However, after saying this, Kocho Shinobu suddenly hesitated.

She knew in her heart that she and Xingliu were just strangers who had met a few times.

Xingliu had reunited her with her sister before, and revived Jiguo Yuanyi to train them. These favors had already made her not know how to repay him.

Now, Xingliu offered such a huge help, and she felt speechless.

Looking at the smile on Xingliu's face, Kocho Shinobu knew in her heart that she might never forget this person again.

Her heart beat more and more violently in her chest, as if it was about to jump out of her chest.

The strange feeling spread throughout her body like an electric current, making her feel an inexplicable throbbing.

The bitterness and helplessness that had once arisen from the beauty around Xingliu turned into a sweet warm current at this moment, flowing in her heart.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm her excitement and anxiety.

She knew that she couldn't always rely on Xingliu, but her feelings for him were as difficult to extinguish as a blazing flame.

The tangled and helpless emotions were intertwined in her heart, like a tangled ball of thread that could not be untied.

Before, she didn't know how to face this feeling because she was determined to die.

However, today, when she heard Xingliu say the words that rekindled her hope, all the suppressed emotions in her heart suddenly surged out like a flood.

The incomparable sadness surged into her heart like a dark tide, drowning her in it.

She remembered the moment when her sister slowly passed away in front of her eyes, and the feeling of helplessness and despair swept over her again.

Her tears slid down her cheeks uncontrollably, falling on the ground like pearls from a broken string.

Xingliu was not a dull person.

Although he was a little confused about Kocho Shinobu's sudden loss of control, he could also keenly perceive that what she wanted at the moment was just a little comfort and companionship.

So, he gently stretched out his arms and embraced her in his broad arms.

In that solid and powerful embrace, Kocho Shinobu felt an unprecedented warmth and shelter.

This warmth made the sadness in her heart surge out like a tide, and tears slid silently, wetting Xingliu's clothes.

However, he did not retreat or feel unhappy because of this, but just gently patted her back, silently conveying his presence and support.

After a long time, Kocho Shinobu finally raised her head slowly, her eyes were slightly red, but her eyes were extremely firm.

She stared at Xingliu straightly, as if she wanted to deeply engrave his appearance in her heart.

Xingliu felt a little uncomfortable when she looked at him, and couldn't help but whispered: "What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

Kocho Shinobu shook her head gently, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and showed a slightly shy smile: "Nothing, I just think you are a little special today."

Xingliu was stunned, and then remembered the conversation with Tsunade two days ago, and couldn't help but laugh and cry.

He didn't expect Kocho Shinobu to tease him with the same words at this time.

However, looking at her bright smile, Xingliu's helplessness instantly disappeared.

He raised his eyebrows in cooperation and asked curiously, "Oh? What's special?"

Kohiko Shinobu didn't expect him to cooperate so well and blinked in surprise.

But soon, she regained her composure and said mischievously, "Very handsome."

As soon as she finished speaking, she couldn't help laughing.

The silver bell-like laughter echoed in the air, as if it could dispel all the haze.

Xingliu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and laughed with her.

The laughter of the two intertwined together, forming a warm and beautiful picture.

At this moment, they seemed to have forgotten all the troubles and sorrows, leaving only each other's sincere smiles and spiritual exchanges.

Xingliu gazed affectionately at Kohiko Shinobu, who was close at hand, looking at her eyes as bright as amethyst, and an inexplicable impulse surged in his heart.

He slowly lowered his head and moved closer to her lips.

Kohiko Shinobu felt his breath and heartbeat, and she knew what would happen next.

She gently closed her eyes, waiting for that moment to come.


Time flies, and it is already the next morning.

The sun shines through the clouds, covering the earth with a layer of golden light.

At this quiet and solemn moment, the pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps gathered together.

At this time, their eyes fell on Shinobu Kocho with a bright smile.

The happiness and satisfaction revealed in that smile were completely different from before, which made people feel a little surprised.

However, among this group of pillars, only the love pillar Kanroji Mitsuri, who is also a woman, seemed to have noticed something.

She keenly caught the look in Shinobu Kocho's eyes.The flickering light was a kind of hidden joy and expectation.

Ripples appeared in Kanroji Mitsuri's heart. She was curious and wanted to get close to Kocho Shinobu to explore the secret behind that smile.

However, at this moment, Ubuyashiki Yoya walked slowly into the meeting room.

His arrival made Kanroji Mitsuri temporarily put aside her doubts and turned her attention to the important topic that was about to begin.

Yoya stood in front of everyone, his deep eyes full of heaviness and reluctance.

He knew that this might be their last meeting of the pillars.

After tomorrow, some of them might never be able to gather together like today.

He clenched his trembling hands, thousands of words came to his mind, but he choked in his throat and couldn't say them out.

Finally, he took a deep breath, stood up, and bowed deeply in the direction of the pillars.

"I wish you good luck in martial arts!" Although his voice was low, it was full of determination and blessings.

Seeing this, all the pillars straightened their chests and responded in unison: "Yes, my lord!"


The short meeting ended quickly.

Mitsuri Kanroji took a step eagerly and quickly caught up with Shinobu Kocho who was about to leave.

She was full of curiosity and doubts about her friend and was determined to find out.

Before everyone noticed, Mitsuri gently took Shinobu Kocho's hand and led her to a secluded corner.

It was quiet and no one was there, only the two of them stood opposite each other.

Mitsuri stared at Shinobu Kocho, with a sharp light flashing in her eyes.

She lowered her voice and asked tentatively: "Shinobu, do you have any secrets from me? Are you with Xingliu-kun?"

When Shinobu Kocho heard this, a blush appeared on her pretty face.

Then, under Mitsuri's eyes that seemed to have seen through everything, she nodded slightly and said softly: "Well, we are together."

Mitsuri was a little stunned when she heard this.

She raised her hand and patted her forehead gently, saying with a somewhat complaining tone:

"Oh, you're too fast! You're done before I even had a chance to make a move?"

Hearing this, Kocho Shinobu couldn't help but roll her eyes and said unhappily: "Didn't you give up? Why, have you changed your mind now?"

Mitsuri was touched on by what she was thinking, and instantly became a little embarrassed.

She hesitated for a moment before explaining in a low voice: "I didn't give up, I was just struggling with whether I could accept that he had so many female companions."

Her voice became lower and lower, and finally almost turned into a murmur.

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