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After the courtesy of both parties, go straight to the theme!

The representative of Lucy Viya Chamber of Commerce, one of the three major Chambers of Commerce, stood up: “Lord Monray, I heard that you have harvested a batch of Bloodthristy Iron Crystal Ant magic cores in North River Pass. How many are there?”

Others are nodded again and again!

They came for this batch of magic cores today. This is a big business. If they can take up more shares, they will definitely make a lot of money!

Fatty can’t help looking towards Monray!

Monray thought for a while and said: “Counting my gains in Magic Beast Forest and two times in front of Dragon Blood Great Wall against ant tides, the total is about 2, right?”

He hasn’t counted it carefully, but judging by wealth points, it is almost the same number!

Of course, it is not necessarily accurate!

Because wealth points continue to accumulate, they will also continue to be consumed. To replenish physical strength and supplement the consumed magic power and mental power all need to consume wealth points!

Therefore, the number of magic cores cannot be judged simply by the wealth points obtained, which is not accurate!

The actual number must exceed 7510000!



Everyone’s eyes widened!

Monray thought they were too few, slightly frowned: “I don’t know how much it is, but it should be more than 7510000, maybe 8010000!”


All 16 business representatives were sucked in a breath of cold air, and immediately their eyes lit up, and the gazes looking towards Monray were full of fiery heat. Even if a Level 6 magic core earns an extra 100 Gold Coin, 8010000 is 800010000!

The profit of 800010000 Gold Coin!

This is definitely a big deal!

Moreover, the benefits of a magic core can be more than 100 Gold Coins. If it is sold well, it is possible to count 100 to 1000!

“Lord Monray, our Midas Trading Company is willing to buy 4010000 magic core. Please make an offer. As long as the price is similar, we will make a deal immediately!”

“4010000? What a big breath! There is only 8010000 magic core in total. You Midas Trading Company swallowed half of it in one gulp. Can the rest of you drink Northwest Wind?”

“Yes! I don’t want much, just 1010000 magic cores. I will give you the price of 11000 gold coins for a magic core. What do you think of Lord Monray?”

“Lord Monray is a young talent who has made great contributions to defending the country from the invasion of ant tides. Our Lucy Viya Chamber of Commerce is unwilling to take advantage of Lord and bought a magic core 1.310000 Gold Coin…”

The quiet box immediately became very lively, Monray just opened his mouth, and 16 representatives rushed to buy it!

Seeing such a scene, Monray instantly realized that he seriously underestimated the value of this batch of magic cores, a 10000?

It’s too cheap!

“Fortunately, I handed it over to the fatty. If I did it myself, I would definitely sell it cheaply to save trouble!”

“How much money do you make less?”

Monray glanced at the fatty approvingly, and raised his hand to signal that everyone don’t be impatient, said with a smile: “Everyone, let me finish talking. In addition to the 8010000 Level 6 magic core, I still have 4 50000 Level 7 magic. core can be sold to you together!”

4 50000 Level 7 magic core?

When everyone heard it, their eyes straightened!


When leaving the Assembly of Delicacies Building, fatty looked towards Monray’s eyes were red. If it weren’t for that strength, he would definitely rob Monray!

“Old Brother, you did! You really did!”

“147100000000 Gold Coin!”

“A full 147100000000 Gold Coin!”

“So much money, how can it be spent…”

“How to spend, just spend it like that!”

Monray looked indifferent, but he was actually excited about selling all the magic cores and corpses for a total of 147100000000 Gold Coins, plus the original 50100000000 wealth points!

His wealth points soared to 197100000000!

Take a look at the properties panel!

Host: Monray

Race: Human Race (Fire Dragon Bloodline, Flame Demon Bloodline, Golden God Slayer Ant Bloodline)

Wealth: 197, 2892, 5768Gold Coin

Constitution: Level 9 Warrior (764,331,943/1,000,000,000)

Mind: 9-level Archmage (1,356,253/1,000,000,000)

magic power: 9-level Archmage (1,132,358/1,000,000,000)

“197100000000 Gold Coin!”

“Plus the corpse of Pit Demon Spider Sovereign!”

“At least 50100000000 can be sold!”

“This is 247100000000 Gold Coin!”

“247100000000 Gold Coin!”

“Enough to push me into the Sacred Territory!”


Thinking about it, Monray couldn’t help laughing. The laughter of wild waves echoed in Fatty’s ears. He heard fatty gnashing teeth, and his eyes were full of blood!

“Really constant comparing oneself to others will only make one angry!”

Fatty beats his chest: “I think I’m fatty, with Golden Dragon Bloodline, born in the Duke Aristocratic Family, and received the best education since I was young! However, to this day, I am still impoverished.

“what about you?”

“Mysteriously became 100 100000000 million local tyrants!”

“Heaven doesn’t have eyes Ahhhh!”

Monray hehe smiled straight: “fatty! One more thing I didn’t tell you! If you listen, you might hit me!”

“What happened?”

fatty startled!

“When I was in the Magic Beast Forest, I accidentally picked up the body of a Sacred Territory Magic Beast. According to preliminary estimates, it should sell for a few 1 billion, right?”

Monray doesn’t forget to sprinkle joint salt on fatty’s heart!

“Holy… Sacred Territory Magic Beast corpse?”

“Accidentally… picked it up?”

fatty eyes opened wide: “Really?”


Monray has never discovered that the eyes of Fatty can be so wide!

“I rely on it !!!”

fatty jumped straight up!



Nothing in the night!

In the morning of 2nd day, Monray went to the library as usual and continued to study Lightning, Earth and Wood Elements Dragon Language Magic, and he gave the fatty the sale of the body of Pit Demon Spider Sovereign!

Although this product was about to be burned to ashes by the blazing fire of jealousy, when Monray took out the 1000000 Gold Coin Paragon luxury reward red envelope, it directly extinguished the fatty jealousy!

Fatty suggested that priceless treasures like Sacred Territory Magic Beast should never be so casually sold like magic cores. More and more local tyrants…buyers should be contacted!

So, the best way is… auction!

Monray readily agreed, and then handed over the contact with Auction House to the fatty, and he went on to the library himself!

In the evening, the fatty sent back a message that the Auction House had been contacted, and Monray rushed to the Auction House immediately and took out the body of Pit Demon Spider Sovereign!

several dozen meters high!

Whole body blood red!

baleful aura side leakage!

As soon as the corpse of Pit Demon Spider Sovereign appeared, it shocked everyone. The bloodthirsty and brutal appearance and the terrifying face made everyone afraid of it!

“This imposing manner, this size!”

“Can’t go wrong! It’s definitely Sacred Territory Magic Beast!”

“Heavens! What a Sacred Territory Magic Beast!”

The relevant Chief-In-Charge of Auction House immediately made a judgment that the body of Sacred Territory Magic Beast was correct, and then told Monray that it would take a few days for publicity to get a higher price!

Monray has no objection to this!

After a 10-day pre-publicity campaign, Pit Demon Spider Sovereign successfully started the auction, and then, witnessed by many powerhouses, rich and powerful, and wealthy businessmen in the capital, the auction price was high!


After deducting the 10% auction fee and handling fee, Monray netted a huge sum of 61100000000 Gold Coin!

197 + 61 = 258100000000!

Monray’s wealth points have reached an astonishing 258100000000 Gold Coin, reaching an unprecedented height!

“25.8100000000 attribute points!”

“Enough for me to step into the Sacred Territory!”

“Although it is a pseudo Sacred Territory, it is also a Sacred Territory, Wahaha…O(∩_∩)O!”

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