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Host: Monray

Race: Human Race (Fire Dragon Bloodline, Flame Demon Bloodline, Golden God Slayer Ant Bloodline)

Wealth: 259, 7643, 5428Gold Coin

Constitution: Level 9 Warrior (769,877,006/1,000,000,000)

Mind: 9-level Archmage (1,388,760/1,000,000,000)

magic power: 9-level Archmage (1,145,467/1,000,000,000)

Law: Law of Fire (0.1%)

magic: several

Battle Skill: Several

battle energy cultivation technique: several

“More Law Comprehension?”

“What does the 0.1% mean? Comprehension?”

Monray looked at the extra column on the attribute panel, flashes through a bright light under his eyes: “It should be related to the Law fragment I just picked up. I just don’t know if I can spend gold?”

“If you can spend gold, it will be awesome!”


“System, redeem 10100000000 Gold Coin and add it to the Law column!” Monray gave the order silently!


Wealth points shrank by 10100000000 in an instant, and the Law column really changed, from 0.1% to 0.2%!

“10100000000 Gold Coin, only increased by 0.1 100 points!”

Monray couldn’t help being sucked in a breath of cold air, which is 10100000000 Gold Coin, which only increased the Law Comprehension by 0.1%?

The exchange rate is too low. According to this calculation, if you understand the Law of Fire 100%, you will get 1 trillion Gold Coin?

“110000 100000000 …”

Monray is silent, and Law Comprehension can also spend gold. This is a good thing, but the price is too high!

One 1 points, 100!

100 points of 100 points, 1 trillion!

“It’s so difficult for me!”

“Where can I get so much money?”

Monray smiled bitterly to himself, but didn’t notice that in the box where King was, a group of people were watching him!

The red-haired Philip Sixty-six smiled and asked, “Fred, is he the Little Brat named Monray?”

Dean Fred slightly nodded, smiling and replied: “Yes, Your Majesty, he is Monray!”

“Really young!”

Philip Sixty-six looked at Monray: “Who would have thought that such a Little Brat is actually a 9-level Archmage!”

“Yes! 16 years old 9-level Archmage, I have never seen it before in the history of Fire Dragon Kingdom!”

The elegant and poised Queen Diana also looked at Monray: “Dean Fred, your Academy really has a great talent!”

“Thanks to His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen for the compliments. Monray only got some adventures by chance to have the current cultivation base! Luck! It’s just luck!”

Dean Fred was proud in his heart, but he was very humble, and at the same time he did not forget to look towards the other old man in the box, his eyes were full of meaning!

“The talent is really good, but after all, too young!”

A burly black hair old man said sourly: “Whether we can achieve something in the future depends on our future efforts and development. The present performance cannot determine the future!”

“That’s right! The geniuses who show off one’s ability as soon as they debut, like crossing river carp, are endless! But in the end there are very few who can achieve Sacred Territory. This Little Brat is still too small to see for the time being!”

“The talent is really good, but if you want to perform in the exchange competition, your current strength is a bit weak after all…”

The other old men in the box opened their mouths, casually, their face revealed disdain, but the acidity in their words could not be concealed!

16 years old!

Level 9 Archmage!

Well-deserved first in history!

No one can deny this. All they can arrange is Monray’s age!

Being too young and full of infinite variables, who can tell where we can go in the future?

“Sour grapes!”

Dean Fred shook his head and chuckles: “Anyway, Monray is indeed ahead of others. He has plenty of time to break through Sacred Territory!”

A group of deans were coldly snorted, but they did not refute it!

“I heard that War Dragon Academy also has a great genius, I don’t know who it is?”

Philip Sixty-six knew the staleness among the deans, and didn’t break it, but opened the topic and looked towards the burly black hair old man with a smile!

A smile appeared on the burly old man’s face: “Your Majesty, that Little Brat is Francis Matthew, a 6th-grade student in our school, 28 years old this year, and has 9-level Peak battle strength!”

Speaking of this, the burly old man looked towards the contestants’ bench, with a greater smile on his face: “Your Majesty, you see, it’s just Francis’s turn to take the stage, that silver-haired youth is!”


Philip Sixty-six eyebrow raised, looked towards the fighting stage below through the transparent glass of the box, and saw a silver-haired young man wearing silver armor and holding a giant sword boarding the ring!

The young man has sharp eyes and a cold face, like a respected ice sculpture, giving people a feeling of rejection from beyond a thousand li!

“There is quite a rich Frost Dragon Bloodline on the body, but there is no trace of Dragon Race characteristics!”

Queen Diana lightly opened her lips: “This Little Brat named Francis should have awakened Frost Dragon Bloodline the day after tomorrow, right?”

“Her Majesty the Queen Divine Vision!”

The burly old man slightly nodded: “Francis awakened Frost Dragon Bloodline when he was 18 years old. Under normal circumstances, he stays in Human Race form! Only when he encounters a strong enemy will he transform into Draconian form!”

“Sure enough!”

Queen Diana lightly said with a smile: “Having such strength at a young age is already better than many Pureblood Dragons!”


The deans and veterans are nodded!

Pureblood Dragon is indeed powerful, comparable to Level 9 Magic Beast as an adult, and much stronger than the average hybrid Draconian!

But the fact is not absolute!

Some talented hybrid Draconians have a faster training speed than Pureblood Dragon. This is unmatched by many Pureblood Dragons. Francis clearly belongs to this kind of Draconian!

“The battle has begun!”

Francis’s opponent is a unicorn bald robust man holding a giant axe, his body is as strong as Bull, full of explosive power!

