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“Booming -“

The hundred zhang-long Lightning Dragon crashed down. In the explosion of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, violent lightning instantly covered the fighting stage.

The current is raging and the smoke is billowing!

The audience only felt that the martial stage fiercely trembled, their ears buzzed, and there was a brief hearing loss!

“crackle -“

The raging current gradually dissipated, revealing the shrouded fighting stage, and everyone was stunned!

The fighting stage that was as high as several meters disappeared, replaced by a scorched pit, and Monray stood on the edge of the pit!

The Battle Dragon Squad and the others on the ring are gone, and at the bottom of the pit, there are more than a dozen charred “woods” lying quietly!

Call it wood tentatively, because they are pitch black and look like charred wood!

“How… how could this be?”

“Where did the fighting stage go?”

“What about Battle Dragon Squad?”

“The Lightning Dragon just now is a magic level of several levels. Why is it so terrifying that it didn’t even blow up the fighting stage?”

“That’s a level 9 magic…Berserk Lightning Dragon!”


“Level 9 magic?”


The audience couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air: “No wonder it’s so scary, it turned out to be a level 9 magic!”

“This boy is a level 9 Archmage?”

“Level 9 Archmage? How is this possible?”

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

The audience’s gaze fell on Monray, with shocking, unimaginable and incredible colors in their eyes!

There are not a few 9-level Archmages in the capital, but most 9-level powerhouses are very old! !

A 9-level Archmage as young as Monray is simply unheard-of!

Do not!

I haven’t heard it!

I heard one recently!


“Is he Monray?”

I don’t know who yelled, and the audience was in an uproar. Everyone opened their eyes and stared at the young man standing on the edge of the pit, full of enthusiasm and wonder!

“16 years old!”

“Level 9 Archmage!”

“Fire Dragon Kingdom history number one genius!”


“He is Monray!”




There was a huge cheer from the audience!

Countless people chanted Monray’s name!




Especially some ladies and ladies, 1000 gold Miss, are even looking at them, they can’t wait to swallow Monray!

As for the dozen pieces of wood lying at the bottom of the pit, no one cares about it!

“I’m so famous now?”

Monray glanced at the excited audience, and suddenly had an idea: “Those celebrities in the past life made money like money, can I follow suit?”

No matter how big the name is!

More admirers!

Gold Coins that cannot become real are all imaginary!

“It’s a good way to make money, but you can add it up with fatty and see if you can earn some endorsement fees…”

While Monray was thinking about it silently, the host Jim ran over and looked at Monray with a complicated expression!

“Host, have I passed the level?”

Monray indifferently asked!

“Of course! It’s just…”

The host Jim pointed to more than a dozen pieces of wood at the bottom of the pit, with a wry smile on his face, 100 people were fighting, and only ten were left!

Now it’s good, only Monray is left!

Forget it, it’s not like this has never happened in previous years! But the problem is, 10 of the dozen people killed by Monray were Draconian!

You know, these 10 Draconians have a lot of background. Although the qualification is alive or dead, they die here today, and the people behind them will never give up!

“Relax! They are not dead!”

What the host did not expect was that Monray shook his head and said with a smile: “It’s just fainting. You can wake them up with a pee!”


“of course!”


At the end of the ring competition, Monray left the martial stage directly, and the next 2 days were all arena melee!

Only after the melee in the ring can we enter the next round!

In other words, there will be a two-day rest period, and Monray is trying to take advantage of these two days to get some endorsement costs!

So Monray got in touch with Fatty, and then talked about the idea of ​​endorsing money to make money. Fatty’s face was stunned!


What is the endorsement?

Can you eat?

Monray immediately hung up the communicator, then went back to the library obediently, and went to study Wood Element Dragon Language Magic, never mentioning endorsements to make money anymore!


Firmament Continent doesn’t even have a celebrity endorsement, which is really embarrassing!


Monray is in the library and he doesn’t hear anything outside the window, but the qualifications are in full swing!

After two days of fierce competition, the audition and the melee are finally over, and a total of 2 people successfully advanced!

After that, start the second round selection!

Compared to the melee where the loopholes are 100, the second round is much fairer, because this round is a random double PK!

412 people!

Perform a double PK!

The winner advances!

The loser is eliminated!

Two days later, there are 2 people left!

Another day later, there are 1 people left!

The qualifying round has finally come to the last day!

On this day, Monray got up early, and then went to Douglas Academy in a fatty luxury car!

fatty is very excited today, chattering endlessly!

“Old Brother, I have good news for you. His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen, as well as all the adult Prince and Princess, will come to watch the game today!”

“In addition, countless princes and ministers, high-ranking officials, and all major Institute Heads will also come!”

“It’s no exaggeration to say that today is definitely the most grand day since the start of the most qualifying round. You have to perform well. If you are valued by any Princess, you will not fight for a lifetime!”

“Hehe! Don’t worry about other Princesses. If you can get the favor of Ninth Princess, you will develop…”

“You made a scream, right?”

Monray rolled his eyes, said ill-humoredly: “Do you think it is necessary for me to climb the dragon and accompany the phoenix, and set foot on the peak of life by conquering Princess?”


Fatty stayed in a daze, and said in a nonchalant way: “That’s right! Old Brother, you have become a Level 16 Archmage when you are less than 9 years old. You will definitely step into the Sacred Territory in the future, and your future is limitless…”

Talking nonsense all the way, finally arrived at Douglas Academy, today’s Douglas Academy is completely different from the past!

Martial law is all within 1000 meters!

A team of court guards wearing golden armor had one post at 3 steps and a guard at 5 steps, blocking all access to Douglas Academy!

Above the sky, there is a dragon Eagle Knight floating around, sealing the airspace of Douglas Academy!

It can be said that Douglas Academy at this time was surrounded by iron pass, even a fly could not fly in!

Fatty landed one kilometer away from the Academy and pointed to the court guard in front of him and said: “Douglas Academy is under martial law, Old Brother, I can only send you here!”


Monray thanked him and asked, “fatty, are you going to watch the game today?”

Fatty suddenly got a bitter face: “I want to go in. The worth of the battle is as high as 1010000 Gold Coin, I can’t afford it!”

The qualifying round is now on its 7th day. The number of contestants is decreasing day by day, and people’s enthusiasm has not diminished, but has become more and more high!

Therefore, the spectator fee is getting higher every day!

2000Gold Coin, 8000Gold Coin, 16000Gold Coin…

Today, finally breakthrough 1010000 Gold Coin!

1010000 Gold Coin, not much!

But in order to buy this luxury car, Fatty spent all his savings, how can he come up with a huge sum of 1010000 Gold Coin?

“Let’s go! For the sake of you picking me up every day, I paid the 1010000 watching fee!”


“Don’t forget it!”

“Go! Of course! Old Brother I love you!”

PS: The second one is delivered, ask for a ticket^_^!

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