You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

The 4-year Academy Exchange Competition is a major event that sensationalizes the entire Dragon God Empire. Countless academies, countless Heaven’s Chosen, countless powerhouses will get involved, countless Nobles, countless merchants, countless civilians will be attracted!

The attention is so high that it far surpasses the world cup on Earth. This can be seen from today’s qualifying game!

The vast crowd is an unprecedented grand occasion, even if it is up to 2000 Gold Coin to watch the game, it has not stopped the enthusiastic people!

“One person 2000 Gold Coin!”

“At the end of the day, how many 100000000 million can’t you make?”

Monray shook his head again and again, and worked hard to earn a few 1 billion. Douglas Academy is good. How many 100000000 million can he collect while lying down?

“It’s really comparing oneself to others will only make one angry !”

Monray greeted the fatty 2 and walked to the channel specially prepared for the players!

Compared with the huge crowd of spectators, there are far fewer contestants. Monray entered Douglas Academy and came to the registration office!

There are a lot of players waiting in line to sign up, but the overwhelming majority are strong, 5 big and 3 thick Warriors!

Compared with Mage, it is much less, the number is less than 10% of Warrior, no, not 20%!

“Hello, please show the magic badge!”


Monray passed the magic badge!

The student in charge of the registration took it and placed it on a Magic Tool similar to a “shua card machine” and swiped it gently. After two beeps, Monray’s identity information was revealed!

magic badge!

Similar to the student ID and ID card on Earth, all the identity information of the Owner is stored inside!

Name, age, Academy…

“Monray, 16 years old, Huo…huh? Are you Monray?”

The student who was in charge of the registration creded out in surprise, looking at Monray with surprise on his face, his ardent eyes were like seeing an idol, and the excitement exhibited one’s feelings in one’s speech!

This voice was a bit loud, and the players waiting in line to sign up looked over and looked towards Monray!

“you know me?”

Monray was slightly taken aback!

“Know your knowledge!”

The student was even nodded, and was a little incoherent: “Who does not know Senior Monray you in the entire Royal City? You are the youngest Level 9 Archmage in Fire Dragon Kingdom history. How can you not know the hero who fought off the ant tide?”

“Okay! It’s pretty fast!”

Monray laughed!

“He is Monray? Really young!”

“Didn’t expect even Monray is here, I hope you don’t run into him in the qualifying round, otherwise you will be unlucky!”

“Who is Monray, is it very difficult to deal with?”

“I’m going! You don’t even know Monray…”

Contestants are pointing fingers, whispering!


Absolutely recently, the most popular figure in Royal City has become a 16-level Archmage at the age of less than 9 years old. It is by the strength of oneself to fight off the ant tide. How amazing is it?

Therefore, he is also known by countless people as the 9-level Archmage with the fastest training speed, the youngest age, and the shortest training time in Fire Dragon Kingdom’s history!

Of the three, how honorable?

For a while, the gazes of the players looking towards Monray were very complicated. Some were dignified, some were snort disdainfully, some were envious, and some were fighting intent…


Definitely a rival!

Being stared at by so many people, Monray was calm and composed. When he first came to Firmament Continent, he might feel very uncomfortable, even restless!

But now…

The breeze is blowing, calm!

“Senior Monray, the name is ready!”

“Thank you!”

Leaving the registration office, following the landmarks and instructions all the way, came to a magnificent and tall palace!

The palace has 2 gates!

One left and one right!

An information board stands in the middle:

“Warrior enter from the left door!”

“Mage enters from the right door!”

“This pass is the Preselection Pass, to test the basic strength!”

“Only powerhouses above Level 7 can pass, and there is no level 7 strength… Enter carefully! Otherwise, life is in danger!”

“Level 7? Life in danger?”

Monray eyebrow raised, I was surprised!

Level 7 does not seem to be strong, but it is no longer the level that fresh graduates can reach. This level alone can almost eliminate all fresh graduates!

Of course, except for a genius like him!

“Minimum Level 7!”

The faces of many contestants were a little unnatural, and at this moment, a person suddenly rushed out of the door on the left!

This man seemed to have been thrown out, his ass fell to the ground, his chest undulated violently, and he was gasping for breath!

Sweating profusely, embarrassed to the extreme!

“what’s the situation?”

“Failed to pass?”

Participants looked towards this person one after another. A robust man holding a giant axe stepped forward and asked with concern: “Man, what are you doing, why are you so embarrassed?”

The man gave a wry smile and said with lingering fear: “Gravity Space! This is Gravity Space! Those who are not strong enough, please be careful!”

“Gravity Space?”

