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This blood-red huge monster stands on the ground, like a peerless beast from Nine Hells, exuding a tyrannical evil aura, send cold shivers down one’s spine, shuddering all over!

“Pit Demon Spider Sovereign!”

old man eyes shrank, shouted: “Smelly brat, this is Level 9 Peak Magic Beast Pit Demon Spider Sovereign. It is extremely difficult to deal with, you must be careful!”

“I know!”

No need to remind the old man, Monray can feel the Ominous Fiend Qi from Pit Demon Spider Sovereign!

Looking at the imposing manner alone, it is even more terrifying than the Titan Dragon Ape that I encountered before. Does Monray dare to be careless?




The 8 spider legs of Pit Demon Spider Sovereign are like 8 towering trees, covered with several meters long scarlet steel spikes, flashing bloody cold glow under the bonfire!

Its 8 eyes first looked at Little Gold coldly, and then looked towards Monray, the cold light shot in the eyes, and they said, “Human! Get out! Otherwise! Die!”

“I’m going! I can talk!”

Monray startled. Didn’t it mean that only Sacred Territory Magic Beast can speak, why can the Level 9 Magic Beast speak?

“Obviously! This Pit Demon Spider Sovereign has a breakthrough! It is no longer a Level 9 Magic Beast, but a Sacred Territory Magic Beast!”

The old man said anxiously: “Although it was just a breakthrough, Aura was a little bit unstable, but Sacred Territory is Sacred Territory after all. It is difficult to defeat it with your current strength! Get ready to run! It’s a pity this little Ant Sovereign, I’m afraid I have to give it up…”


Monray heart shivered with cold, his muscles are tight, he is not afraid of going to Level 9 Magic Beast, but Sacred Territory Magic Beast is different!

Sacred Territory!

9 level!

One day!

One place!

Completely incomparable!

“But… Sacred Territory Magic Beast seems very valuable?”

Monray’s eyes flickered, and a crazy thought suddenly appeared in his heart. If he slaughtered the Sacred Territory Magic Beast in front of him…

And at the moment when Pit Demon Spider Sovereign appeared, Little Gold scared to the point of shivering, shaking like chaff, and he kept drilling behind Monray. It was panic to the extreme!

“Human, get out!”

Seeing Monray’s silence, Pit Demon Spider Sovereign became impatient, and made a roar up to the sky. The rolling sound wave blew in his ears, almost shattering Monray’s eardrums!

“Go away? Hehe, what if I don’t go away?”

Monray slowly got up, grabbed the roasted pork leg fiercely on the campfire and tore a bite, staring at Pit Demon Spider Sovereign firmly, a flash of madness flashed in his eyes!

Just breakthrough?

aura unstable?

Why not… butcher it?

“brat, what are you doing?”

The old man startled and shouted hurriedly: “Don’t do stupid things, you are not the opponent of this Pit Demon Spider Sovereign, you will die if you fight against it!”

“If it’s an opponent, you have to fight to know!”

Monray chewed the roast pork leg: “Old Dean, how much do you think this Pit Demon Spider Sovereign can sell for?”

“What do you want to do? You are crazy!”

The lungs of the old man exploded: “The power of Sacred Territory Magic Beast is not what you can imagine, listen to me, and run away, you can escape with your strength!”

Monray shook his head slightly: “Old Dean, just tell me, how much is this Pit Demon Spider Sovereign worth?”

“You…you donkey!”

The old man blows his beard and stares: “Sacred Territory Magic Beast is a priceless treasure. There is a market and it is priceless. It occasionally appears. It is also a sky-high price of 1 billion Gold Coin!”

“Although this Pit Demon Spider Sovereign has just broken through, the Sacred Territory Magic Beast is Sacred Territory Magic Beast after all, and it can sell at least 50100000000 Gold Coins at a sky-high price!”

“50100000000? So, at least I can make a difference of 25100000000?”

Monray licked his lips, his eyes became more frenzied, laughed heartily and said, “Evil creature, your little life, I want it!”

