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“If this is the case, then you don’t need to worry at all!”

Teacher Dirk shook his head and said with a smile: “The rewards of the exchange contest are beyond your imagination and will attract many powerhouses to participate!”

“Therefore, in addition to the college students, more contestants come from outside the college, and they join the Academy by name to qualify for the competition!”

“Also, many veteran students who should graduate have been reluctant to graduate and stayed at the Academy for years of further studies. The purpose is also to qualify for the competition!”

“Can you still play like this?”

Monray was slightly stunned: “So, isn’t it that our fresh graduates suffer a lot?”

“No way! The reward is huge!”

Teacher Dirk shook his head: “To be honest, if it’s not for age, I would like to sign up for the exchange contest!”

“Unfair! This is too unfair!”

Monray is completely speechless, is this really an Academy exchange contest? The powerhouses in the society have come to participate!

“There is no other way. Freshmen in the college are often young and generally weak in strength. This makes the exchange competition very unappreciable and low in competitiveness!”

Teacher Dirk said with a smile: “Therefore, we can only relax the entry criteria and allow more powerhouses to participate!”

“However, after all, there is still a 30-year-old age limit, otherwise, some shameless Old Antique may appear, then it will be impossible to play!”


Monray shook his head: “Teacher Dirk, when will the exchange match start and where will it be held? What do I need to do?”

“The official start time is after half a month, and the venue will be held at Imperial Capital! However, before going to Imperial Capital, we at Fire Dragon Kingdom have to conduct a round of screening in advance, which is the qualification match!”

Teacher Dirk explained: “The exchange competition stipulates that there are only 50 places for each kingdom, and these 50 places are selected through the qualifying competition!”

“One kingdom, 50 places?”

Monray is silent!

There are more than 70 academies in the Royal City of Fire Dragon Kingdom alone, and all the academies in the country add up. More than hundreds of students in the school? Not to mention the powerhouse in society!

So many people, 50 places?

The competition is really fierce!

“So, I want to participate in the qualifying round first?”

Monray raised an eyebrow!


Teacher Dirk slightly nodded: “The one-week qualifying competition will start in 2 days. The selected winners will go to Imperial Capital on the 10th day to participate in the exchange competition on behalf of Fire Dragon Kingdom!”

“I know!”

Monray slightly nodded!

“Monray, this year’s qualifier is hosted by Douglas’ Academy of Magic, remember to participate in 2 days later!”

“Understood! Teacher Dirk!”

After hanging up the magic communicator, Monray continues to study Wood Element Dragon Language Magic, and strives to finish learning Wood Element within 2 days!


In the early morning two days later, Monray woke up early, and went out after packing up!

As soon as I walked out of the apartment, I ran into Fatty and Daniel. The Mind of 2 people was excited, and it was as if he was beaten up!

“Old Brother, you must be the champion of the qualifiers. We congratulate you in advance!” Fatty chuckled!

“I hope as you say!”

Monray laughed, waved and released the magic flying carpet, said with a smile: “Let’s go together!”

“Old Brother, you are really worthy of 100, 100000000 million, and you have opened a broken flying carpet. You don’t want to lose the price!”

Fatty looked at the magic flying carpet with a look of disgust, and then with a big wave of his hand, he released a golden light gleaming magical levitating car, which looks like an eagle, but has a dragon head and full-body Golden Dragon scales!

4 words: cool and cool, mighty and domineering!

“Let’s go! Sit on mine!”

Fatty flicked his long hair and said in a sulky manner!

“I’m going! Isn’t this the latest edition of the collection of Dragon Eagle Magic Carriage? A car costs more than 500 10000 Gold Coins, where did you get it, fatty?”

Seeing the golden car suddenly appeared, Daniel was stunned and he kept taking a breath!

“Haha! Didn’t you make a small fortune with Old Brother recently!” Fatty looked smug: “Hehe, you know!”

“The red envelopes I gave you are all used to buy a car!”

Monray looked at the fatty, and he threw a few red envelopes to the fatty, which added up to 2-3 million Gold Coins! !

All spent?

“Haha, fatty, I don’t have to worry about food or clothes. I just lack a high-end car that matches my identity. To be honest, I’ve been greedy for the old father’s car for a long time!”

Fatty chuckled said: “I have always wanted to steal out to play, but the old father looked too tightly, no chance! So I secretly swear, must buy a car that is more attractive than him!”

“Now I finally got what I wanted, I’m happy!”


Monray corner of the mouth twitched!

“haha, let’s go!”

Fatty opened the door: “Today is the day of Old Brother slaughter all sides. Must ride in a decent car is worthy of Old Brother’s identity!”

“Old Brother, please get in the car!”



The magic car worth 5,000,000 is naturally very windy. Just as soon as it took off, it attracted several enviable and amazed eyes!

By the way, this 2 force of fatty is still showing sincerity, and it is a slow turn around on the campus, the speed is still slow, attracting countless exclamations of envy, jealousy and hatred!

Listening to the screams, Fatty’s vanity was greatly satisfied, and then he left the Academy with pride!

Then…began to act again!

Drive slowly in crowded places!

Drive fast in places with few people!

With that hesitant look, Monray wanted to hit someone: “Fatty, at your speed, I won’t be able to make it to Douglas Academy next year!”


Fatty smiled and pulled the control lever, the magic car accelerated instantly, turned into a stream of light and flew out, and then it took less than ten minutes to arrive at Douglas Academy!

“A few minutes away, I was taken by you for an hour!” Monray glanced at the pocket watch, said ill-humoredly: “Fatty, you are enough!”

Douglas Academy is already a vast crowd. There are many long queues in front of the Academy. Monray is a bit big to see: “With so many people, when will we have to queue?”

Fatty said: “Old Brother, look at the banner above, your contestants have a dedicated channel!”

Monray looked over and saw several banners hung at the entrance of the courtyard. One of the banners read a few gilded characters: Contestants, please go through the special passage at the side entrance!

The remaining banners display other information, such as how much people outside of school have to pay when they enter the Academy to watch the game, how to get in, where to do it…yunyun!

“I’m going! The spectator fee is so high that 2000 Gold Coin!”

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