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this moment!

There are no other colors in the world, only the raging flames beating in people’s eyes!

The fire sea stretches for 100 miles!

Cover the mountains and rivers!

Large swarms of ants turned to ashes!

Countless ant tides burned to death!


Doesn’t exist anymore!


Doesn’t exist anymore!

Under the frantic blow of 9 9-level magic, the ant tide army has 1000 sores and 100 holes. Although the number is still large, there is a feeling of inability to succeed!

A few more rounds!

Just a few more rounds!

The ant tide must be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke and disappear completely!

This is what everyone thinks!

And Monray seemed to have heard the voices of people and started a new round of frantic bombing. Various 9-level magics were smashed down like they didn’t need money!

“hong long long -“


after an hour!

The flames above the earth gradually dissipated, leaving only the smoke rising up, the charred black covering the mountains and plains, and the weird smoke smell of all directions!

Ant tide that stretches for more than 300 miles?

Doesn’t exist anymore!

They are gone!

A few escaped, most of their lives died in the fire sea, leaving only the ashes like burnt corpses and grave bags everywhere, and of course, their magic core!

“The ant tide… just gone?”

All the officers and soldiers stared at the scorched black earth like wasteland, with a dreamlike feeling like yesterday’s dream, like a world away!

An hour ago, the ant tide army came aggressively. They were overwhelmed with fear, despair, weakness, and powerlessness…

Can only retreat!

An hour later, the ant tide… is gone?

If this is not a dream, what is a dream?

Even if you dream, it is impossible to reverse so fast!

“Monster! It’s just a monster!”

Marquis Cesia’s mouth twitched: “The 9-level magic was continuously released for more than an hour, and it burned the ant tide completely. Such a terrible 9-level Archmage is simply unheard-of!”

“Regardless of the casting speed, the magic power reserve, or the use of mental power, they have reached the pinnacle, and I am far behind him!”

Dirk Norwy took a breath: “I really don’t know what the brat has gone through. In just one month, such a big change happened?”

Fatty, Abbe, and Donna are 3 people. Look at me, and I look at you. The expression is complicated, and the heart is like a stormy wave!

“Although I have known for a long time that there is a big gap with Old Brother, I didn’t expect that the gap would be so big!”

fatty said with a bitter smile!

Abbe and Donna were shocked!


Good Monray talent!

Training is fast!

There must be a gap!

But why is it so big?

“Can’t figure it out!”

Fatty 3 Everyone was hit hard and they began to doubt life!

“Monray in your class is just a pervert!”

An old student was shocked: “Have you seen a Level 16 Archmage under 9 years old?”

“Unheard-of, unprecedented!”

Another old student shook his head repeatedly: “Throughout the entire history of Fire Dragon Kingdom, there has never been such a Monster! I am afraid that only Dragon God Empire can appear such genius!”

“This kind of Monster can’t be judged by common sense at all. Compared with him, it’s purely a crime…”


When people listen to fatty 3, they can’t help but feel light!


He is a Monster, why should I compare him?

Thinking about it this way, the three of them felt much better!


At this moment, there was a loud roar from the distant sky, and a group of big birds flew from a distance, crushed by darkness, covering the sky!

“Wyvern Legion!”

“It’s Wyvern Legion!”

“Sir Marquis, Wyvern Legion has arrived!”

“It’s only now…hmph!”

Marquis Cesia is coldly snorted, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes, if she arrived an hour ago, she would welcome it!

But now…

The ant tide is gone!

Come to eat ashes?

“roar roar 吼 -“

Wyvern Legion didn’t know this. They arrived over the North River Pass in a blink of an eye, and then all screamed, hiding the sky and covering the earth Dragon Might, like the tide, pouring down!

Wyvern Legion, daily dismissal…delivered!

I have to say that Wyvern Legion’s trick is very effective against ordinary soldiers. Countless soldiers are overwhelmed and breathe uncomfortable. On the verge of collapse, they can’t hold their weapons!

“This group of bastard!”

Seeing this scene, Marquis Cesia’s puffed lungs exploded. She had seen the virtues of Wyvern Legion a long time ago. Every time the roots of puffed teeth itch, she could only watch!

Dirk Norwy wrinkled frowned and was very dissatisfied with Wyvern Legion’s approach. Fatty scolded even more: “This group of scumbags disappeared when they resisted the ant tide. After the ant tide was eliminated, they ran out to brush their presence. What a group of bastards! “

“This is the famous Wyvern Legion?”

But Donna looked up at the flying dragon, with a hint of admiration in his beautiful eyes: “Sure enough, the name is not in vain, it’s not worse than our Frost Kingdom’s Frost Dragon Wolf Legion!”

“roar roar 吼 -“

Wyvern’s eyesight is very good and can clearly see everything on the North River Pass. They looked at the ordinary officers and soldiers trembling with fear, and were very satisfied with the effect of dismounting the horse.

Then prepare to descend, clean the battlefield daily and do the most tiring work!

“hmph! ”

Unexpectedly, at this moment, coldly snorted sounded like a muffled thunder in the ears. The key point is that this sound is so familiar, familiar, let people have one’s hair stand on end!


1010000 The flying dragon stiffened, and the roar stopped abruptly, and then looked towards the source of the sound. Suddenly the flying dragons trembled with cold sweat!

“Dragon God above! Why is this devil here?”

The Wyverns shook like chaff, their wings stiffened, and it seemed that they would not fly!

“It is him again!”

Wyvern King’s mouth twitched, and in his heart a hundred thousand heads fucked your mother. This guy was so soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed. Why did he meet him again?

“A bunch of trash! I can see you everywhere?”

It is Monray that makes Wyvern Legion such a ghost. He has no good feelings for these greedy and ugly creatures: “Why? Want to snatch my magic core again?!”

“Give you a chance!”

“Immediately disappear from my eyes! Otherwise, I don’t mind blasting your heads and digging out your magic core!”


Upon hearing this, the Wyverns were frightened, and the nightmare scene of the previous day reappeared instantly!

Then, 1010000 Wyvern made a move that shocked everyone:

They vibrated their wings and flew away like an escape!

Fighting for one another, I only hate that I have lost 2 wings!

In the blink of an eye, the originally aggressive and obscure Wyvern Legion disappeared, leaving only the Wyvern King to stay in place, floating alone in the sky!

The other dragons… all ran away!

Disappear without a trace!


The people on the front of the city are a little dumbfounded!

“This is flying… Wyvern Legion?”

Donna opened her small mouth and was a little stunned. Why is it completely different from the Wyvern Legion she imagined?

“Seems to be scared away by Old Brother?”

fatty blink!

“What the hell did this brat do to Wyvern Legion?” Dirk Norwy’s mouth twitched: “When Wyvern Legion saw him, he ran away in fright!”

“It must be Wyvern Legion who offended him somewhere, and then he was tortured so badly, it was a psychological shadow!”

Marquis Cesia seemed quite excited: “haha, this brat did what I wanted but couldn’t do, happy! Really happy! haha, I just don’t know what Nicholas will do next?”


Dirk Norwy couldn’t help but looked towards the lonely Wyvern King. How could this one who is comparable to the Level 9 Magic Beast exist?

Wyvern King glared fiercely at Monray, with the look of choosing people and devouring him, he could not wait to swallow Monray alive!

However, Monray only said a word and was so scared that Wyvern King hid his face and fled, not even his face!

“Why? Don’t you want another wing?”

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