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“ka-cha -“

2 The fists collided, as if a comet hit Earth, accompanied by thunderbolt-like thunder on a sunny day, the violent blast of wind storm centered on two people, sweeping across the ring!

Next moment, something that everyone can’t even imagine in their dreams happened. Chester who was in the air suddenly screamed and flew out like a cannonball!

Then he fell to the ring and stumbled all the way to the edge of the ring before he could stabilize his body and stopped!

His right arm was a little twisted, the whole right arm and his body were trembling slightly, and his face was even more painful!

On the other hand, Monray stood in place with a good face, his face was not red, he was not breathing, and he blew his fist face in anger. The serene on his face was in sharp contrast with Chester!


The whole scene is silent!

Absolute silence !

Everyone was stunned!

In the box, the blond old man had his tongue knotted a little: “Isn’t Chester a 9th Warrior? Why was he blown away with a punch?”

“Do you still ask?”

The burly old man gave a wry smile: “This Little Brat named Monray has a stronger body than Chester! According to preliminary estimates, it has reached at least the 9th Middle Stage or even the Late Stage!”


The deans looked at each other in blank dismay!

“16 years old !”

“Level 9 Archmage!”

“And 9-level Warrior!”

“Is he a monster?”

“Fred, how did this Little Brat train? Why is he so perverted when he is only 16 years old?”

At this time, even Philip Sixty-six, who has been serene, felt incredible. He looked towards Dean Fred, desperate to know the key!

Fred smiled wryly: “I don’t know the specific details, but according to my estimation, behind Little Brat, there is probably a Dragon King powerhouse standing!”


Philip Sixty-six was shocked, his eyes sharp as a knife, and instantly fell on Fred: “Fred, are you serious?”

The other deans also looked at Dean Fred, with horrified and unimaginable expressions on their faces. The Dragon King level is very important, so you can’t crack a joke!

Fred smiled wryly: “Your Majesty, true or false, I can’t tell you, because I haven’t seen that powerhouse with my own eyes, but I can’t be wrong!”

Can’t be wrong?

Does it mean that there is a Demi-God behind Monray?

Philip Sixty-six was silent, tapping the arm of the chair lightly with his fingers, not knowing what he was thinking!

The other deans also fell into contemplation, and the huge box suddenly became silent. Only the pink girl and the Prince Princess looked at each other in blank dismay, so it’s not clear!

At the moment, on the fighting stage!

A heart-wrenching pain came from his right arm. Chester was shocked, horrified and unbelievable. As the number one genius of the Draconian Academy, he has been reluctant to graduate in order to amaze the world with a single brilliant. feat, shine!

However, just in the qualifying rounds, he was defeated by a 16-year-old brat, Chester was hit, and he couldn’t help but doubt his life!

“Do you want to fight?”

Monray’s voice rang!

“I lost!”

Chester took a deep look at Monray, and then stepped down to the fighting stage with a look of despair. He knew that continuing to fight is just inviting humiliation to oneself!

Resignation is the only choice!

“This game PK, Monray wins!”

The host’s voice spread throughout the martial stage!




The audience suddenly burst into shouts like mountain cry out and sea howl. People shouted Monray’s name, hysterical and crazy!

Monray laughed, turned and got off the ring!

PK is still going on!

The winner advances!

Loser Amoy!

An average of 5 minutes!

About 10 games an hour!

PK has been going on from morning to afternoon. At 3 o’clock in the afternoon, 51 PK matches finally came to an end, and 52 winners (1 bye) were born!

“The two-player PK match is officially over! Next, let’s start the most exciting challenge!”

The host returned to the fighting stage with a loud and passionate voice: “All the defeated and eliminated can challenge any one of the 52 winners. If they can be defeated, they can take their place and be among the winners!”

“But everyone has only one chance to challenge…”

“The last link?”

Hearing what the host said, Monray didn’t expect it, but after thinking about it, it is not difficult to understand!

The 52 winners selected so far are definitely not the strongest, and many of them are better than them!

After all, there are 100 loopholes in the melee, and the two-player PK is too single and absolute. This may cause many powerful people… to be eliminated!

The challenge is to check the vacancies and make up for the leaks. It is to give these people the opportunity. As long as you seize the opportunity, you can get a place!

“I announce that the challenge has officially started!”

“xiu – ”

The host tone barely fell, a stream of light suddenly shot up and fell on the fighting stage!

This is a robust man, about 2 meters tall, with knotted muscles, and full of explosive power!

“My name is Mondan, I want to challenge him!”

The robust man holds 2 heavy hammers, and the right hammer points to the contestant’s bench. The urn shouted!

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ ——

The audience looked at the past, and then they saw the challenger sitting in the contestant stand!

For a while, the audience was excited!


“Monray was actually challenged!”

“Monray, teach him! Let him know how good you are…”

“I was challenged?”

Monray is a little confused!

The challenge is the last chance, and there is only one chance to challenge. As long as you have no brains, you know that the challenge is weak!

Or, the guy who doesn’t look strong!

But now, Monray has been challenged, and the first challenger to take the stage named him by name to challenge him…

“Do I look weak?”

Monray got up and walked towards the fighting stage, feeling a little unhappy. Laozi North River Pass repelled the ant tide, the ring melee bombed the ring, and the two-player PK defeated Chester…

Make a name for yourself!

Crush the opponent field by field!

It leaves you with a very weak image!

“Good! Very good!”


“Haha! This Little Brat was the first to be challenged!”

Philip Sixty-six couldn’t help but laugh: “You guys are talking, why does this big guy challenge Little Brat? Does he look weak?”

“Your Majesty! I think there are two reasons!”

The burly old man said with a smile: “First, this Little Brat named Monray is really too young. Even if he gets his reputation, he is not convinced by hearing and seeing is believing. Others still refuse him!”


Everyone nodded in agreement!

“Second, it is caused by too much fame!”

The burly old man hehe smiled: “Among the 52 winners, this Little Brat is definitely the most famous. The 16-year-old 9-level Archmage, the historical number one genius, the North River Pass hero who defeated the ant tide… etc.!”

“His reputation is louder than all other players, because his reputation is loud, as long as he defeats this Little Brat, he can replace it and become famous in one battle!”

“Fame in World War I! What my generation Practicioner wants is nothing but fame and fortune. Who can resist the temptation of fame and fortune?”

“It makes sense!”

Everyone is nodded again!

The burly old man continued: “Of course there are people who are not convinced. They are not willing to be defeated by a 16-year-old boy, so they may also challenge!”


At this moment, the battle has begun!

Robust man Mondan is extremely powerful, turning into a violent bison and rushing towards Monray. From the standpoint of power alone, his body is very powerful, no worse than Green Dragon Chester!

“Brat, go die for me!”

The robust man roared, the heavy hammer raised high, and fiercely hit Monray. This hammer contained incomparable terrifying power, enough to kill any Level 8 Magic Beast!

“Dare to challenge me with this little power?”

Monray was coldly snorted, his right fist suddenly burst into fiery-red rays of light, and he hit the heavy hammer heavily!

“ka-cha -“

The heavy hammer collided with the Iron Fist, and the robust man felt a vast and unparalleled force from the heavy hammer. With only a ka-cha, the tiger’s mouth was directly shattered, and there was a terrible pain!


The heavy hammer was released instantly, and the robust man screamed and backed away!

“overestimate one’s capabilities !”

Monray kicked the heavy hammer, and the heavy hammer flew out like a cannonball out of the chamber, and then hit the robust man’s stomach with great precision, knocking him out of the fighting stage!

“Fire Dragon Battle Energy?”

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