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Giant Dragon is one of Firmament Continent’s most powerful races. Its strength is directly proportional to its size!

The stronger the strength, the bigger the body!

The bigger the body, the stronger the strength!

When an ordinary Giant Dragon reaches adulthood, it can be comparable to the Level 9 Magic Beast, and its body size can reach more than 20 meters; if it breaks through Sacred Territory, its body size can reach more than 50 meters!

As the strength increases in the future, the body size will also increase, but even if it is the Giant Dragon of Sacred Territory Peak, the body size is only about 100 meters!

Go to the dragon body of thousands zhang!

That’s not the size that the Sacred Territory Peak Giant Dragon can have. Even the Dragon King on the Sacred Territory is not that big!

“Has Dean Amos surpassed Dragon King?”

Dean Fred’s eyes flickered and he was surprised!

Dragon King!

In the name of other races, it is also called…Demi-God!

What is Demi-God?

Half-Mortal Half-God!

Have some of God’s means, but have not yet faded away from the mortal womb, truly transformed into the existence of God, called Demi-God!

“Beyond the existence of Demi-God, isn’t it just…”

Dean Fred couldn’t help being sucked in a breath of cold air: “no! impossible! Firmament Continent has not been born without God for nearly 10000 years. How can Dean Amos become God?”

“Is he 10000 years ago…”

Dean Fred’s eyes flickered, countless thoughts flashed in his mind, and he was a little confused about Monray’s words!

But one thing he believed!

Monray, I should have really met Dean Amos!

First of all!

After more than 2 years, the Amos family has long been sealed in the dust of history. Very few people know this family, let alone Monray, a 10000-year-old boy!

Where does he go to know Amos Family is going?


The dragon scales of this Pure Blood Fire Dragon can’t be faked, because most people simply can’t come up with this thing!

Steal from Giant Dragon? buckle? grab?

hehe, is it possible?

At last!

Monray can release Dragon Language Magic, especially Dragon Language Magic released by North River Pass, it can explain the problem!

Because some of the fire magic is the signature magic of Dean Amos 20,000 years ago, and the others are unprecedented fire magic that has never appeared on Continent!

Monray created it?

Possible !

It can only be created by someone else!

In summary, the probability of Monray encountering Dean Amos is very high. As a result, he can break through to Level 9 Archmage in just a few months and it makes sense!

As for whether Dean Amos really became God, Dean Fred is temporarily skeptical!

Because this fact is too unimaginable, it would be hard for him to believe it without clear evidence!

“Monray, didn’t expect you to have such an adventure!”

Dean Fred was full of admiration: “Let’s never expect that after Dean Amos, you are really lucky for the Academy and the kingdom!”

“Thanks to our ancestors!”

Monray has a humble face, completely possessed by the actor!

“Student Monray, since you are my Fire Dragon Kingdom royal family, can you show me what you look like after being dragonized?”

Dean Fred made a request. No matter what Monray said, no bloodline can be convincing!

With Fire Dragon bloodline, you can dispel all doubts!

“no problem!”

Monray is slightly nodded, and then drives the Fire Dragon Bloodline within the body to become a dragon and become a Draconian form!

“Not bad! Not bad! It’s a genuine Fire Dragon Bloodline!”

Looking at the appearance of the Lightning Dragon, Dean Fred was nodded again and again, and his heart was completely let go: “Student Monray, Dean Amos has made great contributions to the Academy. You are his descendants, do you need any help?”

Making up for a long time, waiting for this sentence, Monray, how polite, immediately made his request!

“The other Dragon Language Magic at High Level and the mysteries related to Titan Divine Lightning are stored on the top floor of the library!”

Dean Fred full of smiles said: “Originally, only those who meet the special requirements are eligible to enter, but Student Monray is in a special situation. I grant you permission to enter and study!”

“Thank you, Dean!”


“Old Dean, it was really dangerous just now!”

Leaving the faculty building, Monray wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a look of rejoicing!

half true half false!

Make it up!

Dean Fred finally flicked!

“Asshole brat, dare to let me take the blame, I don’t have such a shameful descendant as you!” The old man was so angry that he ranted angrily!

“Hehe! Wasn’t it true just now?”

Monray laughed: “If you can’t persuade Dean Fred, Dragon Language Magic and Titan Divine Lightning, you may even be charged with Abyss Demon, then you will die!”

Although Dean Fred does not show the mountains and not revealing the water, Monray is very clear about his political censorship. If he is not satisfied, the consequences will be unimaginable!

“Speaking of which, it’s the repercussions that I brought through training too fast, hey, it seems that I have to keep a low profile in the future!”

“Hmph! You brat training so fast, you are more perverted than Adolf, maybe it is really Abyss Demon! No, I have to look it up carefully, lest you be fooled!”

The old man hummed angrily: “Laozi has been cheated once, but I don’t want to be cheated a second time!”

Monray rolled the eyes: “Old Dean, am I not Abyss Demon, don’t you know if you are old? Lie you!”

old man lightly snorted: “You brat god mysterious and secret, you are not sure! No! Still have to look into it carefully!”

“Then you can always investigate carefully, don’t make a mistake!”

Monray twitched his lips and changed the subject: “Dean Fred said that Dragon Language Magic and Titan Divine Lightning are on the top floor of the library. I will check it out now!”

“Go, go! Run!”


The library covers a large area and is the most magnificent building in the Academy. Looking at the Royal City, it is also one of the amazing buildings!

Two sculptures stand in front of the library, namely:

A magic book!

A magic staff!

Books represent knowledge!

The staff represents magic power!

And the mental power to lift them out of thin air!

Symbolize the 3 power sources of Mage!



Monray stopped in front of the library, looking up at the magnificent white building, couldn’t help but admire it!

“It deserves to be the largest library in Fire Dragon Kingdom!”

“Don’t sigh! Go in and see!”

Old man impatient urge it!


Monray stepped up the steps and entered the library smoothly with the magic badge on his chest. A magic light curtain stood in the spacious lobby, showing the entire library’s collection!

The library has 6 floors!

General knowledge books are stored on the first floor, such as “Continent Chronicle”, “Dragon God Empire Development History”, “Magic Material Encyclopedia”, “Magic Beast 1010000 Species” and so on!

The 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th floors all store books related to magic, from low-level magic to high-level magic, all stored in this 4-Layer!

There are 10 storage rooms on each floor, each storing a series of magic!

As for the 6th floor!

That is the top floor of the library!

The magic light curtain is not shown!

Means not open to the outside world!

“6rd floor!”

“What I want is on the 6th floor!”

Monray couldn’t bear the excitement from the bottom of his heart and got on the magic suspended ladder to the 6th floor!


The 6th floor is here!

After exiting the magic suspended ladder, Monray walked into the corridor, the floor was empty, and the library was all closed tightly!

6nd Floor!

No one is empty!


When I walked to the end of the corridor, I didn’t see anyone. When I saw an open library, Monray’s brows wrinkled deeply. There was nothing, just look at it!


Just as Monray was puzzled, a colored beam suddenly fell over his head and directly enveloped Monray. Next moment, Monray suddenly disappeared in place!

After a while, the surrounding environment changed like Heaven and Earth turning upside down. It was no longer an empty corridor, but a library full of bookshelves!

“It seems to be empty, but there is something inside!”

“This is the top floor of the real library!”

“Look at it! What Dragon Language Magic are there!”

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