From Mortal To Divinity

Chapter 97 - Toppled Regime

Regime Watchtower

Earth's Orbit

Presumably: July 2006

The Watchtower, former headquarters of Justice League, now home to The Regime, a group of individuals who for one reason or another agree with Superman's way of dealing with criminals. Currently in the sick bay, Damian Wayne, Flash, Hawkwoman, and Superman can be found laying in bed injured while other members of the Regime stand around while Shazam explains what happened.

"... After that saving Hal, I was barely able to see her decapitate Sinestro before you teleported us out of there." says Shazam as he finishes explaining the recent events.

"What did she look like?" questions Damian as he tries to sit up, only for pain to flare up due to his broken ribs and force him back down to the bed.

"She reminded me of Wonder Woman, only scarier. She has black hair, glowing white eyes and wears black and purple armor with an Eagle symbol on her chest." describes Shazam.

"And you're telling me that this chick chopped off Hal's hand, killed Sinestro, and did THIS to all of them?" asks Cyborg disbelievingly while pointing at the injured Regime members laying in bed. "Who the f.u.c.k is this chick?" he asks.

Unlike his counterpart from Azula's Earth who has just entered middle school, this Earth's Victor Stone has already experienced the accident that turned him into Cyborg.

Originally, Victor had deep brown skin, brown eyes, a lean, muscular build, and used to stand at six feet tall. His hair was black and kept in a buzz cut with a surgical line that begins on his temples, runs slightly upwards and then bee-lines around his head, coalescing at the back. He also had a widow's peak hairline.

After the STAR Labs accident, Victor's injuries were repaired by a Motherbox, which replaced the damaged parts of his body with cybernetic prosthetics, namely the left sides of his head, face, torso, and left forearm. As he went on in his Superhero career however, the cybernetic prosthetics quickly grew to envelop his entire body, leaving only the right side of his face as human.

"What about Batman? Did you get him?" asks Damian.

"No." answers Black Adam with a frown. "Bane, Killer Frost, Catwoman, Raven, and I were sent to pursue them via the tunnels. Bane and Killer Frost's bodies were found while Catwoman and Raven are missing in action." he informs them as he grips his bandaged side in pain. "I encountered an Amazon wielding an axe in the tunnels. From what I was able to gather she came here with the other woman. The resulting battle left me with a gash that refuses to heal." explains Black Adam

Before anyone can answer him, Wonder Woman comed flying into the room as Aquaman walks in from behind her.

"Kal!" exclaims Wonder Woman.

Instead of acknowledging her presence however, Superman sits on his bed with a frown on his face and his hands clenched into fists as he thinks.

"What happened?" asks Aquaman quietly as he stands next to Cyborg.

Cyborg relays the night's events to Aquaman as quietly as he can so as not to disturb Superman's train of thought while the other members in the room simply stand there uncomfortably while waiting for Superman to acknowledge Wonder Woman.

The coupling between the two has always been somewhat of an awkward topic for the other members of the Regime. While Wonder Woman may claim that she is simply supporting him, the other members can easily see her influence in every decision that he's made except for killing the Joker and allowing Sinestro to join while slaughtering the Green Lantern Corps.

From forcing Aquaman to join by placing Atlantis in the middle of the Sahara, to helping Superman incinerate Martian Manhunter. Wonder Woman has been by Superman's side through it all. And while the ideas weren't hers, she still holds some of the blame for egging him on and telling him that "Mankind will never be at peace unless they are ruled over with an iron fist". Between that and the blatantly affectionate looks and touches she gives him, it's pretty clear that she's trying to become his new significant other.

"Damn." whispers Aquaman as Cyborg finishes explaining. "She doesn't seem to have a hatred towards men, or a sense of superiority towards men, but other than that I wouldn't be surprised if she is an Amazon." says Aquaman not too loudly.

As Cyborg makes to nod in agreement, he remembers that Wonder Woman is present in the room and decides that it would be best to not react. Considering how lately Wonder Woman and Aquaman seem to be at odds with each other, Cyborg doesn't think that being caught in the middle of their squabble is worth it.

