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The vast crowd in the martial stage is crowded, but strangely, the martial stage is very quiet!

No noise, no noise, no screams, no hoarseness…

The audience sat uncharacteristically, even if they occasionally spoke, they were whispering and whispering!

The spectator fee of 1010000 Gold Coin prevented a large number of small Nobles and middle peasants from entering the martial stage. Those who can come in to spectate are basically high-level Nobles with good education!

of course!

What really kept the audience so quiet was the arrival of the Fire Dragon King and the arrival of the Royal Minister!

Not only the Fire Dragon King Philip Sixty-six and Queen Diana came together, but all the Prince Princesses were also present!

In addition, some elders of Elder’s Council, princes and ministers, civil and military dignitaries, all came to watch the battle in person!

It is no exaggeration to say that any of the distinguished guests who came to watch the game today have a powerful identity and are a pivotal figure in the kingdom!

They are on the side, who dares to shout?

Therefore, the previous hilarious martial stage seemed a bit depressing. The audience looked at the VIP box from time to time, with awe and reverence in their eyes!

In particular, the 103 players sitting on the players’ stand were even more excited, with a look of excitement and expectation!

I have been practicing silently for many years, and today I finally show my strength in front of King and civil and military ministers!

Who can not be excited?

Who can not be excited?

Even if it is Monray, he can’t help looking at the box above his head, and there are bursts of strange flashes under his eyes!

Of course, what really wows him is not only the status of these people, but also their strength!

The old man told him that in the entire martial stage, there were 100 Sacred Territory sitting on them, and he almost made Monray pee!

100 bit!

Sacred Territory!

With so many Sacred Territory coming, who can not look at it?

“In just 210000 years, Fire Dragon Kingdom has accumulated to this level! Time, really is the strongest cheater!”

The old man’s slightly amazed sigh sounded in his mind, Monray silently nodded, Sacred Territory powerhouse has a long and long lifespan, and it is difficult to be killed!

As long as there is no such big turbulence as the Abyssal Demon invasion, Sacred Territory powerhouses will definitely increase!

So, the Fire Dragon Kingdom now is more powerful than the Fire Dragon Kingdom 20,000 years ago. There is no doubt about this!

Of course, what shocked Monray the most was not the arrival of the 100 Sacred Territory, but the gifts they gave themselves!

“Ding! Falling objects are detected, do you pick them up?”

“Ding! Successful integration, constitution +3576!”

“Ding! Falling objects are detected, do you pick them up?”

“Ding! Successful integration, Mind +2918!”

“Ding! Falling objects are detected, do you pick them up?”

“Ding! Successful integration, forbidden Spell [Heavenly Fire Alights the Prairie]!”

“Ding! Falling objects are detected, do you pick them up?”

“Ding! Successful integration, wealth +129632!”

“Ding! Falling objects detected, pick them up!”

“Ding! Successfully merged to get level 9 magic [Multiple Storms]!”


The cold system hint sounds constantly in his mind, and Monray is happy!

In less than ten minutes, 39 Level 8 magic, 9 level 9 magic, and 5 Forbidden Spell were picked up!

As for other low Middle Level magic, constitution, Mind, wealth and other attribute light groups, there are countless!

After a while, Monray has made a lot of money. It can be described as a windfall and a pleasant surprise!

Monray called a refreshing, overjoyed expression in his heart, which was out of sync with the excited and nervous players around!


At this time, an old man wearing a black magic robe boarded the fighting stage, and he said with a smile: “Welcome to the last day of the qualifying competition! I am today’s host Norman Obott!”

The host has a clear voice: “First of all, let us welcome His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen with warm applause!”

“pa pa pa !”

There was thunderous applause in the martial stage!

“Next, let’s welcome His Majesty the King motto!”

“Pa pa pa ——”

The middle box opened slowly, and a middle age person wearing a flaming dragon robe walked out. He stepped on the void, walking in the sky, step by step to the fighting stage!

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

The eyes of everyone in the audience fell on the middle age person at the same time, with awe, respect, and admiration in their eyes!

The body is majestic!

Sharp eyes and majesty!

A long flaming hair was thrown away wantonly, and his body exuded a trembling domineering, like a round of hot sun, the stinging person’s eyes were sore, I didn’t dare to look up at him!

Kingdom Number One Powerhouse!

Philip Sixty-six!

The powerful pure blood Sacred Territory Fire Dragon!

The current Fire Dragon King, reigned 637 years!

“He is the Fire Dragon King!”

Monray condensed his eyes and felt the tremendous pressure. He felt that as long as the Fire Dragon King was willing, he could definitely slap himself to death. The gap between the two people was like a world gap!

“I am still too weak!”

Monray was secretly sighed in his heart, “I also bullied the powerhouse below the Sacred Territory. There is no chance of winning against the Sacred Territory!”

At this moment, a light ball shining with fiery-red rays of light fell from the Fire Dragon King, and the system hint sounded in due course!

“Ding! Falling objects are detected, do you pick them up?”


“Ding! The fusion is successful and you get a fragment of Law of Fire!”

“and many more!”

“Law of Fire Fragment???”

Monray stared, almost jumping!

“Law of Fire fragments?”

“My Heaven!”

“I found this thing?”

“Quick! Fusion!”

Monray shouted in his heart!


A vast and unparalleled message suddenly rushed into my mind, as if the flood that broke the bank, raging in the depths of my mind!

Countless insights about Fire Element flooded, Monray only felt that there was only a piece of fire sea in front of him!

Except for flame, it is flame!

The magic is that these flames, which are completely composed of fire elements, are no longer composed of pure fire elements, but are connected by red lines!

Densely packed red lines spread all over the flame, covering the entire fire sea, connecting every fire element!

The beating and burning of Fire Element are completely controlled by red lines. If the beating Fire Element is a puppet, then these lines are the silk threads that control the puppet!

Monray has an instinct, as long as he gently flicks one of the lines, he can increase the power of the flame tenfold!

Of course, the flame can also be extinguished at any time!


Monray murmured to himself, and instinctively reached out one of the lines!


The flame went out instantly!

Fire sea disappears directly!

Monray shook his head and suddenly came to his senses. Only then did he realize that Fire Dragon King Philip Sixty-six had already finished his training and returned to the box!

On the other hand, on the fighting stage, there are 2 players fighting each other!

“How long has it just passed?”

Monray muttered to himself, he clearly remembered that it was only a moment, but the real time seems to have passed for a long time…


“How did the property panel change?”

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