"Feng Baobao, how do you feel?" Xingliu's voice was soft and concerned.

Feng Baobao slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes seemed a little blurry for a moment, but soon refocused and restored her former clarity.

She carefully felt her new body, and a faint smile appeared on her face, like the rising sun, warm and bright.

"No problem." She said softly, with a hint of dialect in her accent.

Hearing this, Xingliu couldn't help but pat his forehead gently, with a helpless smile on his face.

Feng Baobao was also stunned after she finished speaking, and seemed to realize something, with a flash of panic on her face.

She tried hard to express her meaning, but found that she was a little bit inarticulate, and her face couldn't help but blush.

Obviously, although her soul got a new body, it has not yet fully adapted, and there are some small problems.

Looking at Feng Baobao's bulging mouth and flushed face, Xingliu couldn't help laughing.

He gently checked her physical condition, and then comforted her softly:

"Don't worry, these are just some minor problems caused by soul damage. After a while, you will be fully recovered."

Hearing Xing Liu's comfort, Feng Baobao breathed a sigh of relief.

She really didn't want to return to her previous state of ignorance.

At this time, she suddenly realized that although she was resurrected, she had nothing on her body, and her jade-like skin was completely exposed to the air.

Because her soul had not yet been fully integrated, although she felt something was wrong, she just tilted her head with a little confusion and looked at Xing Liu, revealing a little confusion in her clear eyes.

Xing Liu looked at her cute appearance and couldn't help but gently tapped her forehead.

Feng Baobao covered her forehead in pain, and Xing Liu took the opportunity to hand her a set of clothes.

Then, he pulled away Xia He and Chen Duo who wanted to join in the fun, briefly explained Feng Baobao's situation, and asked them to take good care of her.

After that, he left this alien space.

When Xingliu returned to the world of Under One Person, he immediately felt a blessing from the unknown luck.

The rules of the whole world seemed to unfold in front of him, and his thoughts became clearer than ever before.

He understood that this was the world expressing gratitude to him.

On the one hand, it was because he eliminated the demon who attempted to sacrifice the world, and on the other hand, it hoped that he could stay in this world.

However, for Xingliu, these rewards were far less than the recognition of him by the Naruto world.

After all, the Naruto world made him the master of the world, just short of calling him dad.

What's more, all his ties were in the Naruto world, and he couldn't stay in a strange place.

As if sensing his thoughts, the rules that were originally at his disposal disappeared quietly.

This made Xingliu a little amused and sad, this world was really very realistic.

But he was not unhappy with the "stinginess" of the world, after all, the will of each world was basically mechanized and emotionless.

Only the one that was beneficial to him would be chosen.

Without taking it to heart, Xing Liu sensed the breath of Zhang Chulan and others and teleported directly over.

He found that all the people who knew Feng Baobao had gathered around Zhang Chulan, and Zhang Zhiwei was explaining Feng Baobao's situation to them.

Xu San and Xu Si were like eggplants hit by frost at this moment, completely wilted.

They were originally very angry that Zhang Zhiwei attacked Feng Baobao for no reason, but after learning the inside story of the matter, they realized that they really couldn't blame the old Tianshi.

Zhang Chulan's mood was a bit complicated.

Because of the disappearance of Tianshi Du, Zhang Zhiwei had explained everything to him.

Back then, his grandfather Zhang Huaiyi and Wu Gensheng pried a small hole in Tianshi Du together and learned that the demon's body was sealed in the Twenty-Four Sections Tongtian Valley.

So, they led 36 thieves there to comprehend the Eight Wonders.

Of course, all this was carried out under the promotion of the demon. If it weren't for the demon's push, they wouldn't have been so smooth.

Wu Gensheng's goal is to revive his daughter, Feng Baobao.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Wu Gensheng saw through the devil's conspiracy in time and stopped it at the cost of himself.

Otherwise, the devil might have revived that year.

Unfortunately, with the revival of spiritual energy, the power of the devil has also been greatly enhanced.

In this era, even as strong as Zhang Zhiwei, it is difficult to compete with the devil alone.

Fortunately, there are outliers outside the world of Xingliu who stand up, otherwise the outcome of the matter may be unpredictable.

When Xingliu appeared, he was surprised to findZhang Zhiwei's strength has improved significantly, and his appearance has returned to his youth.

He walked up, patted Zhang Zhiwei on the back, and teased: "You are younger now, but you are not as handsome as you were when you were older."

Zhang Zhiwei was slightly stunned when he was patted from behind.

You know, with his current strength, there are actually people who can approach him quietly?

However, after hearing Xingliu's voice, he was relieved and laughed heartily: "Hahaha, I knew that my friend would be fine."

Xingliu saw that Zhang Zhiwei did not care about his teasing, and smiled and shook his head.

At this time, Xu San and Xu Si also came up and asked anxiously: "How is the baby? Is she okay?"

Looking at their anxious looks, Xingliu couldn't help but want to play a little game.

He restrained his smile and pretended to be silent.

Sure enough, the two of them immediately panicked when they saw this.

Xu San sat down on the ground and cried loudly: "Baby, how could this happen..."

Xu Si took out a cigarette with trembling hands, and took up a lighter with his other hand but couldn't light it. His expression was anxious and helpless.

Xing Liu couldn't help laughing when he saw them like this.

He waved his hand, canceled his little trick, and then said: "Don't worry, Sister Bao'er is fine."

Hearing this, Xu San and Xu Si were stunned at first, then burst into laughter and hugged Xing Liu excitedly.

Xing Liu was a little amused by Xu San and Xu Si's sudden enthusiasm. He gently pushed them away and signaled them to calm down.

Then, he told them in detail about Feng Baobao's situation and how he resurrected her.

After listening to Xing Liu's story, Xu San and Xu Si were full of gratitude and respect for Xing Liu.

They knew that if Xing Liu hadn't rescued her in time, Feng Baobao might have really left them.

"Brother Xingliu, you are really our benefactor!" Xu San said excitedly.

"Yes, if there is anything we brothers can do for you in the future, just let us know." Xu Si also echoed.

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