"What did you say?" questions Wonder Woman as she turns to face Aquaman, her eyes glowing with a slight red glow that no one notices.

"You must be getting old and losing your superhuman senses." replies Aquaman as his eyes also to slightly glow red.

"Enough." says Superman as he comes out of his thoughts and puts the incoming altercation to an end. "We have more pressing matters to attend to." he says as he gets out of bed and removes his bandages, his injuries having already healed.

"What's the plan?" asks Wonder Woman.

"Since the citizens of Gotham have no qualms with letting Batman hide in their city, we'll destroy the city to set an example. Then we find where that woman comes from and we kill anyone even remotely related to her to set an example before executing her too." informs Superman, shocking Shazam and Flash.

"Wait. We're committing genocide now? And killing innocent people?" asks Shazam as he comes forward. "I don't agree with this." he adds as he looks around the room.

"Is there a problem Billy?" questions Superman as his eyes glow the same unseen red as Wonder Woman and Aquaman's eyes.

"That's too far." says Shazam with a shake of his head.

"Is it now?" asks Superman with faux curiosity. "Then it's good that no one asked for your opinion." adds Superman, shocking Shazam with his callous disregard for innocent life.

As Shazam looks around the room for support, he finds that none are on his side except for the Flash who doesn't speak up. Seeing that no one is on his side, he begins to think that maybe it would be best if he just stayed quiet. However, he remembers the Wizard's words and why he was chosen. And the more he recalls the Wizard's words, the more he realises how wrong he has been for the past five years. From being loved by the people to being feared by even children, to now siding with the likes of Sinestro and Black Adam, the first Shazam and a failure by the Wizard's standards. With those thoughts in his mind, Shazam strengthens his resolve and lunges at Superman

Unfortunately for Shazam, Superman has anticipated this and catches him by the throat. With a cry of Shazam, he calls forth the lightning in the hopes of striking Superman with it. However, Superman puts him in the lightning's path, turning him back to Billy Batson. Before he can recall the lightning to transform into Shazam, Superman clasps his hand around Billy's jaw and stops him from speaking.

"If you think that I���ll let you transform to have a fair fight, then you are sorely mistaken." says Superman as his eyes begin to glow red with the light of his heat vision. "It doesn't matter who you are Billy, you either stand with me, or against me."

With that being said, Billy's muffled screams of pain echo throughout the silent halls of the Watchtower as Superman slowly burns him to death with his heat vision.


Location: Unknown

Presumably: July 2006

"You killed them." says Batman with a voice devoid of emotion as he looks at the four women in front of him while Catwoman stands behind him inspecting their new allies.

They stand in a bunker similar to the one that was invaded. He had led Akila and Artemis here in the hopes of hiding from Superman. Along the way, they come across Black Adam that Artemis took care of while Akila and he continued along towards the bunker. Apparently Akila and Artemis had some way of knowing wherever the other was.

Their path was further blocked by Bane, Killer Frost, Raven and Catwoman. Akila had made quick work of Bane and Killer frost before forcing Raven to retreat with some spell while Catwoman took the opportunity to return to the Insurgency from her work as his spy in the Regime.

When they arrived in the bunker, they were quickly joined by Artemis, Azula and this new woman named Scáthach. From what he is able to gather, she and Azula are close to another, romantically close.

It was then that he found out that Sinestro was killed while Hal lost a hand and once again Batman is finding out that things are quickly getting out of hand and away from his control.

"What did you expect?" questions Scáthach. "One who kills must expect to be killed." she says, bringing his attention to her.

"I don't know how things are done on your Earth, but here we don't kill or-"

"-It makes us no better than them." interrupts Azula with a roll of her eyes. "Ambrosius always did say that you are inflexible. Especially on this topic." she says, confusing him as to who Ambrosius is. "Still, we're not superheroes. I think the best description for us would be classical heroes." informs Azula.

