Xingliu quickly retracted his thoughts and cast his eyes on the three energetic students in front of him.

He smiled gently and started the first formal communication between their team.

"Okay, now we are members of a team,"

he whispered, "Let's get to know each other better.

I'll demonstrate first. My name is Uchiha Xingliu, the fifth Hokage of Konoha Village, and your instructor."

Although the three had already guessed in their hearts that Xingliu was their instructor, when they heard this confirmation in person, their excitement was still uncontrollable.

Xingliu keenly captured the changes in their emotions, so he deliberately gave them some time to calm down their excitement.

After a while, when the emotions of the three gradually stabilized, they smiled at Xingliu shyly.

Xingliu shook his head tolerantly, indicating that he didn't mind their gaffe, and continued to deepen his self-introduction.

"Of course, what I just said is something everyone knows.

But as a member of a team, we need to get to know each other more deeply.

So, my self-introduction also includes some more personal content, such as I like Tsunade and others, and I hate those guys who don't listen to advice.

As for my dream, it's very simple, I just hope to be with the people I like forever."

After saying that, Xingliu turned his gaze to Minato Namikaze, signaling him to introduce himself next.

Minato Namikaze took a deep breath, he knew that this was his chance to show himself, and it was also an important moment to integrate into this new team.

He sorted out his thoughts and then spoke confidently:

"My name is Minato Namikaze, you can call me Minato, I am very honored to be a student of Master Xingliu.

I like to study new ninjutsu and techniques, and I am particularly interested in speed-type ninjutsu.

What I hate are those who do not cherish life and abuse their strength.

My dream is to become a Hokage, and I hope that I can protect the village like the fifth generation and maintain peace and stability in the entire ninja world."

As Minato Namikaze finished his speech, Ye Cang and Uzumaki Kushina also introduced themselves one after another.

Ye Cang said with her unique gentle smile: "My name is Ye Cang, and I am good at using the Burning Release Ninjutsu.

I love nature and flowers very much, and hate war and destruction.

My dream is to become a ninja who can convey warmth and hope, and use my power to protect those in need."

Uzumaki Kushina said shyly: "I am Uzumaki Kushina, who has the special physique and sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan.

I like to practice, and hate loneliness and betrayal.

My dream is to become a ninja like Grandma Mito, not only to protect my family and friends, but also to contribute my own strength to the prosperity of the village."

After listening to the self-introductions of Minato Namikaze, Ye Cang and Uzumaki Kushina, Xingliu nodded with satisfaction.

These three young people, as he expected, all showed their unique personalities and potential.

Minato and Kushina have not changed much, they still maintain their original characteristics and pursuits.

However, Ye Cang's changes surprised Xingliu.

In the original work, although the education method of Sand Village is not as strict as that of Mist Village, due to the lack of resources and environmental restrictions, there are not many opportunities to grow into a ninja.

In this environment, Ye Cang is likely to be forced to give up his innocence and ideals and become more realistic and tough.

Xingliu can understand this change because the environment has a huge impact on a person's growth and shaping.

But now, the ninja world has been unified, peace has come, and the Wind Country has been rejuvenated under the transformation of Hashirama and himself.

The abundance of resources and the increase in opportunities allow talented young people to come to Konoha to pursue higher dreams.

This also provides Ye Cang with support and conditions to stick to his nature.

Xingliu does not hate Ye Cang's gentle personality. On the contrary, he feels that such a personality can bring warmth and cohesion to the team.

After a brief conversation, several people have a preliminary understanding of each other.

At this time, Madara and Hashirama also rushed to the training ground with their respective teams.

Seeing them coming, Xingliu knew that it was time to take the exam he mentioned before.

So, he glanced at his system panel.

Xing Liu still clearly remembered that since he woke up after that absurd experience, the system popped up a new prompt.

At this moment, the system panel prominently displayed:

[Detected that the Naruto world has been promoted to the middle thousand world, and a new function is available: the world's help.

(Because of unknown changes, the world is about to go uncontrollableThe future, so the world sent out a call for help. )

Current world for help: Demon Slayer

Task reward: Naruto world promotion progress +10%

Task requirements: Eliminate the demon king who is trapped in evolution for unknown reasons

Note 1: This function does not affect the use of the World Gate, but because the reward is released by the world, the host will not be rewarded.

Note 2: Please do not drastically change the direction of the world, otherwise the world will may default.

Note 3: The time ratio between this world and Naruto is 10:1, please pay attention to the passage of time. 】

For the new function added to this system, Xingliu also quickly understood its meaning.

Unlike the previous World Gate task that was rewarded by the system, the reward for this task is now provided by the world will that sent out the call for help.

This is like the relationship between a boss and a worker, and it almost brought out Xingliu's ptsd.

Fortunately, he has become a Hokage, and he happened to graduate from the Ninja School.

So this time, Xingliu decided to outsource this "glorious" task and give it to his students to complete.

Madara and Hashirama were his "backup" for them, just in case.

As for himself, it would be nice to take a trip.

So at this moment, many departments in Konoha were surprised to find that their boss was missing.

He only left a short leave note: "I'm going out for a few days."

As for where he went?

Xingliu just smiled mysteriously and didn't say much.

With the arrival of Madara's team and Hashirama's team, the members of each team began to whisper.

They are all students of the same class, and they are all top students with excellent grades, so they are naturally familiar with each other.

Looking at their appearance, Xingliu clapped his hands and said, "Since everyone is here, I will make a long story short.

Next, we will take you to a new world to perform a mission. Your mission is to eliminate the ghost king there. Do you understand?"

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