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99 contestants moved at the same time!

Some people outrageously kill the nearest player, some immediately withdraw from the circle, some directly form a small team…




The fighting stage suddenly became very turbulent, the demons danced in a wild, 4 fights, and the audience’s backlog of enthusiasm for 4 years also broke out in this brief moment, screaming like chicken blood!

“Allen, come on! Kill these bastards!”

“Victory belongs to you, Jarvis!”

“Pay attention to your left! Left idiot…”

“Boy, this is not where you can come!”

A robust man with a burly body rushed towards Monray with a fierce look and a grim expression: “Father will take you home now!”

The persimmon is specially selected for a soft pinch!

Everyone knows this truth!

Monray looked at his young age, hairs not even grown yet, he must be a weak chicken. Robust man had been eyeing him a long time ago, so he killed him immediately after the game started!


Monray stood still, allowing the robust man to kill him. At the moment when the robust man was about to come, he slightly avoided the attack of the robust man on his side, and then took a photo with his left hand!


The robust man seemed to be hit by a galloping locomotive, and flew upside down in an instant, directly out of the ring!

“what’s the situation?”

The robust man climbed up from the ground, looked at the tall ring blankly, and looked at his position, with a dazed look!

“How did I get off?”

“Amos, you idiot!”

An angry roar came from behind, and the robust man turned his head with difficulty, and saw a fat woman with a fat body and a fleshy face staring at him fiercely with a hideous face!

“Dear… honey!”

The robust man shivered!

“Amos! You rice bucket, idiot, rubbish, rubbish… The old lady spent 1000000 Gold Coin to get you a quota, so you wasted?”

The fat woman trembles with fat: “Going home today, my old lady is going to peel your skin and let you taste ten to eight kinds of torture…”

“Honey, I…”

robust man face deathly pale, shaking like a chicken!

“This guy……”

Monray heard all the conversation between the fat woman and the robust man. Apart from being funny, he had no sympathy!

Who is it not good to find, but to find yourself?

I can only blame you for being unlucky!

“xiu – ”

At this moment, a sharp sky-splitting sound suddenly sounded in the ear, Monray eyebrow raised, slightly tilted his head, and a flying knife flashing cold glow flew over the ear!

“sneak attack ?”

Monray turned around slowly, and saw a thin silhouette shrouded in black clothed standing 3 meters away behind him!

The head and neck were wrapped tightly, with only a pair of indifferent eyes exposed!

“How can this be?”

However, at this moment, there was a touch of astonishment in these eyes: “At such a close distance, and with your back facing me, you actually avoided my throwing knife?”


Monray appeared abruptly in front of the thin silhouette, with 4 eyes facing each other, and whispered in a low voice: “My mental power covers the entire fighting stage. Sneak attack? It’s ridiculous!”


The thin silhouette was shocked, and then he felt a sharp pain coming from his abdomen. He looked down and saw Monray’s fist hit his abdomen!


A surging force came, and the thin silhouette directly incarnation out of the cannonball, flying out of the fighting stage!

“Assassin of Level 8 Middle Stage!” Monray secretly sighed in his heart: “The strength is definitely not weak, but it’s a pity that I met me!”

Monray looked towards others!

The melee continues!

In addition to the two players who were knocked down by him, the other players also achieved success. Almost one player was eliminated every 2 seconds, and the number of players on the ring was rapidly decreasing!

90, 80, 70, 60…

Five minutes later, there were only more than 5 people left on the fighting stage, and the situation gradually became clear. Except for Monray and a few powerhouses, everyone else was a small group!

3 piles in a fence!

A hero has 3 helpers!

In this kind of arena melee, even a small group of three people has a great advantage and takes advantage of it!

Not to mention that many small groups seem to come prepared, up to 5 people, and even a group of up to 6 people!

Team of 10 people!

The meaning goes without saying!

“Victory belongs to our Battle Dragon Squad!”

Battle Dragon Squad is a small team of 10 people. They not only cooperate with each other, but also have both offensive and defensive capabilities. They are like tigers in the mountains, quickly harvesting the remaining players!

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

A 5-man team was killed by Battle Dragon Squad!

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

A single powerhouse was knocked off the ring by Battle Dragon Squad!

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

In an instant, in addition to the Battle Dragon Squad, there were only Monray, a Mage, and a 6-man team on the ring!

“Get rid of them!”

The Tigers team turned and killed the 6-man team. In the current situation, the 6-man team is the most threatening. As long as the 6-man team is killed, Monray and Mage are not a threat at all!

“Two! Join forces to kill Battle Dragon Squad!”

The 6-man team felt a great threat, and even recruited Monray and the Mage: “As long as we jointly kill the Tigers team, we will win!”

“Yes! We add up to 8 people…”

Mage eyes flashed, immediately agreed to the 6-person team’s suggestion and formed an alliance with them?

Monray was stunned: “Alliance?”

“Kill this guy first!”

“I have been paying attention to him for a long time!”

“He is very good!”

“Can’t let them form an alliance!”

“Otherwise it will be tricky!”

Upon seeing this, Battle Dragon Squad temporarily gave up the 7-man team, aimed at Monray, and then directly killed it!

They consist of 10 Draconians, or two horns growing on the head, or face dragon scales, or dragon tail ……

Ten Draconians are powerful, and their performance in the ring just now directly conquered countless audiences. Seeing them kill Monray, the audience screamed and cheered and cheered!

“Come on! Battle Dragon Squad, come on!”

“Kill him! The victory belongs to you!”

“Battle Dragon Squad, I love you…”

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

The Battle Dragon Squad is like 10 tyrannosaurus, crushing it with an imposing manner that shreds everything, “brat, when you know it, you will roll off the ring by yourself, saving our hands!”

“Bastard! You have today too!”

Seeing this scene, the robust man, the thin silhouette and the others who were thrown off the stage by Monray were overjoyed, and bursts of delight flashed in their eyes, as if they had seen Monray being beaten into a pig head and then blasted off the stage!

“Hehe! I was underestimated!”

Monray is still calm and collected. He looked at the Battle Dragon Squad that was crushed. With a right hand, the Lightning Element elements within 1000 meters gathered crazy!

In a flash, a ferocious silver monster is revealed, suspended above the fighting stage!

“Ray…Lightning Dragon?”

The audience choked, the cheers stopped abruptly!

The Battle Dragon Squad also raised their heads, and saw a Giant Dragon with a wingspan of more than 1000 meters and a complete thunder and lightning appearing above their heads!

Hollow eyes stared at them coldly, and the violent coercion swept the audience. Even if they were far away, the Battle Dragon Squad could feel the horror of Lightning Dragon!

In an instant, everyone in the Battle Dragon Squad swallowed their saliva, sweating coldly, a single thought sounded from their hearts:

“If this is hit, you still have to die?”


Just thinking about it in my heart, the Lightning Dragon suspended above the head suddenly uttered a loud and high-pitched dragon roar, then vibrated dual wielding, and plunged its head!


The fighting stage exploded instantly!

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