As Batman examines Azula's companions, he realises that they all agree with her. They don't see themselves as vigilantes, much less superheroes. He should have seen it sooner. Between the armor and their form of information gathering, they obviously don't adhere to the conventional rules that heroes follow. Unfortunately he was blinded by hope. Hope that with them here the nightmare would finally end. That Superman and The Regime would be defeated and dystopian of a society that he lives in would be over. Most importantly though, he hoped that him and his allies could finally stop living and hiding in fear.

Unfortunately though it seems that they aren't much better than Superman and his Regime. Although they do seem to want to go back home as much as he wants them gone, which is to say as soon as possible.

Taking a deep breath, Batman calms himself down and begins to think. From what he can tell, the four of them are powerful enough to go toe to toe with The Regime's heavy hitters and come out on top. If he can get them to defeat Superman and Wonder Woman without killing them, that would be enough accomplished for him to send them home while he deals with the other members of The Regime. Even as they speak, Lex Luthor is fixing the machine in the hopes of sending them back home as soon as possible. He doesn't want another potential Regime growing to replace the old one with these four as the founders. That has the potential of being worse than Superman's.

Before Batman can even begin to formulate a plan, an alarm blares to life and the monitor showcases an Amazonian army invading Gotham alongside the Atlantean army.

"Looks like we may not need to launch an assault after all. Although I didn't expect Diana to resort to this." observes Azula with a frown. "It seems that I will have to discipline my little sister." she says while Batman comes to term with the fact that Superman is willing to go this far to get to him.

"Akila can deal with the false champion of the gods while I deal with the Atlanteans." says Artemis as she summons Mistress to her from where it lay on a wall.

"Aquaman and Black Adam are formidable opponents, are you sure?" asks Scáthach.

"We are." says Akila. "The sooner they are dealt with, the sooner we can return home."

"Very well, I will deal with Superman and the Watchtower.." says Scáthach with a nod. Without her needing to speak, Scáthach's Motherbox hacks into Cyborg through his connection with the Watchtower and shuts both of their systems down to prevent The Regime from teleporting away..

"No killing." orders Batman with narrowed eyes they make their way to the exit.

Ignoring him, the quartet make their way to the streets as fast as they can. Once topside, they separate and go towards their assignments. Artemis towards the invading Atlanteans, Akila towards Black Adam, Scáthach flies towards Superman while Azula goes to Wonder Woman.

"Hippolyta must really be disappointed when she looks at you." says Azula as she approaches Wonder Woman, turning every Amazon's attention towards her. "Honestly, you agree to commit genecide just like countless men that the Amazons have vilified, and for what? So that you could be Superman's bed warmer?" questions Azula and shocking the Amazons with her words.

"Who are you?" demands Wonder Woman with a frown as she draws her sword.

"Oh? Do you not see the family resemblance?" asks Azula with faux shock on her face. "Wait, let me give you a hint." says Azula as a torrential wind blows her hair and cape behind her while she summons a lightning bolt to her hand. "I will smite you!" bellows out Azula as she poses how many stereotypical pictures of Zeus depict him before bursting into laughter while Wonder Woman comes to the realisation that she could be facing a half-sister. "It's ok to laugh, you know. He won't smite us, we're his daughters after all." says Azula as she continues to joke.

"I have no need for a sister who would side with my enemies!" exclaims Wonder Woman as she lunges at Azula with her sword swinging.

"Ugh, insecure much. I have absolutely no interest in that brute of a man that you follow." replies Azula as she summons Crocea Mors to block before sending Wonder Woman crashing down in front of the Amazonian army with a well placed kick to the solar plexus. "Although, I honestly can't blame you for being insecure. After all, you're alway the least important priority for whatever man you fall for." says Azula as she casually floats down to the ground where Wonder Woman is being helped up by a few Amazons while the rest of the army watches on and begins to think about Azula's words.

"I mean, it must suck being less important than Steve's loyalty to the Allies, or because Superman fell in love with a mere mortal like Lois." continues Azula as an enraged Wonder Woman slashes at her. "You did meet Steve Trevor in this universe right?" questions Azula as she casually blocks every attack from Wonder Woman.

