At this time, Kushina had quietly come to her side.

With a flash of cold light, the head of Tsukishime was instantly separated from the body.

At the same time, on another battlefield, Jifutaro was not spared.

With his extraordinary speed and skills, Minato successfully cut off his head.

Jifutaro wanted to repeat the trick, but was shocked to find that he could not regenerate this time.

The fear of death instantly permeated his heart and made his mind particularly clear.

He immediately realized that all this was closely related to Tsukishime's failure.

Sure enough, his guess was cruelly verified the next moment.

I saw Kushina dragged Tsukishime's body and head back with the diamond-sealed chain, and then threw them next to Jifutaro like discarding garbage.

She turned to Minato and said with a hint of dissatisfaction in her tone: "Are we really going to let these ghosts leave so easily?"

Minato did not answer directly, but smiled and glanced in the direction of Upper Six.

Kushina immediately understood what he meant, and a flash of understanding flashed in her eyes, and then she felt a little embarrassed.

She actually forgot about this, although she didn't know whether Muzan could check the memories of his subordinates.

But it was too risky to discuss the plan here.

Just then, a noisy sound attracted their attention.

They turned their heads and saw that the slowly disappearing Zhuiji and Jifutaro actually began to blame each other.

Zhuiji cried loudly like a child about her brother's dereliction of duty:

"It's all your fault! You said you would protect me and keep me safe!"

"But what happened?"

"Not safe at all! You useless ugly freak!"

She burst into tears as she said this.

Jifu Taro was also enraged, and his already fierce face looked even more ferocious under the blessing of anger.

He roared:

"After all, you are also an upper-rank demon! You can't even do such a small thing as hiding aside to avoid being beheaded, what a fool!"

Zuiji was speechless after being refuted, and could only continue to cry and vent her dissatisfaction: "Then you control me to do it! But you didn't do anything!"

She shouted at the top of her lungs:

"How can a guy as ugly as you be my brother! I must have no blood relationship with people like you!"

"You, a waste, have no advantages at all except being very strong! Now that you have lost, you have no value at all, right?"

Jifu Taro's pupils shrank when he heard this, and he gasped and looked at his sister in disbelief.

An unknown anger surged into his heart instantly:

"What a joke! How many times did you think I saved you!"

He roared: "You are the useless one! You are of no use at all!"

His voice was full of anger: "If it weren't for you, I would have a different life! Why do I always have to clean up your mess!"

"It would be great if someone like you hadn't been born!!!"

When Zhuiji heard her brother's words, she was at a loss for a moment, her heart seemed to be cut by a cold blade, and endless sadness surged into her heart like a tide.

Her tears slid silently down her cheeks like broken pearls, and her crying became more heartbroken.

The quarrels and crying of the brother and sister echoed on the empty battlefield, like a series of sad notes, piercing the hearts of everyone present.

However, at this moment, a gentle voice suddenly interrupted the dispute.

"Gifutaro, do you really think so?"

Xingliu appeared in front of them at some point, and his words were profound:

"Perhaps, you should recall how you embarked on the path of a ghost?"

Gifutaro's thoughts were drawn by Xingliu's words and instantly returned to the distant past.

At the same time, Xingliu also presented his memories in the form of images to everyone.

In Gifutaro's memory, his sister was not called the bleak name of Zhuiji.

Her original name was Xiaomei, taken from the disease her mother suffered before her death.

He had been ugly since childhood, and the moment his sister was born, he seemed to see a ray of light in his life.

Xiaomei's beauty was like a bright pearl, which made him fall for it and made him determined to protect this beauty.

In order to protect his sister, he did not hesitate to fight with others, and even paid a huge price.

However, fate was so unfair to the brother and sister.

Xiaomei was cruelly retaliated for resisting the atrocities of the samurai and was burned alive and seriously injured.

In order to save his sister's life, Jifu Taro met Upper Rank 2 Douma after his revenge and resolutely chose to become a demon.

Recalling this, JifuTaro's heart was in pain as if pierced by thousands of arrows.

He was deeply trapped in self-blame, thinking that if he had not existed, Xiaomei's life might be completely different.

In her life picture, she might become a noble princess, bathed in the glory of wealth and glory, enjoying the beauty and love of the world.

Maybe she would become a commoner, have a husband who loves her and a child as beautiful as her.

Instead of becoming a man-eating ghost like now.

However, Jifu Taro did not realize that these thoughts in his heart had already been presented in the form of images in front of everyone.

The pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps also ended the battle at this moment and gathered here.

They witnessed the past of Upper Six and fell into a heavy silence for a while.

When they saw the reason why Zhuiji became a demon and her young and innocent appearance, their faces became extremely complicated, and endless emotions surged in their hearts.

Minato and others were also touched by these images, and they were speechless.

Coupled with Akaza before, they understood more deeply why the Demon Slayer Corps had a deep hatred for Muzan.

Because whether they were humans or demons, they were more or less affected by the tragic fate brought by Muzan.

This grudge that lasted for thousands of years had long surpassed the baptism of time and became an indelible deep mark.

Xiaomei naturally saw what was in the picture.

So although her tears could not stop flowing, her heart no longer had the deep sadness she had just felt.

But just when she wanted to say something, she had completely disappeared.

Jifu Taro also came back to his senses at this moment. He watched his sister's figure disappear into thin air, and the grief in his heart surged into his heart like a tide.

Tears slid down his cheeks, and he choked and said:

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault! I was too weak and didn't protect you well."


After saying this, he also disappeared between heaven and earth.

Xingliu looked at the place where they disappeared thoughtfully.

However, the image of Jifu Taro that was just played did not disappear with him, but the screen turned to a dark place.

At this time, Xiaomei, who had returned to human form, and Jifu Taro, who was still a ghost, stood there.

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