You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

This night, Monray did not rush to spend money to step into the Sacred Territory, but withdrew countless Gold Coins, piled up a bed and a floor, and then lay down!

“I wanted to roll in the pile of tickets in my previous life dreams!”

“Today… finally achieved!”

Although it was a little bit dirty, Monray was very satisfied with the smell of gold and felt unprecedented peace!

“In fact, happiness is sometimes so simple!”

Monray muttered to himself, tiredness gradually hit!


The door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and the magic lamp turned on. Monray turned his head to look and saw Abbe push the door and walk in!


Monray is unknown so!

Although the two of them are roommates, one is upstairs and the other is downstairs. Not only do they never speak, but they never come to visit!

Why did Abbe come suddenly?

Abbe looked at the Gold Coins full of the house with a dumbfounded look. It was because of his cold facial paralysis that he was almost blinded by the golden light in the house!

Monray, still have this habit?

Really knowing people, knowing the face and not knowing the heart!

“Haha, recently made a small amount of money!” Monray scratched his head and said with a smile: “I want to try the feeling of sleeping in a pile of gold…haha, you know!”

“You are more like Giant Dragon than Giant Dragon!”

Abbe corner of the mouth twitched, regaining the expression of indifferent facial paralysis, a pair of eyes staring at Monray, pupil light is complicated!

“Abbe, what’s wrong with you?” Monray was seen mysteriously by Abbe: “It feels like you are weird today!”

Abbe didn’t speak, but looked at Monray quietly. After a long time, he suddenly turned around, then walked towards the door, and when he reached the door, he suddenly stopped!

“Monray, I’m leaving now!”

“If I can… if there is a chance, see you at Imperial Capital!”

After speaking, he left without looking back!

“what’s the situation?”

Monray was said to have been overwhelmed by this remark 2 The monk was puzzled, and when he reacted, Abbe had already left!

“Abbe! Where are you going?”

Monray chased him out and found that Abbe had long since disappeared. Mental power had spread upstairs and there was no one!

Call the magic communicator!

No one heard!


Disappeared out of thin air!

“What the hell is happening?”

Standing in the empty living room, Monray became more and more confused. He didn’t usually say a word. Today, I suddenly said something mysteriously. What do you mean?


This night, Monray suffered from insomnia!

Since learning to meditate, he has hardly slept, but occasionally sleeps, he sleeps very soundly!

But tonight, he has a rare insomnia!

When I close my eyes, my mind is full of Abbe, especially those eyes with strange light, which always reverberate, making Monray toss and turn, upset and irritable!

In the morning of 2nd day, Monray went to the library as usual. Along the way, he saw a lot of strange silhouettes, wearing armor, 5 big and 3 thick, holding various weapons…

This is Warrior!

Warrior appeared in Academy!

And the quantity is quite a lot!

This drew students pointing fingers, discussing spiritedly, and talking about the Empire Elite Competition, and I heard Monray in the clouds, but they didn’t take seriously!

Good Warrior!

Whatever the elite competition!

It has nothing to do with him!

His top priority now is to learn Dragon Language Magic, and then leave the Academy to explore, hunt High Level Magic Beast and accumulate wealth, and feel Power of the World!

Things in the Academy do not interest him anymore!

“Green Dragon, Wood Attribute Giant Dragon, body is weaker than Giant Dragon of all other attributes, but Wood Dragon has 2 kinds of magic: Wood Element Dragon Language Magic and Poison Magic!”

“Wood Element Dragon Language Magic can order 10000 1000 plants and control the growth of plants, which makes Green Dragon also known as the plant controller, which is stronger than the flower monsters in Elf Race!”

“Poison Magic…”

Lightning Element takes 5 days!

Earth Element took 5 days!

Today is the 11th day of coming to the library, Monray started to study Wood Element Dragon Language Magic. Although he has received Wood Element magic talent in the shortest time, the training speed is surprisingly fast!

On the one hand, because of his strong mental power, he has built a strong building. Whether he accumulates Wood Element magic power or learns Wood Element magic, his speed is amazing!

On the other hand, it is because of the golden leaf!

The golden leaf is entrenched in the sea of ​​consciousness, absorbing Wood Element elements in the World all the time, making Monray like a magnet and accumulating Wood Element magic power at an amazing speed!

As such, the speed of training Wood Element magic is hard to be slow!

Just as Monray was immersed in the profound mystery of Wood Element Dragon Language Magic, the communicator suddenly rang!

Monray slightly frowned, took out the communicator and saw that it was Teacher Dirk who called, “Strange! What did Teacher Dirk ask for?”

Full of doubts, Monray connected to the magic communicator!

“Monray, I heard that you have been in the library every day, how is Dragon Language Magic mastering?” Teacher Dirk hehe asked with a smile!

“Not bad, great harvest!”

Monray answered truthfully!

“Your talent is absolutely perverted!”

Teacher Dirk couldn’t help but exclaimed, and then began to talk about business: “Monray, I have to tell you something in advance, you must be mentally prepared!”


Monray has doubts!

“The annual Academy Exchange Tournament is about to open. Dean Fred has appointed you as this year’s Captain to represent our Fire Dragon Academy in this year’s event!”

“Academy Exchange Tournament?”

Monray was in a daze and thought of the Warrior who appeared on campus!

Teacher Dirk explained: “The full name of the Academy Exchange Tournament is’The Empire’s Major Academy Elite Exchange Tournament’, held every 4 years!”

“Participants are from all Dragon God Empire school students, and must be under 30 years old. Both Warrior and Mage can participate!”

“Any students who have performed well in the exchange competition, in addition to generous rewards, can also win enough honor for the Academy!”

“There is more gossip that this year’s award also includes entry into the Empire Inheritance Land!”

“Therefore, the dean and the leaders of the college attach great importance to this year’s exchange competition, and the dean even called you to participate in this morning’s conference!”

Having said that, Teacher Dirk asked: “Monray, do you have any questions?”

“Academy exchange competitions among the major elites of the empire…”

Monray was a little embarrassed: “Teacher Dirk, as a member of the Academy, it is my duty to represent the Academy in the exchange contest!”

“However, am I a bit bully when I participate in the exchange contest?”


Teacher Dirk was stunned, and then laughed blankly: “Monray, are you worried…cough, not challenging?”

“En! That’s pretty much it!”

Monray is not even nodded, he does not reject this kind of event, he can take the opportunity to meet the world, pick up attributes, magic, bloodline, etc., and enrich the weapon arsenal!

But if you let him run to fight with a group of little children, it would be boring, a little bit bullying the little children!

“If this is the case, then you don’t need to worry at all!”

PS: Thank you [3000 Acacia in the Night] for your great reward of 500 Gold Coin!

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