"DO NO SPEAK TO ME ABOUT THAT NAZI SYMPATHISER!" roars Wonder Woman as she attacks erratically in her rage.

"Yikes, he was nazi. That's even worse. Then again, you seem to have a type." says Azula as she continues to egg Wonder Woman on. "Is it the fascism, or the complete disregard for life that turns you on?" asks Azula as she dodges a stab before grabbing the offending arm and breaking it with her knee. "Please tell me so that I can warn the Wonder Woman from my universe what to avoid. Because it looks like dating them brings out the worst in you." says Azula as she proceeds to quite literally disarm Wonder Woman with a slash of her sword before preparing to end her life.

As she raises her sword however, an Amazon points her sword at Azula's neck.

"You will leave the princess alone." orders the Amazon with anger clear in her voice.

"Oh? Is this what the Amazons of this world have become? Slaughterers of innocent men, women, and children at the behest of a man not far from Heracles?" questions Azula with a voice dripping in sarcasm and a raised eyebrow, causing all of the Amazons except the one threatening Azula to flinch at the truthful jab.

"She is right sister. Princess Diana has led us astray." says one Amazon as she places a hand on her fellow Amazon to calm her.

"She is wrong. We follow the princess unconditionally, and if we must kill a few men in the process, then so be it. Regardless of innocence." replies the Amazon as she tries to help a disoriented Wonder Woman.

"And what of the women and children?" questions her fellow Amazon.

"Unfortunate collateral damage." answers the Wonder Woman sympathiser, shocking all of the Amazons present.

"Then you are no Amazon." claims the more logical of the two with a hard expression on her face before she draws her sword and decapitates the other Amazon.

"NO!" screams Wonder Woman as she lunges towards her friend's killer.

Before she can reach her however, Azula steps in between them and stabs Wonder Woman through the throat.

"You have killed enough already." says Azula she flicks the blood off her sword before returning it to her rune space. "What are your plans now?" asks Azula as she turns towards the Amazons.

"We do not know. With both the princess and Queen Hippolyta gone, a new leader will be needed." says the Amazons who came to Azula's defense.

Now that Azula has the time, she inspects the Amazon who spoke up. The Amazon stands as tall as Azula at five feet ten inches, possesses a build as strong as Wonder Woman, brown skin, and black hair tied into braids that can barely be seen from under her hoplite helmet that also covers her face, allowing only for her dark brown eyes to be seen.

Before Azula can answer Scáthach, Artemis and Akila approach her.

"It is done." says Scáthach. "Superman is dead, Aquaman and the Atlanteans retreated along with Black Adam. Batman can take care of the rest, so we should leave now. The Amazons of Bana-Mighdall need help against Steppenwolf, and it would be best not to make them wait."

"You have a way to get us back?" asks Azula.

Rather than answer, Scáthach merely raises an eyebrow as she begins to draw sets of runes on the ground in the form of a magic circle. As she does this, the Amazon approaches Azula.

"You speak of going to battle to aid an Amazon, perhaps we can be of help?" she asks. "There is nothing tying us here and perhaps going to battle in defense of our sister will help us find our purpose." she says as she explains her line of thought while the thousands of Amazons behind her nod their heads in agreement.

Instead of answering Azula simply looks towards Akila and Artemis with a questioning glance.

"Any help would be greatly appreciated." says Akila with her excitement clear in her voice.

"If you are all coming, then make some form of physical contact with one another. There is no way to fit you all in the circle and this would allow you all to be transported with us." orders Scáthach as she finishes drawing the circle and grabs Azula and Akila's arms.

"I am Artemis." introduces Artemis as she offers one of her arms to the Amazon while grabbing Akila's other arm.

"And I am Nubia." answers the Amazon with a smile as she gladly accepts Artemis' arm while another Amazon grabs her arm and the rest follow suit.


AN: Do you guys think that Ambrosius is worthy to lift Mjolnir? Also I'm still taking suggestions for jumps. I plan on doing four vacation jumps after this.

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