Xing Liu glanced at everyone in the yard with a cold gaze, and said to Qianxia: "It's enough to leave one alive."

Qianxia nodded to indicate that she understood, and then she walked steadily towards those people.

Their appearance and the disappearance of all the children obviously irritated these people.

"Who are you?!" The leader shouted loudly, his voice full of vigilance and anxiety, "Where are those children? Where did you take them?!"

Qianxia did not answer, she never wasted words on the dying.

She quickly rushed to the third brother who was still waving the whip just now, ready to start with him.

Seeing this, the leader no longer cared about anything, he ordered with a grim face: "Come on, kill this woman!"

The third brother saw Qianxia rushing straight at him, he grinned, and swung the whip in his hand fiercely at Qianxia. However, what he didn't expect was that Qianxia didn't even avoid it, and directly punched him.

This scene made Lao San swing his whip even harder, and he tried to use the power of the whip to block Qian Xia's fist.

But the result was beyond those people's expectations.

The moment Qian Xia's fist collided with the whip, the whip actually exploded directly and turned into pieces of debris.

Qian Xia took advantage of the situation and punched Lao San hard.

The power of this punch was so great that it seemed that the roar of the air being pierced could be heard.

Lao San was knocked to the ground by Qian Xia's punch, and his body instantly deformed into a blurry meat pie that could not be buckled.

It can be seen that Qian Xia's strange strength training is not bad.

This scene made everyone present gasp, and they looked at Qian Xia in horror.

The leader swallowed his saliva unconsciously, and he secretly compared his strength with Qian Xia in his heart.

He felt that the iron body skills he practiced were not worth mentioning in front of this power, and he was afraid that he could not even block a punch.

This terrifying gap in strength made the leader feel a little desperate, but he knew that at this moment, he had to stand up, otherwise his men would completely collapse.

So he took a deep breath, trying to suppress the fear in his heart, and then shouted at the top of his lungs, trying to arouse the last fighting spirit of his men:

"Don't be afraid! Come on! She is alone, and we are in large numbers!"

However, his encouragement seemed so pale and powerless.

Before he finished speaking, Qianxia's figure flashed to the side of another person like a ghost.

The man didn't even have time to scream before he was hit in the chest by Qianxia's iron fist.

With a deafening roar, the man's body exploded like a broken rag doll, with blood and flesh flying everywhere. The scene was so tragic that it made people's eyes ache.

The remaining people completely collapsed.

They were originally shocked by Qianxia's god-like strength. Now they witnessed the tragic end of their companions, and were even more frightened. They dropped their weapons, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed for mercy.

"Have mercy! Lady, have mercy!"

"We were forced to go astray. Please have mercy and let us go!"

The leader watched his men kneel down and beg for mercy one by one, and his heart was already miserable.

He knew that at this moment, he was like a trapped beast, and the defeat was already determined and there was no way to turn the tide.

So he quietly stepped back a few steps and turned around to escape.

However, his wishful thinking fell through.

Just when he thought he had successfully climbed over the wall and was about to escape, he suddenly felt an invisible force bounce him back fiercely.

He covered his burning cheek and looked up, only to see that the ordinary wall was now emitting a faint fluorescence, as if a natural moat stood between him and freedom.

He tried to crash into it again, but the result was still the same. The seemingly weak barrier was as indestructible as a copper wall.

At this moment, there was a sudden silence behind him.

He turned around stiffly, and the scene in front of him made his heart stop instantly, as if he had fallen into an endless abyss of hell.

The men who had been kneeling on the ground begging for mercy had all fallen in a pool of blood, without exception.

Their eyes were full of fear, but they could no longer make any sound.

And Qianxia was walking towards him step by step. Even though the scene was so bloody, she was not stained with blood at all.

He wanted to beg for mercy, but his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he could only whimper faintly.

Qianxia walked to his side expressionlessly, and mercilessly broke his limbs in an almost cruel way.

The severe pain almost made him faint. She picked up the leader who was already like a disabled person and walked back to Xingliu step by step.

"Xingliu, do you need me to detect his memory?"

Qianxia's voiceThe sound was cold and calm, as if discussing today's weather.

However, for the leader, this sentence was like a death warrant, filling his heart with despair.

He knew clearly that once Qianxia detected his memory, all his secrets would be exposed, and he would completely lose his usefulness, and there was only one way to go, death.

However, the development of things was beyond his expectations.

Xingliu looked at him expressionlessly and said lightly: "No, I want him to tell me in person."

When the leader heard this, it was like grabbing the last straw.

A glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes. Although he knew that his situation was still very dangerous, as long as there was a one in ten thousand chance of survival, he was willing to try.

So, he began to confess with tears in his eyes: "I was wrong, I will say anything, as long as you spare my life."

His voice was trembling and humble, in sharp contrast to the arrogance and domineering when he bullied the child before.

Xingliu sneered and didn't care about his begging for mercy.

He snapped his fingers, and the leader's body froze.

He felt as if countless flames were burning wildly in his body, making him feel miserable.

He opened his mouth in fear, wanting to shout for help, but could only make weak whimpers.

As the flames spread, the leader's body began to gradually turn into ashes.

His eyes were full of fear and unwillingness, but in the end he could not escape the fate of death.

Not long after, he died miserably, leaving only a ball of black ashes.

Then, before Qianxia could ask questions, the ball of ashes suddenly changed.

It seemed as if time was going backwards, and it began to slowly condense and take shape, and finally turned back into the appearance of the leader.

The leader suddenly opened his eyes and breathed in the air, as if he had just crawled back from the edge of hell.

There was still fear and despair in his eyes when he died before, but now there was a little more desire for life.

However, Xingliu did not intend to let him go.

He looked at the leader coldly and said, "Don't worry, die a dozen times first, and then I will listen to you."

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