After that, he slowly stood up, stretched his neck, and made a slight crisp sound.

Then, he turned to the side and looked at the people who were watching him quietly, with a confident and calm smile on his face.

"It's almost time, I should leave." He said softly, revealing great confidence in his tone.

The four women stood beside him, their eyes full of tenderness and concern.

"I wish you a prosperous martial arts." The four women said in unison, their voices were crisp and moving.

This was their blessing to him, and also their trust in him.

Although Xingliu knew that even without this blessing, he had enough strength to easily implement the plan successfully.

But this heart, this gentleness and firmness from them, was an invaluable source of strength for him.

Xingliu smiled and accepted their blessings, then he turned around and waved his hand gently, and disappeared like the wind.

At the same time, in the headquarters of the four-nation coalition, quarrels were heard one after another.

Representatives from various countries argued endlessly, and everyone tried their best to avoid letting their troops serve as vanguards.

They were extremely uneasy about the current abnormal situation in Konoha, and their hearts were full of doubts and fears.

What's more, Konoha also has several invincible combat forces, which makes the mission of the vanguard troops even more dangerous, and it is very likely to face a desperate situation where there is no return.

Therefore, representatives from various countries are shirking responsibility and trying to push the responsibility of the vanguard troops to other countries.

Just when the quarrel in the headquarters reached a climax, there was a sudden commotion outside the headquarters.

This sudden noise made everyone stunned. Just when they wanted to send someone out to check the situation, the deputies of the ninja army of various countries had already rushed in with anxious faces.

They looked nervous, as if they had encountered something extremely terrible.

Before anyone asked, these deputies had already rushed to shout.

"Elder Chiyo, something bad has happened! The fifth generation of Konoha has appeared!"

"Master Yuanshi, please think of a solution! That devil has come!"


Similar shouts came one after another, echoing in every corner of the headquarters.

The fear and helplessness revealed in their voices seemed to foreshadow the coming doomsday.

This is no wonder. Not to mention the previous battle of the Whirlpool Country, just in the past few years when Uchiha Xingliu traveled around the ninja world, once he encountered any injustice, he would intervene without hesitation.

Moreover, he never showed mercy to his enemies. No matter how noble the other party's status was or how powerful they were, once they fell into his hands, they would eventually die.

The key is that this killing god also has unparalleled power. Who can not be afraid of this?

After hearing the reports from the deputies, the representatives immediately realized the seriousness of the situation.

They stood up one by one with solemn expressions and hurried out of the door of the headquarters.

As soon as the door opened, a deafening noise instantly flooded into their ears, like a surging landslide and tsunami.

The scene before them made them shudder with fear - the entire coalition camp had fallen into chaos, and the soldiers were panicking, as if the end of the world had come.

And the source of all this was just the appearance of Uchiha Xingliu.

He was like an insurmountable mountain, and he alone brought the morale of the entire ninja world to the freezing point.

Chiyo and others were all attracted by the figure above their heads at this moment.

Konoha's fifth generation Uchiha Xingliu was standing there steadily.

And the source of all this chaos pointed to the same person - Uchiha Xingliu.

Looking at the somewhat chaotic coalition, Chiyo's face twitched slightly.

She knew very well that she had to stand up and stabilize the morale of the army at this time, otherwise the coalition would be defeated because of the internal collapse without waiting for Xingliu to take action.

So, she took a deep breath and asked loudly: "Five Hokage! You Konoha killed so many people, don't you feel a little ashamed?!"

Xingliu was looking up at the moon getting closer and closer in the sky at this time, and he didn't seem to care much about the coalition forces on the ground.

However, after hearing Chiyo's question, he smiled disdainfully and slowly said:

"Why don't you say that the first war was a joint attack on our Konoha by your four countries? According to you, what we are doing now is just revenge."

Chiyo was speechless for a moment.

Xingliu was right.

The four countries of wind, water, thunder and earth started a war not long after the death of Senju Hashirama. This war was not started by Konoha, and Konoha also lost the second generation Hokage.

And the banner they are fighting now is not revenge? This made her unable to refute for a while.

However,In this chaotic and tense atmosphere, one person's reaction was different.

Kaguya Lone Eagle, he looked up at the star stream in the sky with excitement, his eyes flashing with fanaticism.

"Are you the new god of the ninja world they are talking about?" He shouted loudly, his voice full of challenge and expectation, "Then let me Kaguya..."

However, before he finished speaking, the whole person suddenly froze in place, motionless.

Then, a shocking scene happened.

Kaguya Lone Eagle's body began to collapse, as if it was cut into countless pieces by an invisible force in an instant.

His body was like a broken doll, scattered all over the ground, and the scene was horrible.


Xing Liu spit out two words lightly, revealing a trace of disdain in his eyes.

He had long noticed this member of the Kaguya clan who was wearing a kimono, with two red dots on his head and wearing a fog-hidden forehead protector.

For this clan known for its madness, Xing Liu knew that it was useless to say more, and he had to take action in the end.

It would be better to fast forward to the last step and send him to the underworld.

However, after killing Kaguya Duying, Xingliu felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

He always felt that this scene was familiar, as if a similar scene had been staged at some point in the past.

But this thought only flashed through his mind and did not leave too many traces in Xingliu's heart.

After all, for him, this was just a trivial matter and not worth too much entanglement.

At the same time, the representatives standing next to Kaguya Duying were a different scene.

They all looked pale, sweating profusely, and were filled with fear and shock.

They didn't even see when Xingliu made his move, and could only watch Kaguya Duying's body collapse and fall apart in an instant.

This scene undoubtedly sounded the alarm for them: it would be easy for Xingliu to take their lives.

This invisible pressure and fear made them feel suffocated and even a little desperate.

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