From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 96 - Confrontation

AN: Some of you guys are worried that Ambrosius would be too OP after DC for that drawback to have any effect and I agree. But the reason I brought it up is because there's something that he's going to get from Romulus-Quirinus after he becomes a god that will allow him to naturally reduce his power to make it a challenge (my nasuverse fans should know. It's the reason why Romulus-Quirinus, a literal god, can be summoned in the first place). I also wasn't thinking about doing it right after this jump since he honestly needs a break after this. Regardless, I'm still taking suggestions until the end of this jump.

Also, for you guys who read the Injustice comics you know that a lot of stuff in it doesn't make any sense and was done simply for the shock factor. So I'll be changing those parts (basically all of year four and some other stuff).


Location: Unknown

Presumably: July 2006

The quartet had made it out of the Batcave through a set of secret tunnels. Like the Bruce that Azula is familiar with from her original Earth, this one's secret tunnels are protected from any form of scanning possible through a mixture of magic and technology. Unlike the Bruce that she knows however, this one had his enchanted by Zatanna as opposed to Morgan and Scáthach. Emerging from a tunnel, Azula, Artemis and Akila find themselves inside an underground bunker with a minimal amount of equipment. The only tools in it are a computer similar to the one in the Batcave and a table with enough chairs to sit eight people.

"What can you tell me about Superman's forces as opposed to your own?" asks Azula as she sits on one of the chairs while Artemis and Akila follow suit.

"You're not the one asking questions here." says Batman instead of answering. "Who are you? And how do you know my identity?" he questions with narrowed eyes.

"Oh Brucie. No matter what universe, I can alway count on your temperament being constant." answers Azula with a laugh. "Unfortunately for you that's not a good thing." she tells him as she sits back and crosses her legs. "You see Bruce, I've known you for years so that makes all of your tricks useless against me. Heck, my husband was even raised by you and you taught him everything you know." she says, shocking him.

"As for my identity, I am Azula, older sister of Wonder Woman, and I highly doubt that I exist in this world." she adds before he can answer.

This is not what he expected. As Batman he's dealt with so many shocking situations that he believed himself to beyond that now. Caught off guard by something improbable? Sure, that is possible. After all he's only human. But this situation, it is not something he expected, much less planned for. Heck, he would trade this situation for dealing with a pissed off Wonder Woman. Albeit one not like the deranged person his Wonder Woman has become.

When he first saw Azula he knew that she was not Wonder Woman. However, he expected to be dealing with an Amazon. She certainly dresses like one with her armor and the eagle motif on it, although this would be the first time that he sees an Amazon wear purple and black armor. She also carries the self confidence of one. Then you have her companions, who despite wearing armor more reminiscent of Egyptians as opposed to Greeks, are evidently Amazons.

Like he expected, she is an Amazon. What he did not expect is for her to be Wonder Woman's older sister. From what he can tell, she doesn't seem to agree with Superman's Regime. This was made evident when she scolded Barry Allen of all people. However, he isn't sure that she's much better than Superman considering the fact that she showed absolutely no qualms about torturing her enemies to get what she wants. Bruce wanted to bring in specific members of a good Justice League to help him, not the morally ambiguous older sister of one of his greatest enemies.

�����Maybe it would be better if we exchanged notes." says Bruce diplomatically while relaxing his body as he hopes to make her comfortable enough to talk. Maybe he can even gleam a weakness from her during this conversation in case she becomes an issue later on.

"There is nothing to exchange." she answers as she sees right through him.

Even if she wasn't a skilled interrogator in her own right, and she is, she didn't spend years married to a man who was raised by Batman to not pick up on some of their habits. Ambrosius may not realise it, but even though Bruce raised him for only a few years as opposed to the thousands that he's been alive for, he emulates Bruce in many ways with pragmatism being their biggest similarities. The two of them also have a way with words and using their body language to dictate the entire mood of the room. It can be pretty unnerving and make you feel as if you're a puppet. Then again, that's if you don't commit suicide from feeling inferior in every way, shape or form. She knows because at first that's how she felt when she was his student up until she decided to reject her father's teachings. Now though, she's pretty much immune to all of those psychological tricks, and she lets him know so by crossing her arms and gently smiling at him.

"Very well." answers Batman as he calmly stands straight while hiding his hands behind his cape. "I didn't mean to summon you. It was supposed to be Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow and Aquaman." explains the Dark Knight. "However, the machine only had enough power for two people. So I opted for Wonder Woman and Green Arrow, but instead I got you three."

"Why do you need them? Why not summon a Superman?" asks Azula.

"I need their DNA for a weapon that will incapacitate Superman." answers Batman.