Then Francis cut the throat of the bald robust man with only one sword, and ended the battle!

“so fast!”

“True profit!”

“What an ice front!”

“It’s hard to have an opponent at level 9!”

“Sacred Territory can be expected!”

Everyone in the box couldn’t help but sigh with their palms!

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway!

Naturally, they can see that Francis’s sword is not only a combination of body, strength, and battle energy, but also…potential!

Power, homeopathy, and potential!

This trend refers to Power of the World!

With Power of the World, take advantage of the trend, and battle strength soars!

The unicorn bald robust man is also a 9-level powerhouse. In terms of strength and speed, it is not much worse than Francis in human form, but it is sealed by Francis a sword!

The gap lies in the understanding of Power of the World. Francis’s understanding of Power of Ice has reached an astonishing level. With Power of the World, he took advantage of the trend and cut the unicorn bald robust man with one sword!

“Little Brat is really getting better and better now!”

The dean sighed!


Others nodded say yes!

“Huh? Isn’t that Little Brat named Monray, why is he also on stage?”

Suddenly, the burly old man gave a soft voice, and said with a slight surprise. Everyone looked around and saw Monray boarded the fighting stage!

“Is this Little Brat’s turn so soon?”

Philip Sixty-six said with great interest: “Recently, everyone has praised this Little Brat, this King should have a good experience today!”

“Talent may be the first in history, but unfortunately the age is too young!”

The burly old man shook his head: “Compared with peers, it is amazing enough, but I want to behave in the exchange game, it is choking!”

“It makes sense! The biggest flaw of Little Brat is that it is too young, too tender, and the training time is too short!”

“Fred, if I were you, let him participate in the next exchange competition instead of letting him out this year…”

The deans spoke one after another, and Dean Fred’s face was dark, but they couldn’t refute it!


Monray is amazing enough!

Training No. XNUMX in speed history!

But after all, the age is too young, the training time is too short, and the enemy experience is too little!

Not to mention the powerhouse as clouds exchange game, just say that today’s players, the weakest are Level 8 Peak, can the young Monray really compete with them on the same stage?

“It looks very delicate and pretty, and the age is about the same as our Little Nine!” Queen Diana’s beautiful eyes stared at Monray and looked towards a pink girl behind her, meaning something!

Philip Sixty-six laughed heartily, couldn’t help but glanced at the pink girl, teased: “Little Nine will inherit the throne in the future. If you really like this brat, it’s okay to marry a princess!”

“Royal Father!”

The pink girl suddenly blushed, and the pair of pink and delicate dragon horns was also dyed with a layer of red glow, her cheeks flushed!


Everyone laughed!

On fighting stage!

Monray’s opponent also appeared, wearing green dragon scales, green double horns on his head, green wings on his back, green long tails…

“Haha, it turned out to be Chester!”

Seeing the Green Dragon man on stage, a blond old man wearing a magic robe stroked his palm and smiled: “Fred, the historical number one genius of Fire Dragon Academy is going to lose face!”


Everyone looked towards the blond old man one after another, with doubts!

“Chester is the number one genius of our Draconian Academy, Magic and Martial Training, 29 years old this year, Warrior has level 9 Early Stage, magic level 8 Middle Stage!”

The blond old man leaned towards Dean Fred, triumphantly: “Because it contains the Green Dragon Bloodline, Chester not only masters Wood Element Dragon Language Magic, but also Poison Magic!”

“Poison Magic, specially restrained the weak body Mage! I met him, this Little Brat named Monray is going to be unlucky!”

Everyone is nodded!

Poison Magic is very scary!

This rare special magic that only Green Dragon can master is completely different from the ordinary magic, killing people invisible!

If you are not careful, you will be hit. Once you are hit, you will be very toxic. From battle strength to serious damage, you will die!

Warrior may be able to carry it, but the weak Mage can’t last long. Poison Magic is the best way to overcome Mage!

“This Little Brat named Monray is young, I am afraid that he has no experience in dealing with Poison Magic, this is going to be dangerous!”

The dean shook his head and sighed!

Dean Fred has an ugly face and a drum in his heart!

At this moment, the battle begins!

Chester took the lead, singing aloud the obscure Dragon Language Magic, and thorny vines appeared out of thin air, turning into dozens of poisonous snakes to kill Monray!

At the same time, pink flowers grew out of the ring all around, emitting pink poison mist, covering the entire fighting stage!

“Level 8 Wood Element Dragon Language Magic-Poison Magic Soar!”

“Level 8 Poison Magic-Bone Softening Poison Mist!”

“The outcome is already divided!”

The blond old man laughed heartily: “Fred, stop 2 people quickly, or your historical number one genius will die!”

“hmph! ”

Fred is coldly snorted, but a heart is mentioned in his throat, ready to stop the fight at any time and save Monray!

But at this moment, facing the poison mist with Thorn Vine and everywhere, Monray flicks with the finger, a basketball-sized Fireball slowly shooting towards Chester!

“Level 1 Magic Fireball Spell, tickling me is not enough!” Chester sneered, too lazy to hide!

However, at the moment of being physically present, the Fireball the size of a human head suddenly swelled, instantly expanding into a Fire Lotus with a diameter of up to a hundred zhang!


Hundred zhang Fire Lotus instantly submerged Chester, submerged all the vines, and submerged most of the fighting stage!


“Fireball Spell becomes Fire Lotus of Judgement in seconds?”

“Level 1 Magic changed to level 9 magic?”

“How can this be?”

The deans in the box suddenly stood up, shocked!

PS: This chapter has a lot of words, 3400+, beg you!

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