, and is not something that was part of her legend due to her having never used it, believing that it gave her an unfair advantage. Now though she has no qualms about using it, or being unfair in combat. She can't afford to, not when she has younger siblings to protect.

With a roar she releases a particularly strong mana burst that launches her into the boy's face even as he continues to rant about the unfairness of her being immune to his magic and how she should bow to his Kingship. As she appears before him, the boy once again panics and attempts to turn Mordred's sword into a snake to no avail. Before he can think of something else, Mordred cuts the amulet's string and manipulates the air to blow it to her hand where she crushes it.

The resulting release of magical energy blows her back to the ground where she cracks the ground upon landing and temporarily blinds her due to the bright purple light that the amulet also releases.

As her vision returns to her, Mordred is finally able to see where the spoiled brat landed. While she wasn't expecting him to be knocked out by the backlash of magical energy, she certainly didn't expect him to be complaining to who she presumes to be his mother about how she didn't fight fairly.

"Mother! She took my amulet." whines the boy as Morgaine teleports to him.

"Do you promise to behave if I return it to you?" questions Morgaine

"Yes mother." replies the boy.

"Very well. Once I get the amulet back we'll build you a Kingdom." she tells him as she turns to face Moedred. "Give me that amulet or-"

"-Or what?" interrupts Morgan as she appears next to her daughter. "Or what Morgaine? You and Mordred are not capable of seeing any of your threats through." says the Goddess of Magic as she relays the identity of the two to her daughter telepathically.

While she seems to be unaffected on the outside, on the inside Mordred cannot help but vehemently deny to her mother that there is no way in Hell that the spoiled brat in front of them is her counterpart from this universe.

"And who might you be?" asks Morgaine as she gathers her power in preparation for battle.

"Your better." replies Morgan as chains erupt from under Morgaine's feet, binding her and her son. "Now why don't you and your little brat make like good magicians and disappear." says Morgan before she snaps her fingers and makes them disappear.

"Where did you send them?" asks Mordred.

"To a magical prison that I plan to use for magicians whose crimes are not serious enough to warrant death." explains Morgan.

"That wasn't serious?" wonders Mordred with a raised eyebrow behind her helmet.

"With the boy's lack of skill, the spell would have broken in around an hour." says Morgan as the two begin to make their way back to the castle.

"So there was nothing to worry about." says Mordred as she dismisses her armor.

"Yes. However, this minor inconvenience did bring a certain being to my attention. He seems to be looking for something on Earth. I believe it was Trigon." says Morgan as she teleports them to the castle.

"Trigon? As in the guy who acts like he's the devil Trigon? Why is that good?" wonders Mordred.

"Because now I don't have to look through countless dimensions to find him. He is a lingering threat that your father and I do not want to come anywhere near Earth." she explains as they appear in front of Cassandra and Jason. "As such, now that I am powerful enough I will personally take care of him as opposed to waiting for him to come to us."


AN: Idk why, but I wasn't really feeling this chapter. It went exactly how I have this part of the arc planned but I just wasn't really feeling it (I think it might be my dissatisfaction with my writing skills). Anyway, the real reason for this author's note is because I was looking through possible jumps and I found an Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes one. At first I was just looking at it out of curiosity, but then I looked at this drawback that they have that I think would be pretty cool to have Ambrosius and the other a.d.u.l.ts experience. Tell me what you guys think of me doing this. Also I'm still taking suggestions and if I don't answer a message don't think I don't like the suggestion. I probably forgot to answer, but I still took note of it.

The Last Avenger (+1000 CP)

Very well. Time will be frozen on Earth-8096 as you find yourself on one of Earth8096's possible futures; Earth-8096J. Here, everything has gone wrong; many heroes never existed at all, and those that did ended up being destroyed, whether by their enemies or as a result of their own errors. As a result, the world has become increasingly worse as time goes on, falling under control of villains fancying themselves as warlords, and aliens thinking themselves conquerors.

Large sections of the world are left uninhabitable due to radiation, and entire countries have been wiped off the map due to the nearly endless warfare. Wakanda's Vibranium mound exploded, and while their government was somehow able to make the explosion less devastating it still wiped out the entirety of Wakanda and several surrounding countries.

Latveria was overrun by the Kree, and is now their center of power. It's up to you to make things right, because nobody else has a chance in hell of doing it. Of course, there are some extra restrictions to your time here, as follows:

You don't have any ability to travel to or summon things from alternate universes while you're here. Not through your own power, not through technology, not even with the help of beings of multiversal or even omniversal power. You're here until things are less chaotic on Earth. Planes of existence and dimensional travel are still allowed.