"I see." says Azula with a nod. "Your Green Arrow is dead, and that's why he was one of the two you went to summon." she infers, shocking him. "As for Wonder Woman, well she can incapacitate the others long enough for you to obtain a DNA sample." she adds. "Unfortunately for you, Green Arrow isn't even a member of the Justice League and Wonder Woman is in space with the rest of the League.

"I see." answers Batman as he places a hand on his chin and thinks. "I don't have much time to stop Superman. One of my contacts in the League informed me that he has become erratic, easy to anger, and even war like." says Batman after deciding to place his trust in this newcomer for the time being. "From what they tell me, the League seems to be falling apart from the inside. There is a lot of internal fighting and soon some members could even come to blows with each other. Superman is too busy focusing on Earth to notice and his mental state doesn't seem to be completely there either."

"When did this start?" asks Azula with a thoughtful frown.

"Three months ago. Why?" answers Batman.

"How active are the Greeks gods here?" she asks again.

"They involved themselves once, but ultimately decided not to interfere." replies Batman with narrowed eyes. "What are you implying?" he asks

"What names were they using?" questions Azula.

"Why does it matter?" replies Batman.

"It matters because that could determine how serious they were about it." answers Azula.

"They went by their Roman names." informs Batman.

Before Azula can answer, an alarm blares to life in the base, alerting the group to an incoming danger.

"Dammit, Raven must have gotten to Deathstroke." mutters Batman as he jumps into action and races to the computer to see who Superman sent.

"He's coming!" screams Batman just as the ceiling caves in and the Man of Steel enters, his eyes gleaming red from the power of his heat vision.

"Batman! This ends now!" exclaims Superman as he releases his hold on his heat vision, sending it blasting towards Batman.

Before he can be incinerated however, Azula appears in front of Batman and uses her vambraces to deflect the heat vision right back at Superman's chest, sending him flying out of the hole he came in from.

"Artemis, Akila, get him out of here. If anyone tries to stop you, you may use lethal force." commands Azula.

Artemis and Akila, who had been trying to keep up with the quickly escalating chain of events find themselves obeying Azula without question. They know that they are out of their depths here in terms of knowledge and that Azula seems to be intimately familiar with the people involved. As such they decide to follow her orders for the time being. Especially since she is their only lead to the newly ascended god.

"Wait!" screams Batman as Artemis picks him up as if he were a sack of rice and races towards the maze of tunnels alongside Akila. "You can't just kill them!" he argues even as the door to the tunnels close behind them.

"You lost any say you had in how this is as soon as you plucked me from my home." mutters Azula as she flies out of the bunker and into the skies of Gotham City in pursuit of Superman.

"Who are you?!" questions Superman as he regains control of his flight and floats towards Azula. "It doesn't matter. You'll be dead soon anyway." claims Superman as he launches himself at Azula.

Enshrouded in divine lightning, Azula easily backhands Superman towards the dock of the City to avoid endangering any lives. Following through with her attack, Azula punches Superman into the Atlantic while inspecting the situation and running every piece of information she has through her mind.

Had it been the old her, she would have been tearing at his psychology in addition to beating him physically. However, as much as she would love nothing more than to make him hate himself, she knows that she can't. This Superman is not only mentally unhinged, but there also seems to be something else wrong with him, and from her brief contact with him she knows that it's something similar to when Ambrosius uses his war god powers to manipulate someone's emotions. It makes the target angrier, erratic, thoughtless, and over all a loose cannon incapable of any logical thought.

Before Azula can think more of the matter, an enraged Man of Steel emerges from the ocean and begins to swing at her. With ease Azula dodges everything and takes note on his form. Unlike the Superman she is familiar with, this one seems to solely rely on his powers. There is no thought, no technique, not even a hint of martial art skills, neither of the Earth variety or the Kryptonian one.

Floating away from a very sloppy punch, Azula grabs Superman's outstretched arm before pulling him towards her and smashing her knee into his solar plexus, breaking a few ribs and making him spit blood and saliva.

Before she can follow through however, a bolt of lightning strikes her on the back, causing her to drop the Man of Steel in her distraction.

Turning to face her new adversary, Azula immediately recognises him as a hero who just started out months ago on her Earth.

���Captain Marvel, right?" she asks the stupefied hero, no doubt he expected her to be harmed from his bolt of lightning.

"It's Shazam." he answers once he gets his bearing.

Captain Marvel on her Earth takes the appearance of a young, muscular, black-haired Caucasian male with blue eyes that stands at six feet two inches. His costume is mostly red with gold accents like his lightning bolt logo, sash, and boots. He also has a white and gold cape over one shoulder.

Shazam however wears a predominantly black outfit with only the middle of the torso being red under his golden lightning bolt. Instead of a shash and white and gold cape, he wears a golden belt and a black and gold cape on his back with a hood of the same color on his head.

From what she knows, he's powered by the Greeks, which means that his lightning comes from Zeus. She wonders if she can take it away from him.

