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In the eyes of ordinary persons, magic is like magic, but it is not magic. It is cool and dazzling, but also has terrifying lethality!

But Mage knows that magic is actually not that magical, and each magic release method is specific!

How to sing magic incantation!

How many magic elements to pull!

How to arrange the elements!

There are specific patterns and rules, any mistakes in any place will cause the magic release to fail!

This means that Fireball Spell has the arrangement of Fireball Spell, and Fire Lotus of Judgement has the release procedure of Fire Lotus of Judgement. Once released, they are finalized and cannot be changed!

Impossible Fireball Spell for a while, and Fire Lotus of Judgement for a while. If anyone can do it, sorry, it must be a trick to fool people, not a rigorous magic!

This is the most basic magic common sense!

It is also the cognition of all Mage!

But now, in full view, this magic common sense has been broken by Monray!

“Fireball Spell, became Fire Lotus of Judgement?”

“Level 1 Magic, turned into a level 9 magic?”

“Dragon God above! Am I dazzled?”

There was an uproar in the audience. Some opened their mouths, some rubbed their eyes vigorously, and some almost jumped up…

The audience was shocked!

In the box, King Philip Sixty-six, Queen Diana, Dean Fred, blond old man, and other deans also opened their mouths!

Others are shocked because they don’t understand, but they understand the doorway and feel unimaginable!

The Fireball Spell impossible that has been released becomes Fire Lotus of Judgement for no reason, just like a stone impossible and becomes gold for no reason!

But this does not mean it can’t be done!

Stones can actually become gold!

Fireball Spell can also become Fire Lotus of Judgement!

Law can do it!

They were terrified just because they knew that Law could do it!

“Dean Fred, when will Little Brat comprehended Law?”

Philip Sixty-six looked towards Dean Fred, with a look of shock in his eyes. He is a Giant Dragon of the fire department, majoring in Law of Fire. He is the most powerful of all!

Fireball Spell becomes Fire Lotus of Judgement, which definitely involves Law of Fire. Although it is very simple, it just sticks to the fur of Law of Fire, but Law is Law. Once Law is involved, it is the difference between heaven and earth!

“Your Majesty, I don’t know the truth!”

Dean Fred shook his head and smiled bitterly: “I always thought he was only Grade 9 Archmage. I never thought he could comprehend Law! After all, he is too young!”

Philip Sixty-six slowly nodded: “Yeah! It’s really too young. It’s shocking enough to be able to achieve Level 16 Archmage at the age of 9, even more how to understand Law?”

The deans have nodded, the expression is complicated!

16 years old!

What a young age!

Most people just enrolled when they were 16 years old and are learning the basics of magic. As for the understanding of Law…too far away!

“Already comprehend Law!”

Philip Sixty-six eyes flashed: “It’s only a matter of time before Little Brat is promoted to Sacred Territory!”

“Your Majesty says it!”

Everyone agrees that Level 9 Archmage must be promoted to Sacred Territory, mental power, magic power reserve and Law Comprehension are indispensable!

Among them, Law Comprehension is the most difficult. The overwhelming majority 9-level powerhouse has been in the Comprehend Power of the World throughout his entire life, but he can’t touch the Law threshold to death!

But Monray is different. He has realized the Law of Fire. Next, he only needs to upgrade the mental power and magic power reserves and promote the Sacred Territory…where water flows, a canal is formed!

In other words, Monray’s sanctification is already a certainty, and it is not far away!

“Such a talented person, deserve Little Nine!”

Philip Sixty-six suddenly turned his head, looked towards the pink girl behind him, and said gently: “Little Nine, what do you think of this Monray?”

“Royal Father…”

The pink girl suddenly blushed!


“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

The fire was burning, and wherever Fire Lotus reached, dozens of Thorn Vine vines were scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, and the red flowers scattered around the ring were burned to ashes!

Chester, the Green Dragon, reacted very quickly. He jumped out of the fire sea the moment he was hit by the Fire Lotus of Judgement. Except for his hair burned a little, he didn’t suffer much injury!

Its strong physical fitness is undoubtedly revealed in this brief moment!

However, at this moment, Chester looked at Monray with horror: “Fireball Spell turned into a level 9 magic Fire Lotus of Judgement? How did you do it?”


Monray faintly smiled, but he was secretly stunned. He just casually pulled a few red lines, trying to increase the power of Fireball Spell, and that’s it!

“As expected of Law!”

“Power…it’s terrifying!”

Monray can’t help but gain a deeper understanding of the word “Law”, no wonder you have to understand Law at the end of training!

Everything just now is the best proof!

“Smelly brat, when did you realize Law of Fire?” The old man’s voice appeared in his mind, and the words were full of shock!

“I’ll talk about this later, I want to win this PK first!”

Monray looked towards Chester, with a big hand, several Fire Python appear out of thin air, killed in several directions!

Because of the previous lesson, Chester didn’t dare to look down on these Fire Pythons anymore, his body flashed quickly, and while avoiding the Fire Python attack, he brazenly killed Monray!

“You are a Level 9 Archmage, your body must be weak! As long as you get close to me, you are dead!”

Chester’s eyes were cold, his speed reached the extreme, and in a flash was in front of Monray. At this moment, he once again showed his powerful body to the extreme!

“Want to fight me close?”

Monray hehe smiled and stopped releasing magic. He stood still and let Chester kill him!


Seeing this scene, Chester eyes shrank suddenly felt a bad premonition: “What the hell is happening, this guy is standing still?”

However, the arrow was on the string and had to be sent. Chester roared and jumped up suddenly, his muscles trembling, and the whole body’s strength was poured into his right fist!

Powerful Huashan!

Hit it with one punch!

“Brat, take my fist!”

The violent fist came in an instant, carrying an imposing manner that smashed everything and smashed towards Monray!

How terrifying is the power of level 9 powerhouse? If this fist is smashed, any Archmage will have to be smashed to death!

“Good to come!”

At the crucial moment, Monray made an unexpected movement that everyone could not expect. He stretched his left foot forward, withdrew his right leg, sinking his waist and fisting, and greeted him with a punch!


“He’s crazy!”

Seeing this scene, people almost jumped up, countless 1000 gold Miss, ladies and ladies who worship Monray clenched their hands and covered their chests. The timid even closed their eyes!

At the same time, Philip Sixty-six and the others in the box were frowned and did not understand Monray’s approach!

Monray’s strength is magic!

The powerful thing about Chester is the body!

Take the shortness of yourself and the strength of attacking the enemy!

Is this not courting death?

“Fred, this Little Brat what the hell is happening?” The burly old man frowned: “Is he going to die?”

“You ask me, who am I to ask?”

Dean Fred’s face is distorted and terrifying, he is going crazy!

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