All of your Companions, pets, outside items, things that follow you, and your Warehouse are on Earth-8096. You have the items you purchased above and any inherent abilities, but that's it. Earth and enough of humanity to have a successful population must survive; failure results in the chain ending and you being sent home. And finally, you're unable to resurrect any of this Earth's dead, until you deal with Hela.

Now, onto the actual challenges that you'll have to face. Wherever there's a surviving community, there are also villains subjugating the populace in exchange for protection. Especially powerful villains, or ones that band together, control the most land, and are as follows:

Ultron, upon being created by Hank Pym, immediately turned on his creator and killed him. Thankfully, its programming was incomplete and while it's plot to destroy the world with nuclear weaponry succeeded in destroying several major cities and countries, it was not able to take control over all of the world's weaponry. After that, the malicious intelligence decided to lie low; consolidating its power, improving its programming, creating more drones and upgrading its technology. It's been making attempts to obtain information on powerful Kree weaponry recently, and if it succeeds there won't be much of Earth left.

The Kree Empire followed the Skrull to Earth, wiping out most of them before turning their eyes to Earth itself. In this altered timeline they decided that Earth represented little threat to their empire, and with their full attention turned elsewhere the Supreme Intelligence declared that any Kree who had failed their Empire in some way would be sent to Earth to conquer it, instead of being executed, to keep their front lines strong and to deal with Earth at the same time. As such, the Kree on Earth aren't actually expected to exterminate life on the planet, and aren't armed with any planet-busting weaponry; despite this they still managed to assault and take over Latveria after identifying it as their greatest threat. If a powerful champion emerges on behalf of Earth, however, the Kree Empire will definitely take notice…

Hydra exists still, in several large enclaves. They managed to subvert several countries to their will, unopposed, before things had gone to hell, and have still retained much of their power on Earth. Their leaders are united, realizing that squabbling will only weaken all of their positions as a whole, and include the Red Skull, Baron Strucker, Baron Zemo, and Madame Hydra.

Advanced Idea Mechanics, or A.I.M., still exists as well and has actually managed to thrive in this new world, no longer needing to hide themselves in the shadows. MODOK has hired several villains to do his dirty work, including the Wrecking Crew and the U-Foes, and there have been a few sightings of strange energy beings patrolling their territory- suggesting that MODOK has been creating more Wonder Man like beings.

Loki, after seizing the Odin Force and killing his brother and father, has turned his ambitions towards Midgard, the world his brother loved so. Playing his games, the trickster has sent powerful creatures from the other Realms to wreak havoc on Earth, as well as sending the Destroyer armor when he wants to do things personally. You'll attract his attention eventually, and while he'll be content to merely mess with your plans to amuse himself he'll treat you seriously if he feels like you're a threat.

Hela has somehow claimed the souls of Midgard for herself, trapping the dead in Hel and Niffleheim- even those honorable souls who should've gone to Valhalla and the other afterlives. While dealing with Hela isn't mandatory, freeing those souls from her grasp and ensuring more aren't ensnared may prove useful in dealing with the other threats assailing the world.

Master Mold, a powerful AI and controller of the Sentinels, also exists. After destroying the X-Men Master Mold turned to destroying the rest of humanity; fortunately, her Sentinels are mostly kept in check by Apocalypse- although the Mutant is little better than the rogue AI.

Finally, Apocalypse has claimed Genosha for himself, taking Mister Sinister, Scarlet Witch, Avalanche, and Sebastian Shaw of the Hellfire Club as his Hors.e.m.e.n. (Pestilence, Famine, Death, and War, respectively.) While Genosha is relatively peaceful, Apocalypses' extreme Darwinist views lead him to gather the strong and cull the weak, so that Mutant kind can evolve and inherit the Earth.

Of course, you won't necessarily need to go it alone; even now heroes exist on Earth, ready to fight the good fight, with a little help. Captain America was never awoken from his ice nap. Ultron hasn't bothered to remove the limitation keeping him from killing the Wasp, and has her imprisoned somewhere. Captain Mar-Vell was sent to Earth, with the rest of the reject Kree. Simon Williams AKA Wonder Man has been blackmailed by AIM, forced to work with them so MODOK can keep his ionic energy from dispersing. Mjolnir awaits someone Worthy enough to wield the powers of Thor. There's always another Doombot. And the Scarlet Witch may be persuaded to join you, if you can remove Apocalypses' control over her. Of course, you'll need more than these few heroes to face…


The World Eater will arrive sometime in the next few months after you've defeated the last major threat on Earth, along with his four Heralds- Terrax, Stardust, Firelord, and Air-Walker. Each one will position themselves in remote parts of the world with large machines to help Galactus consume the planet. You will need to stop them- and once that's done, you will need to drive off Galactus himself. Succeeding here will complete the drawback, and as a special reward you may choose to take one of the allies you've made here with you on your journey.

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