“System! Exchange all wealth and add it to the constitution item!”


Wealth points are cleared instantly!

7,541,721,863 gold coins are all gone!

At the same time, 7, 5417, and 2186 attribute points were suddenly added to Monray, and the surging heat flow strengthened Monray’s body like a sea wave!


A horrible aura of connecting to heaven penetrating the earth spouted from Monray, wherever the wind passed, shaking all directions!

The vegetation is broken and the dust is flying!

The bonfire is flying, a mess!


Feeling the horror aura burst out of Monray’s body, the old man’s eyes turned round and almost popped out of his eye sockets!

“How… how is it possible?”

The old man can’t believe his eyes!


Pit Demon Spider Sovereign was also a little surprised, but it was only a surprise. Although Monray’s aura was greatly enhanced, it was still at level 9!

Trifling level 9, Pit Demon Spider Sovereign does not take seriously, it has absolute confidence in its own strength!

“Old Dean, Little Gold, I won’t give up, let alone run away!”

Monray licked his lips, his eyes bursting with bloodthirsty and madness: “Just keep your eyes open and see if I kill this beast!”

Tone barely fell, Monray shot out instantly!

At this moment, his speed soared to the extreme. The 7 constitution made him feel full of explosive power!




Heaven and Earth turning upside down!

“Die! Evil creature!”

In a flash, Monray’s fist carries the terrifying power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, and kills the belly of Pit Demon Spider Sovereign!

“Little ants, overestimate one’s capabilities!”

Pit Demon Spider Sovereign coldly snorted, the blood-red spikes on the 8 spider legs break away from the spider legs, turning into a dense rain of swords and shooting towards Monray!

Fast as lightning!

The numbers are as dense as rain!

Block all directions!

Poke Monray into a sieve!


Monray laughed heartily, the dazzling golden light shot out from him, his whole person instantly became incarnation golden sun, his body shape changed again!

The dazzling golden scales!

Grim golden barbs!

Dazzling golden body!

Golden God Slayer Ant …up!


At this moment, Monray aura skyrocketed again, the speed surged again, and then disappeared into the air strangely!

“Puff puff puff ——”

The dense rain of steel needles rushed into the air and pierced into the earth one after another, but Monray suddenly appeared under the belly of Pit Demon Spider Sovereign, fiercely punched it!


Incomparable violent power burst out, and the belly of Pit Demon Spider Sovereign turned out to be like a drum head, making a sound like a bronze bell, and then rippled circles!

It’s a pity that I couldn’t break through!


Monray complexion changed!

Just after spending gold, his constitution was as high as 7.6100000000!

After Ant Transformation, the constitution has doubled again, already breaking through the 10100000000 mark, reaching another level!

This means that after his Ant Transformation, the body is comparable to Sacred Territory!

Even so, why cannot penetrate the belly of Pit Demon Spider Sovereign?

“Brat, what you think is too simple!”

The old man shook his head and sighed: “Once Magic Beast enters the Sacred Territory, the strength is close to Human’s Sacred Territory Middle Stage, and even the Sacred Territory Late Stage, how can you kill it!”

“puchi -“

However, when his tone barely fell heard a crisp sound from puchi, the old man looked at it in amazement and saw a black long spear pierced through the head of Pit Demon Spider Sovereign!

“Hehe! Thanks to Laozi’s extra heart!”

PS: Take the bill, so that no one will look bad!

1015, 8587 (original constitution)

+7, 5417, 2186 (all wealth points exchange)

= 7 (existing constitution)

Coupled with Ant Transformation’s several times of transformation, it steadily exceeds 10100000000, breaking into the Sacred Territory level!

Big guys have no objections, right?

Finally, let’s talk about it again, don’t say anything, end early, etc. I am the author. Are you the author?

I have prepared a 9-volume outline, and I have only written about Second Volume Middle Stage so far, it’s too early to end!

Um, sauce purple!

By the way, ask for a ticket, it’s the kind that’s by the way!

Meme (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)!

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