As Xingliu expected, these ninja villages did not give up their revenge plan.

They tried their best to gather their army again and marched towards Konoha.

This time, the four major countries learned from the previous lesson. They gathered together and tried to use the advantage of numbers to suppress Konoha.

The changes on the moon have also come to the end, and the huge reincarnation eye has appeared.

In fact, this matter has something to do with Xingliu.

According to the timeline, the people on the moon are now at most disappointed with the current situation of the ninja world.

And now the destruction of the world started decades in advance because Xingliu let the four women destroy the ninja armies of other countries.

In addition, Hinata's reincarnation eye stimulated the people on the moon, so they were so radical.

But it happened that Xingliu could carry out this plan and pacify the ninja world in one fell swoop.


On the second day after the ninja coalition joined forces, a total of 50,000 ninja troops had quietly approached the border of Konoha.

They learned the lesson of the last annihilation, and chose a tight formation this time. They did not dare to disperse and surround Konoha easily, for fear of being defeated one by one again.

Surprisingly, they did not encounter any resistance from Konoha during their march.

There was no one on the road, not even a Konoha ninja.

This situation caused many coalition soldiers to misunderstand, thinking that Konoha might have been intimidated by their momentum, so the morale was unprecedentedly high.

However, unlike the optimism of ordinary ninjas, the command of the coalition was shrouded in a heavy silence.

Chiyo, as a representative of the Sand Village, was at the coalition headquarters at this time.

She looked around and found that everyone looked solemn, and she couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

"Everyone, should we re-examine the situation in Konoha? Didn't your spies send any news about the current situation in Konoha?" She asked in a deep voice.

Dodai, as a representative of the Cloud Village, had a broken arm and his eyes revealed deep confusion at this moment.

He had witnessed the terrifying power of Xingliu with his own eyes, and knew that Konoha at this moment was not an easy opponent.

He had made the worst plan before setting off, and even expected that this might be a journey with no return.

However, the calmness in front of him made him feel even more uneasy.

"Konoha's reaction is too abnormal, we have to be on guard." He said in a deep voice, revealing deep worry in his tone.


A voice came from behind everyone, and everyone looked back. It turned out to be the representative of the Rock Village, Oishi.

"Our spies also tried to infiltrate Konoha, but since the four major countries declared war, Konoha's alert level seems to have been raised to an unprecedented level. There has been no news from our spies for a long time."

Hearing Oishi's words, everyone's faces became heavier, because they had the same experience.

At this moment, Konoha was like a whirlpool, and everything was swallowed up.

Chiyo took a deep breath and said, "In that case, thinking too much will only make you worried. Why not attack Konoha tonight?"

After this, the command room fell into a brief silence.

Everyone knew that Konoha was a dangerous place at this time. Not only was there a strong enemy like Xingliu, but even his four wives had the strength of the gods of the former ninja world.

But considering the current situation, this seems to be their only choice.

"I agree with Chiyo's opinion." Tsuchida thought about it and expressed his support:

"We can't wait blindly like this anymore. The morale of the coalition forces is high at this time, and we should attack Konoha in one go."

At this time, a arrogant voice suddenly came into everyone's ears.

It turned out to be Kaguya Duying, the representative of Kirigakure.

He was now resting his legs on the table, looking wild and disdainful, saying:

"I don't care about that. I heard that Xingliu is very strong, so I brought my people here."

"Since you have decided to attack, why not do it now?"

At the same time, another representative of the Kirigakure Village looked at him helplessly.

Because Kirigakure lost too many strong men in the previous battle, the power of the Hyuga clan in the village has increased greatly, and they can even sit on an equal footing with them.

Kirigakure has two representatives to participate in the coalition this time, which in itself makes other villages dissatisfied with them.

And now, Hyuga Duying's words are undoubtedly digging a hole for Kirigakure.

His recklessness and arrogance are likely to make Kirigakure the target of public criticism, making them bear greater pressure in the next battle.

Sure enough, the atmosphere in the room became tense after Hyuga Duying's voice fell.

The representatives of other villages looked at each other, and their hearts wereIt became a consensus.

They were already dissatisfied with the fact that there were two representatives from the Hidden Mist Village, and at this time, this dissatisfaction seemed to have found an outlet for venting.

"Since everyone in the Hidden Mist Village is so confident, how about you take the lead tonight?" Someone took the lead in proposing.

As soon as this word fell, a voice of agreement and echoing suddenly rang out in the room.

However, when Yuanshi heard this, he immediately stood up to object:

"No! We have reached a consensus before we set off that we must advance and retreat together. How can I let the Hidden Mist Village bear all the pressure alone now!"

His tone was full of anxiety and dissatisfaction, and he obviously didn't want to see the Hidden Mist Village being pushed to the forefront.

Unfortunately, sometimes the existence and absence of pig teammates will affect the overall situation.

Just as Yuanshi was trying to gain understanding and support, Kaguya Duying spoke again.

"Okay! That's it!"

His voice was full of arrogance, and he didn't take into account Yuanshi's concerns and Xingliu's strength at all.

When Yuanshi heard this, he wanted to kill this idiot.

But now it is more important to fight for the opportunity for Kirigakure, so he quarreled with others, hoping that the forward position could be held by the four countries together.

So, the sound of quarreling began to appear in the headquarters, and they completely forgot their original intention.

What they didn't know was that at this moment in the Hokage's office, Xingliu and others were watching their quarrel with a smile.

Tobirama curled his lips with disdain and said: "Have these people forgotten that Konoha is right in front of them? Aren't they of one mind with a strong enemy beside them?"

Izuna laughed when he heard this: "Your apprentice is not as good as these people."

When Tobirama heard the telegram, he almost typed it out again, but in the end he still endured it.

Because every time he quarreled with Izuna, he would lose in the end.

There was no way, because his apprentice did so many "good" things.

Tobirama's sullen face made everyone present laugh, and also made his face more sullen.

After laughing, Hashirama Senju pondered for a moment and said, "Let me do it this time. I'm not that pedantic."

Xingliu shook his head and said, "No, I'll do it myself this time."

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