Fu Rong looked at Liu Wukui who was unscathed and couldn't help but sigh: "The little girl is really lucky. I heard that the ruthless man never left anyone alive."

Her words revealed a trace of relief and relief.

Liu Wukui retorted expressionlessly: "Sister Fu Rong, don't you hope that I'm fine? Are you disappointed that I'm fine?"

Her words made Fu Rong a little embarrassed, and she waved her hand and explained: "No, no, I didn't mean that."

Looking at Fu Rong's panic, Liu Wukui suddenly laughed and showed an expression of a successful prank.

Qiu Rang frowned and said in a deep voice: "Okay, now is not the time to talk about this."

He looked around and continued:

"It is probably not a good thing for this killer to come to Village Chief Ma. We must be prepared to deal with it. I suggest that a few people go to support Village Chief Ma, how about it?"

Then his proposal was agreed by everyone present.

Finally, Zhao Guizhen, Hari Chagai and Fu Rong were selected to support Village Chief Ma, and they left Biyou Village with their own thoughts.

The rest of the people stayed in the village, ready for possible crises.


After learning the news, Xing Liu had never seen Ma Hongxian and Chen Duo, so his perception ability was difficult to accurately locate them in this situation, so he called Xu Xiang without hesitation.

Xu Xiang, the former head of the North China Region who survived due to Xing Liu's intervention, is no longer in his position, but he still retains some connections.

Finding Chen Duo may be a little difficult for him, but with his efforts, it is not a big problem.

Sure enough, not long after, a message about Chen Duo's current location was sent to Xing Liu's mobile phone.

With accurate location information, Xing Liu immediately used his teleportation ability to directly come to Chen Duo's location and quickly started to perceive.

Coincidentally, his appearance was just in time.

When he arrived at the scene, he saw Ma Hongxian and Chen Duo fighting fiercely.

The battle between the two was extremely fierce, and every confrontation was full of strength and speed.

However, as time went on, Chen Duo gradually showed signs of defeat, and she seemed unable to withstand Ma Hongxian's fierce attack.

At this critical moment, Xing Liu suddenly appeared between the two like a divine soldier descending from the sky.

He casually stretched out a hand, but blocked Ma Hongxian's winning blow with incredible strength and speed.

This move not only shocked Ma Hongxian, but also allowed Chen Duo to breathe for a while.

Xing Liu's sudden appearance broke the balance of the battlefield.

Ma Hongxian looked at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of him, and couldn't help but start to guess the other party's identity and strength.

Village Chief Ma, who usually only cared about his stove, felt that Xing Liu looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

After a moment, a look of sudden enlightenment appeared on his face, and he blurted out: "You are the killer beside Zhang Chulan!"

As he spoke, his vigilance and alertness towards Xing Liu were obvious.

Xing Liu did not immediately respond to Ma Hongxian's question, but waved his sleeves lightly, and the bomb around Chen Duo's neck disappeared out of thin air and appeared in his hand instead.

With a sharp sound, the bomb turned into scrap metal in Xing Liu's hands.

Chen Duo subconsciously touched her neck, and a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes.

She didn't understand what the sudden stranger's intention was, why he took the bomb around her neck, and why he looked at her with such eyes.

After dealing with all this, Xing Liu turned his gaze to Ma Hongxian and said in a calm tone: "Village Chief Ma, I have a favor to ask for."

"Ma Hongxian frowned, and although he was confused, he maintained basic courtesy: "Please tell me, if I can do it, I will do my best to help."

Xing Liu smiled slightly and stated his purpose: "I want to borrow the village chief's magic machine for a while."

After this, Ma Hongxian frowned even deeper.

In his opinion, the magic machine is not something that cannot be taught, and it can even be taught to qualified people,

But after all, he and Xing Liu met for the first time, and their friendship was not deep, so how could he easily teach such an important secret method?

Just when Ma Hongxian was about to refuse politely, Xing Liu threw out a condition that he could not refuse:

"How about I help you restore your memory in exchange?"

Ma Hongxian was stunned at first, and then an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

His lost memories have always been a knot in his heart that is difficult to untie. If he can recover those lost memories, it will undoubtedly be a huge temptation for him.

Even the purpose of establishing Biyou Village is to regain memories, and creating a new section is secondary.

He looked at Xingliu, trying to see someAlthough he could see the clues, Xing Liu still kept smiling.

Ma Hongxian knew that the young man in front of him was no ordinary person. Since he dared to put forward such a condition, he must have a certain degree of confidence.

The balance and struggle in his heart lasted only for a moment. Ma Hongxian took a deep breath and asked in a deep voice:

"Can you really help me restore my memory?"

Xing Liu nodded and said affirmatively: "I can."

Ma Hongxian was silent for a moment, as if thinking about something.

Then his eyes became firm: "Okay, I promise you. As long as you can help me restore my memory, I can offer you the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements with both hands."

After that, he was ready to tell Xing Liu the method of practicing the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements, completely ignoring Chen Duo next to him.

However, just as Ma Hongxian was about to speak, Xing Liu suddenly stopped him.

"No hurry, I'll deal with other things first."

As he said that, he turned to Chen Duo, revealing a trace of concern in his eyes.

Chen Duo was already in a state of high alert. Seeing Xing Liu turning towards her, she instinctively released the poison in an attempt to protect herself and control the other two.

However, her little move was seen through by Xing Liu.

Xing Liu waved his hand lightly, and a breeze blew by. The poison released by Chen Duo was easily blown away by the breeze.

Chen Duo blinked in disbelief. She had never seen such a strange scene.

Her poison has always been effective. How could it be blown away by a breeze?

So, she released the poison again in disbelief, trying to verify whether all this was just an illusion.

However, the result was still the same. The poison was blown away by the breeze again.

This time, Chen Duo finally realized that someone was secretly attacking.

And Xing Liu's half-smile expression also made her cast a suspicious eye on him.

She hesitated for a moment, and finally asked, "What do you want?"

Xing Liu smiled slightly, and said calmly, "I'm here to make a choice for you."

These few words were like a thunder in Chen Duo's ears, causing a storm in her heart.

She couldn't believe her ears, so much so that her voice trembled slightly: "What did you say?"

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