Everyone complexion changed slightly!

“After I went in, the more I walked in, the greater the gravity, and when I walked halfway, I felt so heavy that my bones would be crushed. There was no way, I had to quit!”

“So horrible?”

giant axe robust man asked, “Man, how strong are you?”

“Level 6 Late Stage!”

“Level 6 Late Stage, is it only halfway?”

When the players heard this, they retreated one after another. Many of them were not much better than this one, and this one could only go halfway…

“Gravity Space…”

Monray suddenly understood: “It turns out that this level is really a test of basic strength!”

What is the basis of Warrior?

Of course it is physical fitness!

Use gravity as a test method!

The body is strong, pass!

Eliminate the weak!

Test your hard power, you can’t get through it!

“Gravity Space, I have never experienced it!”

Monray rolled his eyes and walked into the left door!


“Isn’t he Mage, how did he get into the Warrior entrance?”

Monray’s choice makes the players who are always watching him confused. You are a Mage who does not go through the Mage channel, but walks through the Warrior gate, which is frustrating!

The so-called Gravity Space looks like a closed corridor and like a tunnel, with gravity magic arrays engraved on the ground, walls, and ceiling, and gravity is applied all the time!

After entering it, Monray felt heavy on his body, as if it was covered with invisible shackles. This is gravity!

Gravity everywhere!

This point of gravity is of course nothing to Monray, he strolls in the courtyard, walking forward like a walk!

Then, like a okay person, he walked out of the Gravity Space in one breath and passed the so-called audition test!

Immediately afterwards, I came to a place similar to the martial stage. In front of my eyes was the fighting stage with several meters off the ground. All around were rows of audiences!

This scene is very familiar, it was like this when I participated in the fight at Flame Battle Stage!

“How come to the martial stage?”

Monray is a little confused!

The audience in the auditorium was not stunned, they immediately looked towards Monray, their eyes flashed with excitement and anticipation!

“The 100th!”

“Haha! The 100th one!”

“Finally enough for 100 people, start the game soon!”

“what’s going on?”

Monray was a little dizzy: “What are 100?”

“This player!”

Just when Monray was confused, a staff member ran over quickly: “This sir, you are the 100th player to pass the audition test. Please go to the fighting stage immediately and prepare for the ring competition. …”

After listening to this staff member’s explanation, Monray understood what happened!

After the audition test, it is the arena. The arena is not a one-on-one PK, but a 100-man arena melee!

With 100 players as a group, there were fierce fighting and melee, and in the end only 10 people were left on the stage!

These 10 people will enter the next round!

Unfortunately, Monray is the 100th person to pass the audition test, so he is about to participate in the melee arena, and there is no rest time!

“The melee in the ring, who came up with this particular idea?”

Monray was a bit speechless, but he was still on the fighting stage. In a short time, Monray felt the hostile eyes of the other 99 players!

100 people melee!

Only 10 people left!

Everyone is an enemy!

“ladies and gentlemen!”

“Dear viewers!”

“good morning everyone!”

“Welcome everyone to the site of the Qualifying Tournament of this Exchange Tournament, I am today’s host-Jim!”

A middle-aged Draconian wearing a magic gown stepped onto the ring and gave a short and impassioned pre-match speech!

Later, he explained the rules of the melee, saying that they are rules, but in fact there are no rules. There is only one theme:

Do your best, stay on the ring!

Whether it is insignificant or low-key or overbearing, as long as you can stay on stage, you will win!

This kind of game mechanism is obviously unfair, even more unfair to players like Monray who finally passed the basic test!

Moreover, it is full of loopholes. It may happen that acquaintances group together, the weaker team up, the powerhouse is targeted… and so on. It is very likely that the one who stays on the stage is not necessarily the most powerhouse!

But no way, this is the rule!

In this class of society where powerhouse is respected, fairness has never existed!

“Next, I announce that the qualifier First Stage arena has officially started!”


As soon as the host’s voice fell, the audience fell silent for an instant, and countless pairs of eyes looked towards fighting stage!

And the originally quiet fighting stage… exploded!

PS: I went to a blind date today, and the code word was delayed. Please forgive me, this chapter is for today, 3000 words!

As for the result of the blind date, I don’t know what happened. I ate dinner together, and added WeChat and phone calls. The other party said to go back and talk again. However, after more than 2 hours after I came back, I wrote a 3000-word text, and the other party didn’t have it. Find me!

Maybe it’s out of play, right?

But it’s nothing. I’m used to it. After all, I’m a fifty person for fifty-sixty blind dates, hahaha…

Alas, it’s so cold to sleep alone in winter!

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