Xing Liu was not angry because of Chen Duo's loss of composure. He still kept smiling and repeated his words:

"I am here to give you a choice."

As he said this, he ignored Chen Duo's slight dodge and gently touched her head, as if he was comforting a frightened bird.

His voice was low and magnetic, as if there was a magic that could soothe the waves in people's hearts:

"You can choose to follow me. I need you. You can also choose to live freely in the future. As for the matter of the Gu body holy child, I can solve it. How about it? What do you want to choose?"

Chen Duo was stunned. Xing Liu's words were like a warm sun shining into her heart that had been shrouded in haze for a long time.

She had never had a choice. She was adopted by the Medicine Fairy Society since she was a child and became a Gu body holy child. In the end, she became a temporary worker because of Liao Zhong's expectations.

Her fate seemed to have been controlled by an invisible big hand.

But now, Xing Liu told her that she could choose.

This sudden freedom made Chen Duo a little confused, and at the same time mixed with some expectations and uneasiness.

Can she choose to break free from the shackles of the past and pursue the life she wants?

Xing Liu quietly waited for Chen Duo's answer. He knew that this choice was of great significance to Chen Duo.

Under Xing Liu's gaze, Chen Duo experienced a fierce struggle in her heart.

Finally, she took a deep breath, as if to put all the uneasiness and doubts behind her.

Chen Duo bravely raised her head and met Xing Liu's gaze. Although her voice was as thin as a mosquito's buzz, it revealed an unshakable strength: "I... I want to go with you."

These simple words seemed to have exhausted all her courage.

"I don't want to go back to that place."

Xing Liu heard this, and a trace of admiration flashed in his eyes. He smiled and stretched out his hand, gently holding Chen Duo's slender wrist.

This grip seemed to have a warm current injected into Chen Duo's body, giving her unprecedented strength and courage.

However, thinking of the poison in her body, Chen Duo unnaturally wanted to withdraw her hand.

Xing Liu keenly sensed her uneasiness, and he gently embraced Chen Duo in his arms.

At this moment, Chen Duo did not feel shy or uncomfortable, but felt warm inside.

Because of the poison, she had never been hugged like this before.

This novel and warm feeling made her a little intoxicated.

But soon, she wanted to struggle.

Although she had controlled the poison well, there was still a risk of losing control, otherwise the company would not regard her as a time bomb.

However, her weak push seemed so weak in front of Xing Liu, and it gave people a feeling of a couple playing.

As time went by, more wonderful emotions surged in Chen Duo's heart.

She was immersed in this emotion, and her struggle became less and less.

Xing Liu embraced this tiny person, but there was no lust in his heart.

He just deeply sympathized with this girl who could not control her own destiny and wanted to give her a warm hug.

Of course, he could not guarantee what would happen in the future.

Moreover, Xing Liu did not simply hug Chen Duo.

When her emotions gradually stabilized, Xing Liu began to use the life rules he mastered to treat Chen Duo.

Under the effect of this magical power, the original poison in Chen Duo's body began to be forced out of the body.

The cells that were eroded by the poison were repaired little by little, and the transformed parts gradually returned to their original state.

Chen Duo felt that her body was more relaxed and comfortable than ever before.

The pain and torture brought by the poison in the past all disappeared, as if they had never existed.

Not long after, she was surprised to find that she had lost the ability of the Holy Child of the Gu Body.

She finally got rid of the nightmare that had been following her like a shadow, and all these changes made Chen Duo feel a little unbelievable.

She couldn't imagine that she could get rid of the shackles of the past so easily and be reborn.

She raised her head with joy, and her eyes met the star stream.

She opened her mouth and tried to express her gratitude at the moment with words.

However, the overly simple experience in the past made her not know what to say at this moment.

She found that all the words could not fully express her gratitude and joy in her heart.

At this moment, a flash of inspiration flashed through Chen Duo's mind.

She recalled the TV series she had seen before, where the heroine chose to kiss to express her feelings in similar situations.

So, she mustered up her courage and stopped hesitating.

She tiptoed, gently moved in front of Xing Liu, closed her eyes, and gently pressed her lips against his.

Xing Liu was a little surprised by Chen Duo's sudden action.

However, he saw her pureWith a sincere and firm look in his eyes, the surprise in his heart quickly turned into tenderness.

He understood that this was Chen Duo expressing gratitude and trust in her own way.

So he gently responded to her kiss and gently stroked her hair.

This response made Chen Duo, who had never been shy, suddenly feel shy.

Her cheeks flushed slightly and her heartbeat accelerated a bit.

This was her instinctive reaction after her body recovered. Although it had nothing to do with her emotions, it made her experience an unprecedented wonderful feeling.

Chen Duo's shyness did not last too long, and she quickly came back to her senses from this novel feeling.

She opened her eyes slightly and saw Xing Liu looking at her with a smile.

This made her let go of Xing Liu in a panic, and then looked at the ground with a ruddy face.

At this moment, her mind was in a mess and she didn't know what to say.

Xing Liu chuckled at her like this, which made Chen Duo's ears turn red.

Then he stopped teasing Chen Duo and turned his gaze to Ma Hongxian, saying in a calm voice:

"Village Chief Ma, our deal is still valid. Now, please tell me how to practice Shen Ji Bai Lian."

Ma Hongxian watched Xing Liu heal Chen Duo, and he believed that Xing Liu could restore his memory.

So he stopped hesitating and began to describe in detail how to practice Shen Ji Bai Lian.

Not long after, Xing Liu's heart moved, and he felt the prompt from the system.

So far, he has successfully obtained seven of the eight unique skills, leaving only the mysterious Daluo Dongtian, whose inheritor is not clear in the original book.

After getting the things, Xing Liu did not delay any longer, and directly treated Ma Hongxian's memory that was eliminated by Qu Tong with Shuang Quan Hand.

As he treated, Ma Hongxian covered his head in pain and groaned.

Then, those sealed memories came like a tide.

He saw the tragic scene of his grandfather being hunted down and having one of his legs chopped off because he possessed the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements.

He saw his own determination and courage to take him with him despite his grandfather's orders.

He also saw the face of the woman who ambushed them and captured them in the end - Qu Tong!

"Qu Tong!!!"

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