Due to Morgan's ascension and the beginning of Ambrosius' ascension, her own ascension was jump started and she found herself with new powers like traveling through lightning, increased physical stats and slowly encroaching on Zeus' domains. He hasn't noticed yet because it's only been a few months and according to Athena, he's busy with some secret plan of his that he won't share with anyone. Regardless, it's only a matter of time until he notices and attacks her for it. Shaking the distracting thoughts from her head, Azula turns to her new opponent.

"Well Captain Marvel, or Shazam, or whatever your name is, leave. I have better things to do than play with an attention seeking brat like you." she tells him as she launches a bolt of lightning at a Hawkwoman who had been attempting to retrieve the injured Superman from the sea. With a cry of pain, Hawkwoman falls unconscious and plummets into the sea.

Seeing his comrade injured, Shazam launches himself at Azula as two bright yellow lights approach the battlefield. While Azula easily dodges Shazam's punches, a yellow construct jet flies towards her while shooting missiles. At the same time a yellow beam also flies towards her. Before they can reach her however, Azula grabs Shazam and throws him at the incoming attacks before launching herself further up into the skies and destroying the construct jet with a lightning.

As she surveys the battle field, Yellow Lantern Hal Jordan appears in front of her with a baseball bat ready to hit her. Summoning Crocea Mors from her rune space, Azula dodges the attack and proceeds to cut off Hal Jordan's ring hand before incinerating it with a flame as she grabs the ring and deposits it into her rune space.

In shock and roaring in pain, Hal does not notice the fact that he is falling from thousands of feet up in the sky. Neglecting his falling comrade, the other Yellow Lantern comes into Azula���s personal space swinging duel swords just as Azula witnesses Hal being saved by Shazam. Blocking the attacks, Azula takes a split second to examine her new opponent.

Standing at six feet and seven inches, with a well built physique, pink skin and black and yellow eyes, the opponent poses an intimidating figure. He wears a mainly black full bodysuit, with yellow boots, belt, vambraces, and upper torso which also has a black and white symbol in the middle.

"You must be Thaal Sinestro, founder of the Yellow Lantern Corps of fear." wonders Azula as she dodges a slash while parrying the other. "John Stewart spoke about you once." she says as Sinestro attempts to break her defense to no avail. "He said that you were such a scaredy cat that you found a way to weaponize it. What was it he said about you again?" says Azula to herself as she continues to casually defend herself from him. "Was it that Sinestro was so scared of the monster under his bed that the only way for him to live was by harnessing that fear into power?" wonders Azula as Sinestro begins to be enraged by the exchange. "I'm pretty sure it was that. That and the Sinestro Corps is the Corps of bed wetters who need to bully the weak to make themselves feel good." adds Azula with a smirk on her face.

"ARGH! AND THAT'S WHY I KILLED HIM MYSELF." screams Sinestro in rage as he overextends in an effort to decapitate his infuriating foe.

"Yes, by stabbing him in the back because you knew that he was better than you." answers Azula as Sinestro's words wipes the smirk from her face. He may not be her best friend, but he is still someone she has come to respect over the years. Hearing that he was killed by this nobody has soured her mood, and judging by Sinestro's reaction to her words, he really did stab him in the back.

Enraged by the truth of Azula's statement on how he killed John, even if she guessed, Sinestro throws himself at her with a recklessness that flies in the face of all his skills.

"It doesn't matter how, all that matters is that he's dead!" exclaims Sinestro as he slashes at her with a downward strike.

Dodging the telegraphed strike, Azula proceeds to decapitate Sinestro with one stroke of her sword at a speed far too fast for Sinestro to interpret.

"And your situation is any different how?" questions Azula as a stunned Sinestro processes what just happened

As her opponent's body falls into the sea, Azula surveys the battlefield to see that the enemy has completely retreated. Even taking Superman and Hawkwoman with them.

"Damn." says Azula to herself.

Before Azula can begin to fly her way back towards Batman using the location rune she snuck on him, a white light erupts next to her. Azula didn't know what she expected from the light, but it certainly wasn't for Scáthach to emerge from it.

"It worked."says Scáthach with a smirk.

"Wow, did you come for little old me?" asks Azula sarcastically as she places her hand on her heart.

"No, I came for your companions." answers Scáthach with a roll of her eyes and a smile before she surveys their surroundings. "What did you get yourself into?" asks Scáthach as she points at Azula's bloody sword.

Without wasting time, Azula fills Scáthach in on her situation.

"I see." answers Scáthach as she processes this Earth's circ.u.mstances. "Did you at least place a location rune on him?" she asks.

"Of course." answers Azula.

"Good, then we can finish this once we have all of the information from Batman." replies Scáthach. "I do not want to face any surprises when we launch our assault.

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