After hearing the expected answer, Xing Liu smiled faintly.

Then, the power of rules he had comprehended in his body surged out like a raging tide, and produced a violent collision with the rules surrounding Feng Baobao.

The two invisible forces collided in an instant, causing an earth-shaking explosion.

The shock wave stirred in the air, forming ripples that quickly spread to the surroundings.

And Feng Baobao, no, it should be said that "Demon", under the influence of this power, also experienced earth-shaking changes.

Energy rushed in his body, constantly transforming his body. His height gradually increased, his physique became more and more sturdy, and his original feminine features gradually disappeared, replaced by a neutral appearance.

A natural god is waking up from his slumber, or in other words, he has completely awakened.

The face of the demon has returned to calm, he stared at Xing Liu, and his eyes no longer have the rich emotions before.

All that was left was a deep and indifferent look, as if in his eyes, everything in the world was as insignificant as an ant.

"You are quite strong."

The demon's voice was calm and majestic, and his original gender could no longer be heard.

However, Xing Liu sneered and responded: "Stop talking nonsense. If you are really fearless, why didn't you just show up and fight me? You are using women to delay time. Do you think I can't see it?"

At this point, Xing Liu raised his mouth sarcastically and continued coldly:

"You don't really think that you are the only one delaying time?"

Before he finished speaking, countless complex runes suddenly emerged in the surrounding air. They were like ignited stars, flashing dazzling light, and blocked the space around the demon with lightning speed.

These runes seemed to contain the most original rule power between heaven and earth. They intertwined into an airtight net, which not only completely sealed the power of the demon, but also tried to drag Feng Baobao's soul in his body.

The sudden restraint made the demon's face look ugly in an instant, and his eyes flashed with rage and unwillingness.

The demon did not sit and wait for death, but immediately urged the remaining power of rules in his body to try to break free from the restraint.

This is the place where he was born and his home ground. He believes that no one can really trap him on this land.

However, Xingliu's preparations are obviously much more sufficient than the demon imagined.

Those runes flashing with the power of rules seem to have their own lives. They are tightly wrapped around the demon's body, and no matter how the demon struggles, he cannot break free.

Anger and disbelief intertwined, causing the demon to roar deafeningly.

But this roar did not change the status quo, but made Xingliu's eyes more playful.

After a period of stalemate, a soul emitting a bright blue light was finally forcibly pulled out of the demon's body.

Xingliu was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and grabbed the soul in his hand, and then transferred it to his own space.

At this moment, the power of the talisman array also dissipated, but Xing Liu knew that he had succeeded halfway.

"Ah!!! You deserve to die!!!"

After losing Feng Baobao's soul, the demon's breath instantly weakened a lot, but anger still made him lose his mind.

He roared and rushed towards Xing Liu, trying to tear the opponent into pieces in the most direct way.

However, Xing Liu's speed was faster than the demon.

His figure was like lightning, and he drew a strange trajectory in the air and instantly came in front of the demon.

He punched out and went straight to the demon's chest.

This punch condensed Xing Liu's whole body strength and the power of rules, as if to completely pierce the demon's chest.

Although the demon reacted quickly, he was still accurately hit by Xing Liu's punch.

An indescribable huge force surged into the body, shaking the demon's internal organs as if they were about to shift.

However, the demon did not fall down. With his strong willpower and home advantage, he endured the pain and fought back.

The two men's fists collided in the air, and an astonishing energy wave erupted.

Xing Liu and Mo's figures quickly crossed in the air, and each of their collisions caused a shocking explosion.

The surrounding space was constantly twisted and broken under their attacks, and then healed again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xing Liu always maintained his suppression of Mo with his superb fighting skills and powerful rule power.

Each of his attacks was precise and fierce, making Mo feel unprecedented pressure.

However, Mo was not an easy opponent. With his home advantage and tenacious willpower, he got out of trouble again and again and launched a fierce counterattack.

As time went on, the battle had entered a white-hot stage.

The starry sky became the stage for their decisive battle, which was deliberately done by Xing Liu.

He knew that with hisThe fighting power displayed by the two of them, even the aftermath of the battle, was enough to cause immeasurable damage to Blue Star.

In the fierce confrontation, although they both had the ability to recover quickly, the continuous attacks made them have no time to take care of those seemingly minor wounds.

Therefore, both of them looked a little embarrassed at the moment, and under the torn clothes, the small wounds all over their bodies were slowly oozing blood.

After a fierce collision, Xingliu and Mo separated again.

Xingliu panted slightly, with a fanatical light flashing in his eyes.

He tore off the torn clothes, revealing his muscular upper body, and his muscles looked more solid and powerful under the starlight.

This was the first time that Xingliu encountered an opponent who could match him, and the blood in his heart was completely boiling at this moment.

The long-dormant fighting instinct was also gradually awakening, making him more eager to win this battle.

Unlike Xingliu's fanaticism, Mo had gradually calmed down after a fierce battle.

He began to assess the situation and think about the next strategy.

Faced with the powerful strength of Xingliu, he had already thought of retreating.

In this battle, Mo deeply felt the power of Xingliu.

Even if he fought on the home field of this world, the rule power he blessed was only equal to Xingliu.

In other words, if he had changed the battlefield, he might have been defeated by Xingliu.

What made Mo even more uneasy was that he could clearly feel that the blessing power of this world was gradually weakening.

He understood that this was because the world had discovered that its child, that is, him, was trying to use the world as a sacrifice to improve himself.

This malice made the world begin to withdraw its support for him, which made his situation even more unfavorable.

The heart of Mo began to waver, and the originally invincible mentality had cracks at this moment.

This invincible belief has been engraved in his heart since the day he was born.

Even if he was defeated and sealed, he could not be shaken.

But now he began to doubt whether he could really defeat the man in front of him.

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