Under the mutual encouragement of Minato and others and the Demon Slayer Corps, their training became extremely hard.

Even Kushina, who usually liked to slack off under the influence of Mito, became extremely hard-working.

Although she didn't say it, she knew deep down that she was the key to this plan.

Compared with Luosha's sealing technique, her ability was far different.

Therefore, Luosha was only an alternative when there was no other choice, and the real key still lay in Kushina.

Kushina, who understood this, felt unprecedented heavy pressure.

However, she was not the only one who was under such pressure.

The rest of the people also felt this sense of urgency, not only because this was the assessment task for the nine of them, but also because the Demon Slayer Corps' belief of burning everything together deeply infected them.

The belief of paying any price to kill Muzan resonated in the hearts of each of them.

Driven by this strong belief, they practiced harder and constantly explored and improved their potential.

After seeing these outsiders working so hard, the members of the Demon Slayer Corps naturally set higher requirements for themselves.

This made Xingliu shake his head and smile bitterly, and he secretly sighed in his heart: the phenomenon of involution is indeed everywhere.

Although it seems short, the three days are enough for everyone to make significant progress.

Most of the pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps have successfully opened the stripes and mastered the skills of using the red sword.

Minato and others have also made considerable breakthroughs during this period.

The practice of breathing has greatly enhanced their physical strength, and the amount of chakra has also increased significantly.

In terms of physical skills, their progress is even more amazing, and almost everyone can easily defeat the two of themselves three days ago.

Of course, all this is inseparable from the high-powered environment created by Xingliu for them.

It is in such an environment that they can master the breathing method so quickly and make such great progress in a short period of time.

At the same time, Kushina was not idle.

She used these few days to rush out several sealing scrolls.

These scrolls are not traditional seal scrolls, but new scrolls that have been improved by the second generation.

They can be automatically activated and sealed the moment they come into contact with the enemy.

Although Kushina can only make scrolls for enemies that do not have strong resistance at her current level, the members of the Demon Slayer Corps are still grateful.

For the Demon Slayer Corps, these scrolls are undoubtedly a powerful help.

After all, the current upper-rank demons are no longer afraid of sunlight, and many have even overcome the weakness of decapitation.

In this case, these seal scrolls may be their only weapon to win.

They also know this very well, so they are full of gratitude to Kushina.

This makes the little girl a little embarrassed.

At this moment, Tsugikoku Yoshiichi stared at the Demon Slayer Corps with satisfaction.

In their reluctant eyes, his body began to slowly dissipate, like the morning mist gradually fading away in the sun.

His time limit has come. The star stream only gave him three days.

However, for Yuichi Tsugaku, these three days were enough.

He completed his mission, witnessed the growth of everyone, and left behind his firm belief.

At the moment of disappearance, his eyes were deeply cast on Shinobu Kocho.

She stood there, her eyes full of unwillingness and helplessness.

Yuichi Tsugaku knew that she was frustrated because she could not learn the stripes and the red sword.

Shinobu Kocho's physique was too weak. She weighed only 37 kilograms and could not bear the burden of these two powerful abilities.

Yuichi Tsugaku once told her that with her physical condition, even if she only opened the stripes, it would pose a threat to her life.

And she was not strong enough, and she could not trigger the effect of the red sword in the sword confrontation with others.

Although Shinobu Kocho said it was okay, her expression was not okay.

But Yuichi Tsugaku could only silently bless her in his heart.

This natural talent gap was something he could not change.

Finally, in the eyes of everyone who was full of reluctance, the figure of Tsugikoku Yoshiichi completely disappeared into the air, as if he had never appeared.

After saying hello to each other, the members of the Demon Slayer Corps left silently.

They had one day to prepare and relax, because they would launch a decisive general attack the day after tomorrow.

And Kocho Shinobu stood there expressionlessly, as if she was thinking about something.

Her eyes finally fell on the bumpy ground not far away, where the stars and the pillars of the pillars were.Traces of Madara's fierce battle.

Looking at the deep pits that were casually made by Xingliu, a hint of inexplicable color flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Just as she was about to turn around and leave, she accidentally bumped into a figure.

Unprepared, she lost her balance and fell backwards.

However, at this moment, a pair of strong arms held her steadily.

Kocho Shinobu looked up and found that it was Xingliu who was looking at her with a smile. This made her blush and struggle to stand up.

"Sorry, I bumped into you." Xingliu said with a smile.

Kocho Shinobu gently adjusted the hair at the temples and responded softly: "It's okay, it's also my problem."

Then, there was a brief silence between the two.

However, Kocho Shinobu couldn't help but break the silence. She looked at Xingliu's smiling face and asked:

"Shouldn't you be shopping with your beauties? Why do you have time to come here today?"

Xingliu didn't answer directly after hearing this, but looked deeply into Kocho Shinobu's eyes.

Until she lowered her head in embarrassment, he said with a smirk:

"Isn't it because you are coming to find me? I was afraid that you couldn't find me, so I waited for you here."

Kocho Shinobu looked at Xingliu in surprise, wondering how he knew that she was coming to find him.

And Xingliu continued, "In fact, you don't need to have such a big psychological burden.

I've thought about it these days. Since this world can't resurrect the dead, I can bring you and your sister to my world.

In this way, your sister can avoid death again."

Hearing this, Kocho Shinobu didn't care about the surprise and shyness in her heart, and asked hurriedly: "Is it really possible? Can you really do it?"

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