Now that Xingliu's commission had been completed, Zhang Zhiwei did not delay any longer.

That morning, he left Longhu Mountain and set out on the road down the mountain.

The sudden departure of this Tianshi who had not come down the mountain for a long time, coupled with the various events that happened yesterday, the whole world smelled a breath of impending storm.

Everyone understood that a shocking war was about to break out, and the Quanxing Organization was undoubtedly the center of this storm.

Although everyone knew it, no one could stop Zhang Zhiwei's determination to wipe out Quanxing.

Although this old man over a hundred years old looks amiable on weekdays, he is actually a legendary figure who has experienced countless storms.

Deep in his heart, there is an indescribable majesty and power hidden.

The Quanxing Organization's attack on the mountain this time is undoubtedly a blatant provocation to Longhu Mountain.

Coupled with the tragic death of Tian Jinzhong, the murderous intent in the heart of this old Tianshi has boiled to the extreme.

In this world, the power of individuals is greatly enhanced, so when facing the anger of Zhang Zhiwei, the members of the Quanxing Organization can only fall one by one.

The cruelty of this battle far exceeds the description in the original book.

As the situation continues to escalate, the Ten Lords also come forward to persuade.

However, Zhang Zhiwei, who has made up his mind this time, does not give anyone face.

The anger in his heart can only be calmed by the blood of the Quanxing Organization.

Lu Jin chose to avoid it wisely.

He didn't want the videotape of his social death to be spread out, the embarrassment and shame are simply unimaginable.

Besides, he also saw it.

This time Zhang Zhiwei was determined to do this. Instead of trying to persuade him in vain, it would be more practical to find the Quanxing acting leader who killed Tian Jinzhong to take the blame.

The Quanxing Organization has always been despised by major sects, and its existence seems to be a trash can for garbage.

Now, as the situation escalates, more and more people are starting to add insult to injury to this organization.

Many Quanxing members who have not done any evil have also publicly announced their withdrawal from Quanxing on the Internet to distance themselves from the organization.

Seeing that Quanxing was about to fall apart, the acting leader Gong Qing resolutely stood up and chose to take responsibility.

His move undoubtedly put an end to this storm.

After Gong Qing was shot dead by Zhang Zhiwei, the old master did not continue to pursue the matter, but chose to return to Longhu Mountain.

With the death of Gong Qing, the storm that swept the entire alien world finally gradually subsided.

Xingliu was indifferent to the turmoil in the outside world. He was only focused on his own goals and had successfully found the traces of Biyou Village.

"So, your village chief is not in the village at this moment?"

He asked, his eyes falling on Liu Wukui, who was bound by the seal and hanging in the air.

Liu Wukui seemed particularly well-behaved at this moment. She nodded, with a hint of helplessness in her voice: "Yes, so can you let me go now?"

She was controlled by Xing Liu's sealing technique and could not move, so she could only be manipulated.

Looking at Liu Wukui's embarrassed look, Xing Liu couldn't help but smile.

Due to Lu Liang's previous actions, Xing Liu established a ruthless image in the eyes of everyone.

Therefore, when Liu Wukui learned that Xing Liu was looking for their village chief Ma Xianhong, she chose to take action without hesitation.

She mistakenly thought that Xing Liu was looking for trouble, and coupled with her own belligerent character, she rushed towards Xing Liu without saying a word.

The result was an unexpected defeat. She was controlled by Xing Liu almost in an instant and had no power to fight back.

"Then do you know where he went?" Xing Liu continued to ask.

Liu Wukui seemed a little hesitant, and she seemed to be weighing whether she should tell Xing Liu the truth.

However, after seeing that Xing Liu had no intention of hurting her, she finally chose to believe that Xing Liu really came to Ma Hongxian to discuss something.

Therefore, Liu Wukui answered truthfully: "The village chief went out to find the person who stole his magic weapon."

Hearing Liu Wukui's answer, Xing Liu immediately recalled this plot in the original book.

This is the beginning of the Chen Duo chapter, and it is also the moment when Ma Hongxian first met Chen Duo.

Xing Liu was full of sympathy for Chen Duo, a girl with an unfortunate fate.

Her whole life was bound by the Gu Xian Club, and she became a tragic figure who could not integrate into normal society.

Chen Duo's distorted values ​​made her look out of place in the crowd, as if she could never get rid of the loneliness and pain.

Of course, it is difficult to say whether the existence of the Nadutong Company has also aggravated Chen Duo's condition to a certain extent.

After all, because of her identity as a Gu body saint, Chen Duo herself is like a bomb that may explode at any time.

Without finding an effective solutionBefore, she couldn't touch and feel the world like a normal person.

Xing Liu could understand the company's position and choice, but he couldn't accept such a reality.

In his opinion, Chen Duo was not hopeless.

However, the company chose to give up because of her instability and potential danger, depriving her of hope for redemption.

Perhaps in the eyes of the company, the best way to deal with a bomb that could explode at any time is to make it disappear completely.

Therefore, Chen Duo was imprisoned in a dark bunker until she became a temporary worker and gained limited freedom.

And this freedom was only a flash in the pan, followed by a more cruel fate.

Thinking of this, Xing Liu couldn't help but sigh.

The famous saying emerged in his mind: "All the unfavorable situations in this world are caused by the lack of ability of the parties involved."

Is Liao Zhong a good person?

The answer is yes.

He has always been trying to help Chen Duo out of trouble, hoping that she can live like a normal person.

However, because he could not solve the fundamental problem of the Gu-body Saint Child, his efforts were ultimately in vain.

Chen Duo's ending was destined to be tragic, and this was a fact that no one could change.

Even a powerful old Taoist priest could not change Chen Duo's tragic ending.

Because saving people is much more difficult than killing people.

But at this moment, Xing Liu had an idea in his mind: 'Since no one in this world understands this twisted flower, let me take it away. '

Xing Liu didn't care whether Chen Duo was in danger or not, because she was not as dangerous as him anyway.

Even if Chen Duo's Gu poison was strengthened, it would only kill people in a city at most. If Xing Liu used all his strength, all the people on the planet would be gone.

So he didn't waste any words, put down Liu Wukui, and turned away.

This little commotion finally attracted the attention of other people in Biyou Village.

However, when they hurried to the scene, they only saw Xing Liu's back as he walked away.

From Liu Wukui, they learned the purpose of Xing Liu's trip.

This news was like a bombshell, instantly causing an uproar in Biyou Village.

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