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Looking at the escaped Wyvern Legion, everyone was stunned and felt very relieved!

This group of guys with the name of the elite Legion are just a group of bandit, greedy and ugly!

Everyone wants to teach them that it is not a day or two, but their strength is not good, they can only watch them arrogant and despotic!

Today, I finally got my wish!

Monray only said a few words, and Wyvern Legion was scared to flee, and his face was sweeping. It was so happy!

“The ant tide is finally wiped out!”

The old man Twisted Bear overlooking the scorched earth, long relaxed: “This matter, you brat a lot of credit, maybe you can mix Earl dong dong!”

no respond!

Very quiet around!

The old man slightly frowned, couldn’t help but looked towards Monray, but found that this baby hehe was smirking, and the corners of his mouth were grinning behind his ears, just like the 38-year-old widow who was single was overturned by the courtyard wall, so happy!

The old man suddenly lost his breath and yelled, “Smelly brat, what’s your nerve?”

Monray shivered and couldn’t help complaining: “Old Dean, what are you doing so loudly, startled me!”

“What’s the smirk? Look at you!”

The old man glared at Monray!

“Hehe, secret!”

Monray grinned, his eyes returned to the wealth points again, looking at the dazzling number, and the string of zeros behind, Monray was just like eating honey…


wealth points: 7,539,721,863 gold coins


A full 75100000000!

What a huge number this is!

the most important is:

The distance from the 100 100000000 mark is only 25100000000!

It means that as long as you earn another 25100000000 Gold Coin, Monray can break through the 9th level limit and enter another field…Sacred Territory!


is it hard?

no no no!

Very simple!


On the black ground under your feet, there are piles of 65100000000 Gold Coins. To be precise, 6510000 magic cores!

“Gather them!”

“Then sell it!”

“You can summon Divine Dragon!”


Monray let out a Ren Woxing laugh, then dived to the ground, mental power spread out like a tide, covering a radius of 1000 meters!

“Xiū xiū xiū ——”

one after another magic core automatically without wind, broke out of the ground like a potato, then disappeared without a trace, and was sent into the space ring!

“Xiū xiū xiū ——”

Fly all the way, collect all the way!

Monray is like an industrious little bee, collecting magic core hard, and seeing the fatty and the others on the top of the city is drooling!

“One magic core is worth 10000 Gold Coin!”

Fatty’s eyes were red: “Bloodthristy Iron Crystal Ant, which was just wiped out by Old Brother, has to be said less…hundred thousand, right? Hiss! This is 10100000000 Gold Coin!”


Everyone trembled and almost peeed!

10 100000000 ah 10 100000000!

Spend a lifetime!


Monray’s speed is very fast. It took more than 3 hours to collect all the magic cores!

He didn’t count the specifics!

Anyway, many, many, too many to fit!

The Space Magic Tool of the old man is almost out of place!

“The horse has no night and the grass is not fat!”

“No one is rich without windfall!”

“The ancients don’t deceive me!”

Monray returned to the top of the city contentedly, and then met the crazy jealous eyes: “wu wu wu! 10100000000 Gold Coin ah! fatty! I’m almost jealous of the masses separated!”

“Fatty, what’s your nerve?”

Monray patted Fatty’s fat face, meaty, and feels good!

“Assembly of Delicacies Building! You must Assembly of Delicacies Building after school starts!”

Fatty grabbed Monray by the collar and yelled hysterically: “One time is not enough! I have to ask several times, no! Eat every day, only the Assembly of Delicacies Building every day can soothe my injured heart a little!”

“Wu wu wu, 10100000000 Gold Coin! If I had so much money, I would lie down on the golden mountain and sleep every day, eating and drinking every day…”


Monray rolled the eyes, I can understand it, feelings are jealous of myself!

However, if you know that I am now a person of 100, 100000000 million, would you envy me and kill myself immediately?

Maybe… will it?

“This brat…”

Dirk Norwy, Abbe, and Donna also looked at Monray, feeling extremely complicated. Has the mountain and the poor brat, who came to the Academy to report to the Academy in coarse linen six months ago, become such a powerhouse?

“Student Monray, this time you have made great contributions to resisting the ant tide!” Marquis Cesia praised: “I will report the truth to King, and ask him to re-appoint you as a reward!”

“you are……”

Monray looked at the female Green Dragon in front of him in confusion!

“Monray, this is Marquis Cesia, North River Pass guard!” Dirk Norwy hastily introduced: “It’s also our Fire Dragon Kingdom Number One Female General!”

“It turns out to be Marquis Cesia, I’ve been admired for a long time!”

Monray suddenly realized!

“Slightly flimsy, not enough!”

Marquis Cesia waved his hand: “It’s Student Monray, you turned your hand over the ant tide. After this battle, you will definitely shake the kingdom and become a well-known hero in the kingdom!”

“Marquis Cesia is too famous!”

Monray laughed, didn’t take these words seriously, reputation and so on didn’t matter, it’s not as good as a few Gold Coins and a few magic cores!

When Marquis Cesia saw this, he couldn’t help but secretly startled and suspicious. He made such a great contribution, and the award must be indispensable. It is so serene, calm and collected. This temperament is not like a 15-16 years old boy!

Afterwards, Monray chatted with everyone for a while, and was about to leave. Little Gold is still in Magic Beast Forest, so I have to pick it up quickly!

“It’s a shame!”

Marquis Cesia sighed: “I also want to hold a celebration banquet. Thank you for being a defender of the city. Didn’t expect you to have something to do!”

“Don’t dare to take credit for resisting the ant tide!”

Monray laughed, then greeted Dirk Norwy and the others, and finally rushed to the fatty and said, “Fatty, it’s up to you to sell magic core!”

“This matter is on my body!” Fatty Pats breasted: “Perfection must be completed!”


Monray patted the fatty on the shoulder, then sat on the magic flying carpet, left the North River Pass tower, and flew towards the Magic Beast Forest!

An hour later, I found the hiding place of Little Gold, but Little Brat’s condition at the moment is not good, because…

It’s in trouble!

More than a dozen gray-and-white spiders Magic Beast surrounded it, and all directions formed black spider webs, completely sealing the escape route!

There is no way to heaven!

No way into the ground!

Little Gold is like a little kitty surrounded by a herd of elephants, shiver coldly, shaking like chaff, weak, helpless, and pitiful…

“Ka ka ka-“

These giant spider Magic Beasts are more than ten meters long and have 8 silver spider legs that are the same as lances. They are covered with needle-like hairs. They are full of fishy smells, making their scalp numb and panicking!

“Pit Demon Spider! This is Pit Demon Spider!”

The cold light in Monray’s eyes flickered: “Even here, these guys are really soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed!”

“Little Gold is Ant Sovereign, how can Pit Demon Spider easily let it go?” The old man shook his head and sighed: “Anyone can cut weeds and eliminate the roots, so they can be at ease!”

“Poor baby!”

Monray flicked his fingers, a dozen fire spears shot out of thin air, and instantly penetrated the heads of the Pit Demon Spiders, nailing them to death on the spot!

When Little Gold saw this, she couldn’t help but tremble. Then she saw Monray and she was surprised and happy!

“Ding! discovered a dropped object, did you pick it up?”


“Ding! Successful integration, congratulations to the host for acquiring Golden God Slayer Ant Bloodline!”

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