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Even mythological creatures like Giant Dragon and Titan can exist, God… why not?

Thinking about it this way, Monray was relieved, but then, another question emerged in his heart:

Since God exists!

Can that person become God?

if it is possible!

Can I become a god?

“Of course people can become gods!”

Regarding Monray’s doubts, the old man gave a positive answer: “In other words, all lives on Firmament Continent have the possibility of becoming gods!”

The old man looked up at the starry sky, looked at the shining star River, and sighed leisurely: “I heard that many of the gods of aloof and remote are made by Low Level life training!”

Can be done!

Monray suddenly became excited: “How to become a god?”

Old man twirling said with a smile: “According to a distant ancient book, there are many ways to become a god, but for overwhelming majority creatures, there is only one path to Godhood!”

“That is…Path of Law!”

“God, also known as’Law Controller’! In other words, as long as you master World’s Law, you are God!”

“Master World’s Law?”

Monray whispered softly!

“World’s Law is the true meaning and essence of World 10000 things, and it is also the rules and laws that 10000 things in the world must follow. The operation of all things is inseparable from World’s Law!”

“Law Supreme!”

“It also contains incredible power!”

The old man laughed blankly: “God is omnipotent, Eternal Immortal, only because of mastering World’s Law!”

“Old Dean, how can you master World’s Law?” Monray asked again!

“You brat didn’t even master Power of the World, so you want to master Law? Aiming too high!” The old man scolded with a smile!

Monray stunned!

“Power of the World is the external appearance of World’s Law! If you want to comprehend World’s Law, you must master Power of the World!”

The old man converged his smile: “Only by removing the fog of Power of the World, can we get into the deeper level of Law!”

Monray looking thoughtful!

“In short, master Power of the World at level 9!”

The old man made a summary: “It was in the Sacred Territory that I began to study World’s Law! In any case, Power of the World is always the premise!”

“I understand!”

Monray slowly nodded, but started to figure it out!

Using the system spend gold by yourself, you can also break through the 9th level and become a Sacred Territory!

In other words, you don’t need to master Power of the World to achieve Sacred Territory!

This is a good thing!

But Monray suddenly realized that even if he became a Sacred Territory, he probably only had a reserve of body, mental power, and magic power, but not a pseudo Sacred Territory of the Sacred Territory realm!

Just like before, he clearly has a body comparable to a Level 9 Warrior, but there is no matching battle energy cultivation base!

It can only be regarded as pseudo…level 9!

and so on, it is very likely to be true Sacred Territory!

“That said, if I meet the real Sacred Territory, shouldn’t I be hanged?”

“Speaking of which, you still have to comprehend Power of the World, it hurts!”

Monray has some headaches. Using system spend gold can only increase his body, mental power and magic power reserves, but it cannot enhance his understanding of Power of the World and World’s Law!

“This means that in the future, like everyone else, I need to understand Power of the World and World’s Law step by step?”

“Sad reminder!”

“What’s the use of this dog system?”

Monray cursed secretly and asked, “Old Dean, how can I master Power of the World?”

“This requires you to slowly comprehended yourself!”

The old man shook his head: “Power of the World can’t be seen or touched. If you realize it, you have realized it. If you don’t realize it, there is no way. No one can teach you!”

Monray frowned, so profound?


The old man Twilight smiled: “You have become a Level 9 Archmage at a young age. This is your biggest advantage!”

“Um…this is also an advantage!”

Monray slightly frowned!


The old man hummed: “Life is short and lifespan is limited. Even if it is a level 9 Archmage, it will only be a short 100 years of lifespan. It’s not as short as it is!”

“And when many people train to the level 9 realm, they are already gray-haired, how long is there to comprehend Power of the World?”

Monray nodded, this makes sense!

“Because you don’t have to worry about dying early, so you have plenty of time to comprehend Power of the World, and you are one step faster than others!”

The old man stroked his beard and looked at Monray: “And your biggest disadvantage is that the magic talent is very good. You have 4 Elemental Affinity, Lightning, Fire, Earth, and Wood at the same time!”

“This is also a disadvantage?”

Monray stayed!

“of course!”

The old man looked serious: “Having 4 kinds of talent means that you need to spend 4 times or even longer for others to comprehend Power of the World, which is much more difficult!”

Monray frowned!

“So, I suggest you, give up 3 kinds, choose only one of them to comprehend!”

The old man said with a smile: “Your talent is very good. If you only fix one, I am confident that you can touch the threshold of World’s Law and successfully break through the Sacred Territory!”

Lightning, Fire, Earth, Wood!

Choose only one?

Monray is silent!

In all fairness, he didn’t want to give up any kind of talent. What a pity to throw away the talent he finally picked up!

“I think about it!”

Monray shook his head!

“Think about it, smelly brat!”

The old man smiled and didn’t force it!

He understands Monray’s mood very well, anyone who has 4 kinds of magic talents at the same time does not want to give up!

But at this time, there must be a choice!

Otherwise, 2 heads are likely to be delayed and a lot of time wasted, which is intolerable to the short-lived Level 9 Archmage!

“en! I know!”

Monray slightly nodded, pulling away from this heavy topic, and asked: “Old Dean, what about after the arrival of God, they killed the Golden God Slayer Ant?”


old man slightly nodded: “Although Golden God Slayer Ant is powerful, some of them can even compete with God, but after all, they can’t stand the joint siege of the gods!”

“In the end, Golden God Slayer Ant was completely wiped out by the gods!”

“Even in order to prevent the resurgence of Golden God Slayer Ant, all the descendants of the gods who inherited the Golden God Slayer Ant Bloodline were completely wiped out!”

Having said that, old man looked towards Monray’s face suddenly became complicated: “But it is a pity that there is still a fish that escaped the net, and you…obviously are one of them!”

“A fish that escaped the net has gone too much, who knows how much!”

Monray touched his nose and wanted to say that the real a fish that escaped the net is actually Little Gold, not me!

I just accidentally picked up the melon-eating crowd of Golden God Slayer Ant Bloodline!

“Smelly brat, you have to remember!”

The old man suddenly became more serious than ever: “No matter when, don’t let others know that you have Golden God Slayer Ant Bloodline! Otherwise, you will be imminent!”

“I know it, Old Dean!”

Monray heart shivered with cold, nodded said that he understands that this is a matter of life and death, so be careful!

“You understand it!”

old man slightly nodded!

At this moment, the earth trembles suddenly, like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses galloping, sending out a dull and mixed rumbling sound!

“Ant tide is coming?”

Monray looked up and looked towards all around!

“No! Not an ant tide!”

The old man shook his head: “Such a big movement must be some kind of larger creature, you need to be careful!”

The guess of the old man is indeed correct!

The earth was shaking more and more violently, and the trees broke and broke, a head with a body size of more than ten several meters, with 8 spider legs, face looks sinister, the odious Pit Demon Spider appeared!

The number is so amazing that you can’t see the head at a glance. They surrounded Monray and completely blocked all the way out!

“Pit Demon Spider!”

Monray’s mouth curled up: “Is this here to deliver food?”


A sharp, piercing neigh suddenly sounded, and Pit Demon Spider stepped aside!

“Boom boom boom——”

Amid the tight and dull tremor, a blood-red monster with a height of more than 20 stories walked in slowly!

“Level 9 Peak Magic Beast-Pit Demon Spider Sovereign!”

PS: I go! Today’s 2 chapters are so hard to write, just like constipation, squeeze a little, delete a little, squeeze a little, delete a little, squeeze a little, it hurts me!

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