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To say a little bit of heart, Monray feels that he has been swollen recently, and it is the kind of swelling that has swelled into a ball!

Experience of Magic Beast Forest!

The ant tide suddenly broke out!

A series of spend gold + opportunities made his strength soar like a rocket, jumping several levels in a row!

Let’s look back!

Before you come to Magic Beast Forest!

He is only Level 7 Warrior, Level 6 Mage!

But just over a month!

Level 9 Warrior, plus level 9 Mage!

Use trump card, barely comparable to Sacred Territory!

The rapid increase in strength is staggering!

This also made Monray’s self-confidence swell like never before, so that when facing the Sacred Territory Magic Beast of Pit Demon Spider Sovereign, Monray’s first thought was not to escape, but to kill the opponent!

Sacred Territory Magic Beast!

This is Sacred Territory Magic Beast!

How much do you earn if you kill it?

Therefore, Monray bet on all his wealth and made a crazy shot, but to his expectation, his full strength attack failed to cause any harm to Pit Demon Spider Sovereign!

This is so annoying!

Laozi is so hard, are you shit?

“Fortunately, when Laozi just attacked, he used God Killing Spear! Otherwise, it would be dangerous today!”

Monray dodged several times and appeared at a safe distance, secretly grateful for the decision just now!

a sly individual has more than one plan to fall back on!

You have to leave a way for yourself at any time!

The ancients do not deceive me!

“This brat, is it so insidious?”

The old man was stunned. He thought Monray was going to kneel. After all, Monray was facing Sacred Territory Magic Beast!

How is it different from courting death to rush forward rashly?

But I didn’t expect Monray to be such a chicken thief. While attacking, he did not forget to use the sneak attack behind God Killing Spear!

One light and one dark!

Double whammy!

Successfully overcast Pit Demon Spider Sovereign!

Too sinister!


The head was pierced by God Killing Spear, Pit Demon Spider Sovereign did not die, huge pain hit its nerves, Pit Demon Spider Sovereign roar again and again, eyes full of brutality and bloodthirsty!


It raised its blade-like front legs, fiercely slashed towards Monray, fast and fiercely. If this is done, the Giant Dragon will be split in half!

“Hehe, can’t fight!”

Monray retreated suddenly, and then snapped his fingers, and a Fireball with a diameter of 100 meters suddenly appeared on top of Pit Demon Spider Sovereign!

“Fire Sea Purgatory…fall!”


Fire Sea Purgatory dropping from the sky, accurately dropped on the head of Pit Demon Spider Sovereign, covering the eyes of Pit Demon Spider Sovereign!

“good chance!”

Monray controls the God Killing Spear and directly pierces the eyes of Pit Demon Spider Sovereign. With a puchi, the God Killing Spear comes in!


Pit Demon Spider Sovereign let out a screaming scream, the great pain makes it have a tendency to run wild!

Monray remained unmoved and appeared in the belly of Pit Demon Spider Sovereign again, loudly shouting: “Where is God Killing Spear?”

“xiu – ”

God Killing Spear turned into a stream of light and returned to Monray’s hands. Monray held the God Killing Spear in his hand, thrust it hard, and swipe it hard!


Amidst the noise of send cold shivers down one’s spine, the abdomen of Pit Demon Spider Sovereign was drawn a deep gully!

“puchi -“

Scarlet smelly blood spilled like a waterfall, Monray sneered, a ten meters long Lightning Arrow appeared instantly!

Level 8 magic-Thunder Light Arrow!

“go with!”

Monray throws at will, Thunder Light Arrow dashes shatter void, piercing into the gully with precision!

“Your skin is tenacious, I don’t believe that your internal organs are also tenacious!”

Monray retreated, and at the moment he jumped away, the Thunder Light Arrow that shot into the gully exploded. There was a loud bang, lightning was arbitrary, blood splashed, and the abdomen of Pit Demon Spider Sovereign was directly blown into a big pit!

“Crash-bang ——”

The colorful intestines mixed with minced meat and blood smashed down, making a muffled sound of “peng~ peng~ peng~”, an amazing stench assaults the senses, Monray almost spit out the overnight meal!


Monray covered his mouth and nose and hurriedly backed out, “Did this dog eat shit? It smells so bad!”

The continuous blows obviously caused severe damage to Pit Demon Spider Sovereign. It used 8 long legs to pull the internal organs, trying to stuff these smelly internal organs back into its belly!

But how do you plug such a big hole?

In vain for a long time, the internal organs were not put back, but the physical strength quickly passed away, its body became weaker and weaker, and the roar sound became smaller and smaller!

In the end, Pit Demon Spider Sovereign fell to the ground, gasping for breath without a mouthful, his eyes dimmed, and he could not survive!

“haha, success!”

Monray appeared on a big tree, looking at this huge monster even though it was lying on the ground, there were several dozen meters tall huge monster, his mind was agitated, and his blood was boiling!

Sacred Territory Magic Beast!

Pit Demon Spider Sovereign!

I was actually killed by myself!

“I now… can I kill even Sacred Territory?”

Monray muttered to himself, it felt like a dream!

“Smelly brat, you actually killed Pit Demon Spider Sovereign!”

The old man came out, and the Pit Demon Spider Sovereign, who was looking at the Pit Demon Spider Sovereign with less air intake, felt unbelievable: “Even if you use Divine Artifacts like God Killing Spear, you can kill the Pit Demon Spider Sovereign. I am impressed!”

“Haha, a fluke! It’s just a fluke!”

Monray laughed twice, and God Killing Spear threw it out of thin air, stabs Pit Demon Spider Sovereign’s head frantically. Although this one is about to die, the ghost knows how long it will take to die?

Looking at the empty wealth points, Monray is very insecure, so he is in urgent need of Gold Coin!

Lots of Gold Coins!

“Puff puff puff ——”

After a frantic stab, Pit Demon Spider Sovereign’s head was turned into a sieve, with 1000 sores and 100 holes. This powerful Sacred Territory Magic Beast died in unwillingness and humiliation!

It is really unwilling!

Thinking of it dignified Pit Demon Spider Sovereign, just breakthrough the Sacred Territory realm, it destroyed the 10000-year bloodthristy Iron Crystal Ant Race, it is just high-spirited and vigorous, the occasion of the grand vision!

Unexpectedly extreme joy turns to sorrow!

I just boarded the Spiders Peak, and before I had time to enjoy it, I came here. Not only did it not kill the remnants of the Bloodthristy Iron Crystal Ant Race, but also the old life!

He really complied with that sentence, spiders are fickle, who knows which one will come first tomorrow?

“Ding! Kill 1 Pit Demon Spider Sovereign and get 52100000000 Gold Coin!”

The system prompt sounded at the right time, and Monray’s cold voice sounded like Xianle, let him as if drunk and stupefied!


“Although dangerous!”

“But I bet it right!”

“This 52100000000, plus magic core 50100000000!”

“This is 100100000000 Gold Coin!”

“And this smelly corpse!”

“I made a profit…”

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