You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

After hanging up the magic communicator, Monray is secretly delighted!

During the time in Magic Beast Forest, the magic core he accumulated was not a small amount, and it could definitely sell for a lot of money!

Magic core realized!

Soaring wealth!

Just tonight!

Monray is looking forward to it!


At this time, the magic communicator rang again. Monray saw that it was the head teacher Dirk Norwy calling!

“Monray, are you back?”

“Yes, Teacher Dirk!”

“Just back!”

Dirk Norwy relaxed: “Where are you now, if you are not busy, come to my office, someone wants to see you!”

“I will be right over!”

After hanging up the communicator, Monray apologized slightly: “Old Dean, I’m so sorry, I can’t accompany you to hang out anymore!”

“Go go!” The old man waved his hand: “Go and inquire about Dragon Language Magic by the way!”

“I know!”

Monray nodded, and then walked towards the staff building, half an hour later, came to the staff building!


At this time, the old man who had been hovering beside him suddenly complexion slightly changed and he returned to the space ring directly!

“Old Dean, what’s wrong with you?”

Monray looked surprised!

“Here is the Sacred Territory powerhouse!”

old man Mind sound transmission!

“Sacred Territory!!!”

Monray heart shivered with cold, so I don’t ask any more. Old man is the body of the soul, and most people cannot see his existence!

But Sacred Territory can!

If discovered by Sacred Territory, it will be very troublesome!

If it is not done, there will be life concerns!

“Didn’t expect Sacred Territory in the faculty building!” Monray looked towards the building in front of him: “I just don’t know who it is? Dean? Or how many Vice-Deans?”

Thinking like this in my heart, Teacher Dirk’s office was already in sight, and Monray knocked on the office door!

Teacher Dirk opened the door to greet him, and looked at Monray up and down, his eyes full of joy, said with a smile: “You brat finally came back! Come, come in!”

The office is as quiet as ever, with bookshelves and magic books occupying most of the space, and it looks crowded and chaotic. Monray glanced at these bookshelves, and his thoughts flickered!

Teacher Dirk has so many books, are there any books about Dragon Language Magic?

Thinking like this in my heart, Teacher Dirk’s voice rang: “Monray, let me introduce it to you!”


Monray was taken aback for a moment, there is someone else here?

Following Teacher Dirk’s gaze, Monray saw an old man with a short body and an ordinary red hair!

Dress ordinary!


No trace of aura is revealed on his body, simple and ordinary, of the kind that cannot be found in the crowd!

But Monray was not at peace. With his keen perception of Level 9 Archmage, he could clearly sense even if there was an extra cat!

However, after walking into the office for so long, I did not notice the existence of this old man. Is he really an ordinary old man?

With a hint of respect, Dirk Norwy introduced to Monray: “Monray, this is Dean Fred!”

“Dean Fred?” Monray looked dumbfounded. “He is Dean Fred? It’s impossible, right?”

“Hahaha, don’t you think it looks like?”

The old man haha ​​smiled, and his cheeks changed quickly. After a short while, he changed his appearance. Two horns growing on the head, his dignified gaze was exactly what Monray remembered as the dean!

“It turned out to be the dean!”

Monray continued: “I have seen the dean!”

“Get up, let me take a good look at you!”

Dean Fred looked at Monray with a smile: “It’s worthy of being the best genius recruited by our Academy this year, as expected!”

“The dean is too acclaimed!”

Monray is very humble, this one is Sacred Territory!

Sacred Territory of aloof and remote!

“Student Monray, I heard that you are already Grade 9 Archmage?”

Dean Fred asked with a smile!


Monray did not deny it, nor can it be denied, that many people saw it, and Monray did not intend to deny it either!

“Teacher Dirk said that when you left the Academy, it was only Level 5 Mage, and after just a few months, you broke through to Level 9 Archmage!”

Dean Fred said, “Such a breakthrough speed is really horrible, even if the training speed of the Abyss Demon genius Adolf is not so fast! Student Monray, I am curious, how did you do it?”

Dirk Norwy also looked at Monray, his eyes were full of doubts, Monray’s training speed is no longer “fast” to describe it, simply unreasonable!

“Of course! I’m just purely curious. Not at all means to ask. If you don’t want to answer, you don’t have to answer!” Dean Fred added!

Can you not answer?

I believe you a ghost!

If I don’t name my ugly Yinmao today, I am afraid that you will probably be treated as a Demon spy like Adolf, right?

Besides, I still want to learn your Titan Divine Lightning. If I don’t convince you today, how can I learn?

“This is actually my biggest secret, I didn’t intend to tell anyone!”

Monray looked embarrassed: “However, since the dean you asked, I have no choice but to say, I just hope the dean and Teacher Dirk can keep secrets for me!”

“This is for sure!”

2 people are nodded again and again!

“Actually, I have had an adventure!”


Dean Fred and Teacher Dirk look at each other!

“This winter vacation, when I was practicing in Magic Beast Forest, I came across an ancestor by chance and got advice from his Senior…” Monray said in a low voice, slowly said!

“Smelly brat, what are you doing?”

The questioning voice of old man flustered and exasperated came in my mind: “Why confess Laozi?”

“Old Dean, what happened suddenly, I can only apologize for you!” Monray quickly apologized: “But you can rest assured, it’s just to let you back the pot, it won’t hurt you!”

“Back the pot? You unfilial grandson…”

The old man’s angry lungs have exploded!


“Get his guidance?”

Dean Fred and Teacher Dirk looked at each other in blank dismay, Monray has ancestors?

What kind of ancestors can give Monray from a Level 5 Mage breakthrough to a 9th Archmage?

“The ancestor’s name was Amos Crocker!”

Monray completely sold the old man!

“Amos Crocker?”

Dean Fred frowned for a moment, his face suddenly changed: “Did you mean 20,000 years ago, the second dean of the Academy, Dean Amos?”

“It’s him!”

Monray is heavily nodded!

“It is him!”

Teacher Dirk’s eyes widened and he exclaimed, “Monray, you mean Dean Amos is still alive? Isn’t he missing?”

“As far as I know, Dean Amos once resigned as the dean because of the problem of the discipline Adolf. Since then, there has been no news and no trace!”

Dean Fred stared at Monray: “You are now saying that he has been living in the Magic Beast Forest…Student Monray, what you said makes me hard to believe!”

“I know it’s unimaginable, but it’s true!”

Monray took out a piece of red dragon scales: “This is what my ancestors gave me, and appointed as my Amos Family contemporary home, let me revive the glory of Amos Family!”

“this is……”

Dean Fred stared closely at the red dragon scales in Monray’s hands, Monray handed the red dragon scales to Dean Fred!

“The scales of the pure blood Sacred Territory Fire Dragon!”

“This is the scale of the pure blood Sacred Territory Fire Dragon!”

Dean Fred looked at the red dragon scales, with a look of shock on his face: “Isn’t Dean Amos a Draconian? Could it be that…His Senior has been trained to Sacred Territory Peak, shedding body, exchanging bones, and incarnation Pure Blood Fire Dragon?”

“No! It should be more than Sacred Territory Peak!”

Monray shook his head: “According to my estimation, his ancestor, Senior, has already entered another level. I was fortunate enough to have seen his Senior’s Fire Dragon real body, which is a thousand zhang!”

“Go to thousands zhang? That can’t…”

Dean Fred sucked in a breath of cold air!

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