Jifu Taro stared at his sister who had returned to human form, and he seemed to understand something.

When he saw Xiaomei coming towards him, he pretended to be fierce and shouted at her: "Hey, don't come over!"

Xiaomei was frightened by his sudden reaction and looked at him in confusion.

Although Jifu Taro never regretted becoming a ghost, even if he was given another chance, he would still make the same decision.

But at this moment, he no longer wanted his sister to follow in his footsteps and fall into this endless darkness and hell.

So he hardened his heart and said to his confused sister:

"Didn't you say we have no blood relationship? Then get away from me and don't follow me. We will have no relationship anymore!"

Xiaomei heard the words and tears burst out in her eyes. She said with a trembling voice:

"It's me... I'm sorry, I was wrong to say you're ugly just now."

She tried to get closer to her brother, "Hey, brother, please speak up, don't ignore me!"

However, since Jifu Taro had made up his mind, he would not change because of an apology.

He looked at Xiaomei with tears streaming down her face, and resolutely turned around, trying to escape from this heartbreaking scene.

"I said, we don't have any relationship anymore." He said coldly: "I'm going this way, so you go over there, go to a bright place."

When Xiaomei heard his words, she instantly recalled the image of her brother she had seen before.

She understood her brother's intentions and knew that he was doing it for her own good.

So, she threw herself on Jifu Taro's back with tears in her eyes and hugged his neck tightly.

Jifu Taro was startled by Xiaomei's sudden move, his face changed, and he was about to say something.

However, Xiaomei cried loudly before him:

"No, absolutely not! I will never leave you, I want to be with you forever!"

"No matter how many reincarnations I go through, I will be your sister!"

"Don't hate me, don't scold me, and don't leave me alone! If you dare to leave me, I will never forgive you!"

Xiaomei could no longer suppress her inner sadness and burst into tears.

Her tears rolled down like beads that had broken off the string, dripping on Jifu Taro's shoulders, through his clothes, and dripping into his heart.

"Brother, have you forgotten our agreement?"

This sentence was like a key that opened Jifu Taro's dusty memory.

He recalled the agreement he made with his sister when he was still a human. It was a day of heavy snow and cold wind.

The brother and sister had no food, no clothes, and even no place to shelter from the wind and snow.

There was only a tattered straw raincoat, which Jifu Taro wrapped tightly around him. Although his body was shivering with cold, he still tried his best to protect his sister in his arms.

He forced a smile on his face and said to Xiaomei in his arms: "As long as we are together, whether it is hunger or cold, it is just a piece of cake."

"I promised that I will always be with you and will never leave you."

"Look, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Thinking of this, Jifu Taro was silent.

He carried Xiaomei tightly on his back, as if he wanted to integrate her into his body.

With her crying, they walked towards the hell in the sea of ​​fire together.

In the end, they could no longer be seen.

In the outside world, Kushina, who saw the result of the two, said with deep emotion: "Are hateful people necessarily pitiful?"

Her words made the others present fall into contemplation, and they nodded in agreement.

Kocho Shinobu couldn't help but think of her sister's ideal: to find a ghost who does not eat people and can live in peace with humans.

Although this ideal seemed impossible to her, especially after her sister's death.

But after this incident, coupled with the appearance of Nezuko, a ghost who does not eat people and even protects people.

All these made her heart full of complicated emotions.

She subconsciously looked at Xingliu, hoping to get an answer from him.

And Xingliu was asking questions to Minato and others at this time.

As a ninja of the new era, although military force is important, thoughts must also keep up with the pace of the times.

He released these images not for entertainment, but to teach them some profound truths through them.

Xingliu said seriously: "You have all seen the images just now. Now I will ask a question, which is considered as your make-up test project."

The members of the three teams were immediately deflated when they heard this.

They thought that this assessment was already difficult enough, but they didn't expect Xingliu to add more questions.

However, when they thought that others were not qualified to receive personal guidance from the Hokage, they immediately opened their mouths.They were in high spirits.

They didn't want to be kicked out of the team and lose this opportunity. After all, the Hokage's personal guidance was an honor that countless people dreamed of.

At this time, several pillars were also attracted. They stood there quietly, waiting for Xingliu's next speech.

Xingliu looked around at everyone and slowly said, "Who can tell me why Xiaomei, also known as Zhuiji, can not go to hell?

"She and her brother, as ghosts, have eaten countless people. Why are there differences between the two of them? "

As soon as Xingliu finished speaking, everyone fell into deep thought.

They were moved by the emotions in the image just now and ignored this detail.

Looking back now, it does seem a little incredible.

Xiaomei and her brother are both evil spirits, why do they have different endings?

Is it really because Xiaomei is beautiful that she can go to heaven, while Jifu Taro goes to hell because he is ugly?

Is it possible that reincarnation also depends on appearance?

Everyone couldn't help but think about it, but soon denied this absurd idea.

Several pillars also frowned, obviously they didn't understand the reason.

After a while, Minato's eyes lit up, as if he thought of something.

He quickly said: "Teacher Xingliu, is it related to Xiaomei's age?"

Xingliu nodded slightly: "It is indeed somewhat related, but it is not the point. "

Minato was delighted when he heard this, but then he fell into deep thought again.

He originally thought that Xiaomei could become a Buddha because she became a ghost at a young age, but now it seems that this answer is not correct.

So, what is the real reason?

Seeing that they were thinking hard but still couldn't get the answer, Xingliu couldn't help but sigh slightly and decided to reveal the answer to them.

However, before that, he asked another question:

"If a child has been with a person who kills people like drinking water since childhood, will he think that killing is a bad thing?"

This question was like a flash of lightning that broke through the night sky, instantly lighting up everyone's thoughts.

They began to understand that the influence of the environment has a huge effect on a person's growth and cognition.

The impatient Kushina shouted excitedly: "Teacher, I understand!"

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