Xingliu didn't give Mo too much time to think. Like a cheetah, he launched another attack swiftly and decisively.

Against the backdrop of the vast starry sky, his figure turned into a series of brilliant light marks. Every collision and slash was full of destructive power, as if to completely wipe Mo out of this universe.

Mo faced the man in front of him, his eyes flashing with unprecedented light, which was the desire and enthusiasm for fighting, which made Mo feel fear for the first time.

This fear was like a cold tentacle, entwining his heart, making him more and more stretched in the battle.

The wounds were like blooming dark flowers, blooming on Mo's body, taking away his vitality.

Just when Mo was thinking about retreating and thinking about how to get rid of this hard battle, Xingliu suddenly withdrew his offensive.

He floated in the starry sky, regaining his former calmness and indifference, as if the thrilling battle just now was just a game for him.

In this starry sky, sound is no longer the only way to convey information.

Xingliu's voice rang directly in the demon's consciousness, clear and indifferent:

"It's so boring. I thought I could meet a decent opponent, but I didn't expect you to give up so quickly. It seems that you are just a coward."

As he spoke, Xingliu's eyes showed a trace of contempt, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife, piercing the demon's heart.

Under the gaze of this gaze, the demon was silent, because he knew that he was eroded by fear at this moment, and his fighting spirit was gradually dissipating.

The pride in his heart made the demon unwilling to surrender, but the fear surged like a tide, making him hesitate.

The interweaving of these two emotions put the demon in an unprecedented dilemma.

However, Xingliu did not give the demon too much time to think.

He knew that for a strong man, hesitation and hesitation are fatal weaknesses.

Therefore, he decided to end the battle himself and let everything return to peace.

So when the demon was struggling and hesitating, Xingliu suddenly launched a fatal attack.

Endless light burst out from him, dyeing the entire starry sky into brilliant colors.

This light contained the power of destruction, as if it was going to devour everything.

Under the illumination of this light, the demon felt unprecedented pressure.

He understood that this was the light of destruction released by Xingliu in response to his soul loss, and he could not resist it at all.

At this last moment, the demon did not choose to escape or beg for mercy.

He straightened his body and faced Xingliu's attack.

Although the defeat was certain, the demon still wanted to end the battle as a strong man.

The light finally submerged the figure of the demon, and the entire starry sky trembled under this power.

When the light dissipated, the demon had completely disappeared, leaving only an empty starry sky and Xingliu's figure.

At the moment when the demon disappeared, the whole world seemed to cheer.

The invisible shackles broke at this moment, and everyone felt a lightness on their bodies, as if the burden that had been weighing on their hearts for a long time was instantly lifted.

Especially for those practitioners who have accumulated a lot of experience, the breakthrough at this moment is so natural.

Many of them have directly broken through the long-standing bottleneck and their strength has made a qualitative leap.

On Mount Longhu, Zhang Zhiwei looked up at the sky and his feelings were particularly strong.

He clearly felt that the degree of the Heavenly Master in him disappeared at this moment, and the constraints that once bound him also disappeared.

This sudden freedom allowed him to directly break through the original realm and return to his youth.

What surprised him even more was that he sensed the power of rules.

This is a new and higher-level power, which made him understand many truths that he could not understand before.

He realized that the devil, as a god between heaven and earth, has always occupied too many rules.

It is the restrictions of these rules that prevent people in this world from truly touching higher-level power.

And now, with the demise of the devil, these rules have returned to the world and become the nourishment that nourishes all things.

Originally, the demon was going to use the whole world as nourishment to break through himself, and then leave this small world to go to a wider world.

But now, everything is reversed.

The demise of the demon not only did not cause the world to collapse, but instead made the world sublimate and reborn.

As the one who defeated the demon, Xingliu also received the gift of the world at this moment.

He looked at the prompt message popped up by the system, and his heart was filled with joy.

[The gift of the world is detected, and the task reward is increased. ]

[Current reward: idle speed +2000%. The origin of the world is increased, and the progress of the promotion of the Naruto world is 90%. ]

After a series of unexpected changes, the original reward has turned into20 times, which made Xingliu's hang-up speed achieve a qualitative leap.

He could deeply understand that if he continued to develop at this speed, within five years, his various abilities would be fully upgraded again.

Thinking of this, Xingliu couldn't help but sigh.

He thought to himself: "No wonder the system said that the color ability was the starting point before. It turns out that the hang-up time required behind this is so long."

Shaking his head, Xingliu woke himself up from his meditation.

He almost forgot an important thing-Feng Baobao's soul was now in his alien space.

In this world, once the soul leaves the body, it cannot be maintained for a long time without special secret protection.

What's more, Feng Baobao's soul was forcibly stripped from the control of the devil by Xingliu with the help of the power of the talisman array, and its fragility can be imagined.

Xingliu didn't dare to delay at all and immediately returned to his own alien space.

As soon as he stepped into this area, he saw Xia He and Chen Duo curiously looking at Feng Baobao's soul emitting a faint blue light.

Without the protection of the body, Feng Baobao's soul has turned into a ball to slow down its dissipation.

Seeing this, Xing Liu's heart tightened. He did not hesitate to activate the power of the rules of life, creation and reincarnation.

Under the influence of this power, he carefully shaped a new body for Feng Baobao's soul.

As the power of rules surged in Xing Liu's hands, Feng Baobao's soul gradually merged with the new body.

The blue light gradually converged and finally completely disappeared into the new body.

Xia He and Chen Duo looked at the changes in front of them with surprise in their eyes.

They looked at Xing Liu's transformation and were a little unbelievable.

Although they knew that Xing Liu was very strong, they didn't expect that he could do such a thing.

Xing Liu breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that his efforts were not in vain.

Although Feng Baobao had lost her original body, this new body now perfectly matched her soul, as if it was born that way.

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