After slightly blaming Kushina, Xingliu stopped talking and turned his eyes to the others:

"You performed very well and your judgments were very accurate.

As long as you keep up this state, you will definitely win the reward I mentioned before."

After hearing Xingliu's words, Minato and others showed an unconcealable joy on their faces.

At this moment, Rengoku Kyojuro slowly walked over with the support of Tanjiro and Zenitsu.

He looked at Xingliu and others, and said with fatigue in his voice:

"Although I don't know your identities, anyone who is committed to killing evil spirits is our companion."

Tanjiro and Zenitsu nodded in agreement after hearing what the Flame Pillar said.

However, Inosuke, who was wearing a wild boar headgear, seemed a little unconvinced.

He held a unique sawtooth sun wheel sword, and he seemed quite arrogant while waving it, and his eyes revealed a hint of provocation to Minato and others.

However, at this moment, the Flame Pillar Rengoku Kyojuro suddenly trembled, and it was obvious that he could no longer hold on.

He closed his eyes, fell backwards, and fell into a coma.

This sudden situation made Inosuke unable to care about provoking Minato and others. He knew that the most important thing now was to save Kyojuro.

So he quickly put away the Sun Wheel Sword, and together with others, he laid Kyojuro flat on the ground and began to treat his injuries urgently.

Everyone surrounded the unconscious Rengoku Kyojuro, and Tanjiro quickly checked his pulse and breathing, confirming that he was still alive, but the situation was not optimistic.

Zenitsu hurriedly found first aid medicine and bandages from his backpack and prepared to carry out preliminary wound treatment.

Although Inosuke was usually rough and unruly, he seemed extremely anxious at this moment.

He widened his eyes and stared at Kyojuro's face, as if this could wake him up from his coma.

At this moment, Hinata and others who had cleaned up the battlefield also rushed over.

After they sealed the Jade Pot into the scroll, they learned that the Star Stream had come out, so they hurried over.

Looking at the fallen Kyojuro, Hyuga Hiashi said in a deep voice: "I have mastered some basic medical ninjutsu, can you show it to me?"

Although Tanjiro and the other two did not know much about medical ninjutsu, they could guess that this was an ability that could heal the Flame Pillar.

So they hurriedly made way for Hyuga Hiashi to check.

Hyuga Hiashi gently checked Rengoku Kyojuro's wound, and then began to perform healing techniques.

However, looking at the wound on the Flame Pillar that could not stop bleeding, his brows knitted.

Finally, he sighed slightly, took out a healing talisman from his arms, and pasted it on Rengoku Kyojuro's body.

As Hyuga Hiashi said, he only had some basic understanding of medical ninjutsu.

And Rengoku Kyojuro inhaled ice crystals into his lungs when fighting Douma, and his lungs were severely damaged at this moment.

If the healing talisman developed by Xingliu is not used, it may be difficult to save him.

Moreover, ordinary healing talismans cannot play a big role, and high-quality healing talismans must be used.

Even he, the young head of the Hyuga clan, only brought five of these high-quality healing talismans this time, so he still felt a little painful to give them to Rengoku Kyojuro at this moment.

However, high-quality is high-quality after all.

After Hyuga Hiashi used it, Rengoku Kyojuro's body immediately lit up with a bright green light.

At the moment when Tanjiro and others were surprised, the wound on Rengoku Kyojuro's body had stopped bleeding, and the slight injuries on the surface of the body had been healed.

Under the gaze of everyone, Rengoku Kyojuro slowly opened his eyes.

Although he still looked a little weak, he stood up with all his strength, showing his indomitable fighting spirit.

Seeing him showing off his strength, Hinata Hiashi could not help but remind him softly:

"Although you are no longer in danger of death, your body still needs time to recover. It is better to rest for a while."

Kyojuro laughed heartily upon hearing this, although there was a hint of reluctance in his laughter.

He shook his head and said firmly: "I appreciate your kindness.

But I have more important things to do now.

This time we successfully killed an upper-rank demon, which is an unprecedented victory. I must inform the lord of this news immediately."

As he said this, he took a deep breath and made a special call to the distance.

Not long after, a pitch-black crow flapped its wings and flew over and landed on his shoulder.

Kyojuro whispered the message to the crow, then looked up at everyone and said apologetically:

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. This news is so important that I must inform the lord immediately.

In addition, I have another unwelcome request. I hope you can meet the lord with me."Please, public."

When Minato and the others heard Kyojuro's request, they subconsciously looked at Xingliu.

Xingliu shrugged lightly and said with a smile: "Why are you all looking at me?

This is your assessment, I will not interfere with your choice. All decisions are in your hands. "

After Xingliu expressed his attitude, Minato and others thought for a while and accepted Kyojuro's invitation.

They had just arrived, and although they had a certain understanding of creatures like demons through a fierce battle, they certainly did not have more comprehensive and in-depth information than the local forces.

Therefore, accepting this invitation was in line with their expectations and would help them to understand the world and the enemy more deeply.

Seeing that Minato and others readily agreed, Kyojuro smiled and took them to a residence to rest temporarily.

His current physical condition is indeed not optimistic, and he urgently needs to rest and recover.

Moreover, this event of killing the upper-rank demon is of great significance, and it may be necessary to hold a meeting of the pillars for discussion and decision-making.

These few days are just right for other pillars to finish their current affairs and rush to the meeting.

During his recuperation, Minato The others were not idle either.

They left a few people to communicate with Kyojuro and others and collect information.

The others left here and went to other places to gather information.


In a luxuriously decorated and magnificent hall, a family was sitting together enjoying a sumptuous breakfast.

From the exquisite food on the table, it is not difficult to see that this family is obviously a prominent upper-class person in society.

However, in this warm and peaceful atmosphere, the child suddenly stopped his movements, as if troubled by some invisible force.

The parents noticed the child's abnormality and cast their worried eyes on him.

At this moment, a huge meat whip appeared out of thin air and hit the parents' heads with lightning speed.

The two defenseless people were instantly shattered in the head, blood splattered, and the scene was extremely tragic.

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