Hearing Xingliu's words, the people present were shocked, their eyes widened, as if they had seen an incredible miracle.

Madara and Hashirama were relatively calm, because they had already experienced Xingliu's extraordinary abilities.

But for those team members who had just graduated from the ninja school, this news was like a bolt from the blue, shocking them for a long time.

They never dared to imagine that Xingliu actually had the mysterious power to lead them across the boundaries of the world.

This power completely surpassed their cognitive scope and subverted their understanding of the world.

Ye Cang and Luo Sha, as ninjas from the Sand Village who came to Konoha to study, originally had some inferiority in their hearts and always felt that they were inferior to others.

But at this moment, hearing Xingliu's amazing abilities, their inferiority complex was instantly replaced by an inexplicable excitement.

They suddenly realized that the people of Konoha did not discriminate against them because they came from other villages.

All this was just their own imagination.

After all, if Konoha really looked down on them, then how could legendary figures like the Fifth Generation Xingliu and the Shura of the Ninja World Uchiha Madara condescend to personally guide them?

Not to mention revealing such a great secret to them.

As soon as this thought came to their mind, they suddenly became extremely excited, full of expectations and longings for the unknown world.

Being fortunate enough to participate in such an unprecedented adventure journey is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them, a stage where they can fully demonstrate their strength.

Xingliu keenly observed the changes in their facial expressions, especially the rich expressions of Ye Cang and Luo Sha, which made him laugh.

However, he did not delve into the reasons, but just smiled and looked at them.

In general, everyone showed a positive attitude and high morale for this adventure.

No one raised any objections or backed down.

So, after a brief surprise, they all expressed to Xingliu that they were going to another world.

Seeing that they were fully prepared, Xing Liu continued to remind them:

"You must remember that this world is completely different from ours.

Therefore, you must not bring all our common sense and experience into it.

In addition, there is another important information that needs to be told to you: there is a ten-fold time difference between this world and ours.

That is to say, one day here will pass ten days there.

But the time you lost is also real, so you will feel a sense of time confusion after you come back, so you must be mentally prepared in advance.

Finally, this mission may take some time to complete, so I will give you an hour to deal with your personal matters.

In one hour, we will set off on time! Do you understand?"

Hearing this, the people present answered in unison: "I understand!"

Then they dispersed and began to prepare what they needed.

Looking at their backs, Xing Liu nodded with satisfaction, thinking to himself: "This class of students is really good!"

An hour later, the team members returned to the gathering place on time.

Their faces were full of expectations. Although they were still a little worried, looking at the three legendary figures, Xingliu, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, the worries turned into expectations and courage.

Xingliu looked at their fully armed appearance and nodded slightly to show his approval.

In his opinion, the students of this class were indeed very reliable and did not disappoint him.

Then, he took a deep breath, pretended to make seals with his hands, and secretly opened the portal to the demon world.

Then, a dazzling light suddenly burst out, making everyone's eyes white.

When they opened their eyes again, they were surprised to find that they had stepped into a completely different world.

It was still a sunny afternoon just now, but in a blink of an eye it was already a dark and windy night.

The surrounding environment has also changed dramatically. They are now in a dense jungle.

The towering trees here block out the sun, and bursts of insects and beasts roar from the dense branches and leaves, as if announcing the mystery and danger of this world.

Faced with the sudden change, the team members were inevitably a little panicked.

However, they were more curious and excited.

They moved their bodies unconsciously, secretly mobilizing the chakra in their bodies, trying to feel how this world was different from their world.

At the same time, after appearing in this world, Madara and Hashirama looked directly into the distance.

Their eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the dark night and see farther.

"Hashi, you feel"Are we there yet?" Madara suddenly asked.

Hashirama nodded and replied, "Ah, that's right. There's a battle going on there."

As soon as they finished speaking, a train whistle suddenly sounded in the distance, breaking the silence around them.

As the whistle echoed, the distance between the train and them was rapidly shortened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was not until then that they were shocked to find that they were standing between the rails, and the out-of-control train was rushing towards them.

At this critical moment, the team members reacted and prepared to quickly make way to avoid colliding with the train.

However, just as they were about to jump off the rails, the train that was supposed to be running along the rails suddenly derailed, and the huge body of the train continued to rush towards them under the action of inertia.

At this critical moment, the team members came to their senses and prepared to dodge quickly.

Minato reacted the fastest. He picked up Kushina and jumped to the side in a flash.

Others also showed their magical powers, either teleporting or running, and fled from the railway tracks.

However, Xingliu, Madara and Hashirama stood still, as if they didn't care about the upcoming danger.

Just when the train was about to hit them, a powerful force suddenly broke out.

The train body shook violently, and then it was bounced away by an invisible force and deviated from the original track.

At this time, Uchiha Madara's eyes had turned into deep Samsara eyes, and he whispered: "Shinra Tensei. ”

It was this move that bounced the train that was about to hit them away.

Since world peace, Xingliu has used his power to revive several people who were resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation.

However, Tobirama and Izuna chose to remain in the Impure World Reincarnation.

Tobirama felt that this would save him from many trivial matters in life, and he didn't have to sleep, which was really convenient.

And Izuna was worried that he would die suddenly after returning to normal, so he also asked to keep the status quo.

After being resurrected, Uchiha Madara successfully opened the Samsara Eye with the help of Hashirama.

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