At this moment, an unprecedented tranquility emerged from the depths of Akaza's heart.

The past that he had once forgotten now slowly unfolded in his consciousness like a scroll.

He remembered his original intention to become stronger.

He finally faced the reality that he actually had nothing and nothing to protect.

The figure in front of him gradually overlapped with the one in his memory. Akaza trembled his lips and whispered the name buried deep in his heart:


At this moment, he suddenly realized the real source of the anger in his heart.

It was the anger for not being able to keep his promise to his father and lover, and the anger for tainting the Suliu boxing taught by his master with blood.

The regret and self-blame for the martial arts that should have been used to protect rather than kill.

This enlightenment was like a sharp sword that pierced Akaza's heart.

He finally saw his true self and found the long-forgotten pain and sadness deep in his heart.

At this moment, Lian Xue was still immersed in deep pain, but when the familiar call came into her ears, she couldn't help but be a little dazed.

She slowly raised her head and looked at Akaza in front of her, her eyes full of disbelief and confusion.

Her fingers trembled slightly, raised, and then put down, as if she was hesitating whether to touch this long-lost figure.

Finally, she mustered up the courage and touched him gently.

When the familiar temperature came from her fingertips, her tears instantly burst and slid down the corners of her eyes.


She shouted loudly and threw herself into Akaza's arms without hesitation.

Akaza instinctively wanted to hug Lian Xue tightly, but when he raised his hands, he seemed to see the blood of countless innocent people on them.

His hands froze in mid-air, and the self-blame and guilt in his heart made him feel that he was not worthy of hugging her.

However, Koyuki held his hand tightly and hugged him in her arms.

At this moment, this man was in tears.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I couldn't protect you! When you needed me the most, I wasn't by your side!"

Akaza choked up and apologized, every word filled with deep self-blame and regret.

"I haven't fulfilled any of the promises!"

Koyuki gently stroked his hair, with a gentle light in her eyes.

She shook her head and whispered, "It's great that you can remember me. It's great that you can turn back to the original Komaji."

She hugged him tightly, wanting to freeze the happiness of this moment in her heart forever:

"Welcome back, dear!"

Minato and others stood quietly, watching the two people embrace each other affectionately.

Even the Flame Pillar, who always took it as his mission to kill evil spirits, stopped and looked at them softly.

After a long while, Akaza reluctantly let go of Koyuki.

He turned around, looked at Minato and smiled, "I lost, you won."

At this moment, Akaza, who had recovered his memory, thought that Minato, who could cut off his head with dignity, was undoubtedly the real winner.

And Koyuki also bowed to Minato and others and said, "Thank you for letting Komaji remember me."

After that, she turned around, approached Akaza and retreated with a light touch: "I will always be with you,


After that, her figure slowly dissipated, and the time given by the star stream had run out.

Akaza touched his face and smiled with relief at the dissipated Koyuki.

"I'm here, Koyuki."

"Destruction Kill·Extinction Style."

After the voice fell, he broke his head with a punch.

But this time, the head that should have regenerated did not regenerate again.

Minato and the others thought that everything was over, but the Flame Pillar frowned and said:

"Wait, something is wrong!"

Everyone immediately regained their spirits after hearing this, and looked at Akaza's body vigilantly.

Sure enough, they found that Akaza's head was not not regenerating, but the regeneration speed became abnormally slow.

This made them very confused.

Just now, Akaza's expression and actions showed that he had let it go and wanted to leave with his lover.

What is going on in this situation now?

Just when they were puzzled, Xingliu's voice reached their ears.

"That's because there is a thing that doesn't want him to leave so easily."

In Xingliu's eyes, Komaji was being forced to order by Muzan at this moment.

And Lianxue was holding him tightly with tears in her eyes, unwilling to let him go.

Seeing that Muzan dared to play tricks in front of him, Xingliu couldn't help but reveal a sneer of disdain, and then snorted heavily.

This cold snort may be just a way of expressing emotions for others.

But to Muzan, itIt was as if an endless killing intent surged over him, causing him to freeze in place instantly, unable to move.

At the same time, Komaji, who was originally controlled by Muzan, also felt a sense of relief surge in his heart.

He finally understood that it was the mysterious and powerful Xingliu in front of him that allowed him to reunite with Koiyuki, and it was also this Xingliu that allowed him to completely break free from Muzan's shackles.

So, he and Koiyuki bowed deeply to Xingliu, expressing their heartfelt gratitude.

Then, they held each other's hands tightly, turned into a ray of light and dissipated in this space.

Although Komaji knew that his actions would inevitably lead him to hell, as long as Koiyuki was by his side, he would have nothing to fear.

They will accompany each other forever in their love and face the future.

Xingliu did not directly intervene in Muzan, after all, this was an assessment for the three teams.

So far, their performance has satisfied him.

Whether it is team cooperation or individual combat power, they have achieved the expected goals in his mind. ,

Therefore, this assessment will continue.

When Kushina saw Xingliu coming, a pleasant smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she shouted happily:

"Teacher, you are here!"

As she said that, she trotted to Xingliu's side, took his hand, and asked with a giggle:

"How was my performance just now? Is there a reward?"

Xingliu looked at the girl with a sly smile, and couldn't help but flicked her forehead with a funny look.

While Kushina covered her head and cried in pain, he whispered:

"You performed the worst. You rushed up impatiently as soon as the enemy provoked you.

If it weren't for the technique that Mito taught you, you would have been injured long ago."

Hearing the teacher's evaluation, Kushina hummed twice in dissatisfaction, but did not leave.

As a member of the Uzumaki clan, she grew up listening to Xingliu's stories from childhood to adulthood.

Especially her grandfather, who praised Xingliu endlessly.

This made Kushina regard Xingliu as her idol since she was a child.

She felt extremely happy and proud to be selected as a member of Xingliu's team this time.

Now she wished she could be by Xingliu's side 24 hours a day.

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