Everyone naturally had no objection to Xing Liu's proposal.

So, they stood up, left some money on the table as food, and walked in the direction where they had sensed the energy fluctuations before.

They didn't go too far before they found a large group of people gathered in front of them, seemingly watching some kind of performance.

The group curiously approached and saw a group of street performers enthusiastically showing their unique skills.

These street performers were agile and skilled. Some of them were somersaulting in the air, some were performing acrobatics on the ground, and some were waving weapons to perform. Every move attracted cheers from the audience.

One of the strong men who performed the stone-breaking chest was particularly eye-catching. He clearly exuded energy fluctuations and was obviously a practitioner in this world.

However, although the strong man's performance was very exciting, people's attention was more attracted by another place.

Xing Liu and others looked in the direction of the crowd and saw two burly men beating gongs and drums and shouting loudly.

They were also holding a strange-looking "dog" with slender limbs and thick fur all over its body, but its face was no different from that of a human.

This strange sight made people look sideways and talk about it.

The two men whipped the "dog" and it barked, and when it heard the command, it would do acrobatics like a human.

Its movements were flexible and lifelike, which amazed people.

In order to continue listening to the music and watching the performance, the audience threw money in front of the "dog".

The "dog" picked up the coins deftly and put them into the man's pocket one by one, which attracted cheers and laughter.

But Xing Liu and others who saw this scene looked ugly.

With their eyesight, how could they not see that this so-called dog was actually a human.

Although they were not good men and women, they would not do this.

Qianxia, ​​as the one with the least experience and the kindest among the few people, could not bear this miserable situation, and she could not help but help.

However, Xingliu pulled her back in time and stopped her impulsive behavior.

This made Qianxia feel a little confused, and she looked at Xingliu puzzledly.

In her impression, if it was Xingliu's usual temper, these people would probably be wiped out.

But now, not only did he not do it, but he also stopped her, which made Qianxia very puzzled.

Xingliu saw her doubts, he took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and whispered to everyone:

"They should have accomplices, and we will only alert them if we rush up now. After the performance is over, we will follow them, and they should have many such children in their hands."

Hearing this, Qianxia suddenly realized that she understood Xingliu's intention.

It turned out that he was not only going to catch all these people in one fell swoop, but also to rescue the children.

So she nodded, indicating that she agreed with Xingliu's plan.

At this moment, everyone also found more clues.

They noticed that among the many audiences, many were parents who came to watch the performance with their children.

This should have been a happy and harmonious scene, but it was hiding unknown dangers.

Among those innocent children, some children were being stolen one by one.

Those who stole the children were short and agile. They took advantage of the crowded and chaotic crowds to quietly take the children away from the arms of their parents.

And these parents seemed to be controlled by some mysterious power. They watched the performance intently with obsessed expressions on their faces, and did not realize that their children were gone.

Xing Liu and others realized that these child thieves might have performed some kind of illusion that affected consciousness, causing the parents to fall into hallucinations and unable to perceive the abnormal situation around them.

After a while, those people seemed to think that they had stolen enough children, so several of them exchanged a hidden code with the performers.

Then, the performers began to finish their performances one by one, and the audience gradually dispersed in laughter.

Xingliu and others mixed in the dispersed audience, quietly following the child stealers and performers.

They passed through the winding and narrow streets and finally came to a remote yard on the edge of the city.

Those people were obviously very vigilant. They carefully observed the surroundings before entering the yard. After confirming that they were not followed, they quickly opened the door, flashed into the yard, and closed the door tightly.

Xingliu and others did not rush to act. They sensed for a while, determined the location of the people in the house, and then quietly sneaked into the yard.

As soon as they entered the yard, the scene in front of them wasIt made them even more angry.

There were many people gathered in the yard, they were busy walking around, some of them were guarding the children in the cages fiercely.

The children were ragged, pale and thin, and obviously had suffered a lot of torture.

They curled up helplessly in the cages, crying one after another.

"Why are you crying? Do you want to taste your grandfather's whip?" A guard shouted viciously at a crying child.

As he said that, he seemed to feel unsatisfied, picked up the whip in his hand and whipped it hard against the cage.

The sharp whip sound scared the children silly, and they stopped crying one by one, covered their mouths and trembled, and were very scared.

"Enough, Lao San."

A voice came from the house, it was the man who performed the chest stone breaking.

He was obviously the leader of this gang, and the people who just performed there were his accomplices.

"These kids are all money, don't hurt them." He warned.

The third brother turned around immediately after hearing this and looked at him flatteringly: "No, boss, I just want to scare them. They are so annoying to see them crying every day."

The leader waved his hand impatiently, then looked at the person next to him and asked: "Can those puppies still be used?"

The man shook his head: "No, those puppies can't hold on anymore."

The leader sighed distressedly: "Then pick two from this batch of new ones to replace them."

His words revealed coldness and ruthlessness, and it was obvious that he didn't treat these children as human beings at all.

At this time, Xingliu and others appeared.

He heard these outrageous conversations, and anger burned in his heart.

Xingliu waved his hand and used his space ability to instantly transfer all the captured children to their side.

Then, he gently let these children fall into a coma.

After all, what happened next might be too bloody, so it would be better for the children to watch less.

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