You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Why is this brat crazy?”

Philip Sixty-six broke out: “How dare to attack Little Eight like this, doesn’t he want to live anymore?”


Deans, look at me, I look at you, don’t know how to answer this!

The fighting stage depends on strength, regardless of life or death, no matter how hard the opponent attacks!

Besides, how does Monray know that the other party is Princess?

“This bastard! If Little Eight has an accident, this King will never forgive it!”





Compared with the angry His Majesty the King, the audience was completely crazy after seeing Monray’s crazy behavior. Each and everyone shouted hysterically, as if they were beaten up!

The more violent Monray is, the more excited they are. The 5 magics just now are so cool and violent!

“No one should challenge me now, right?”

Standing on the edge of the ring, Monray glanced at the player seat, with warnings in his eyes, being challenged, annoying him!

Not to mention, overwhelming majority players sensed Monray’s gaze and couldn’t help lowering their heads. They were shocked by Monray’s thunderous method!

5 levels of 9 magic!

Cover the arena directly!

Is this guy human?

Is it too cruel?

There was a cold sweat on the back of a player, and he secretly rejoiced: “This guy is too violent. Fortunately, this woman is one step ahead! Otherwise, it will be dead!”

“crackle -“

The lightning gradually dissipated, revealing the covered fighting stage, people’s eyes gradually widened, and there were bursts of exclamation!

Fighting stage … disappeared again, replaced by another scorched pit!

And at the bottom of the deep pit, there was a man half kneeling, his beautiful red hair was scorched, and his white and tender face was a little scorched, as if he had escaped from the fire scene!

All in all, only one word can be used to describe the plight of this Princess: embarrassed!


Extremely embarrassed!

battered and exhausted!

In addition, the Princess did not seem to have suffered multiple injuries. She glared at Monray at the edge of the pit, her body trembled slightly, and her eyes were red!

“Damn bastard! I killed you!”

“xiu – ”

Elizabeth pulled out the long sword from her waist and suddenly turned into a stream of light and shot it at Monray. With her fierce expression and blood-red eyes, she wanted to shed 8 pieces of Monray!

“I’m going! Is this all right?”

Monray let out a weird cry, his body burst back!

“Bastard! I want to hack you to death!”

Elizabeth swung her sword and slashed like a madman. Her sharp blade brushed Monray’s scalp several times. If Monray hadn’t reacted super fast, she would have been chopped to pieces!

“Damn! It’s endless!”

Monray was angry, and a layer of golden scales suddenly appeared on his fists. The fists instantly turned into golden, and then punched out to meet the long sword that slashed down!

“ka-cha -“

The long sword slashed on the surface of the fist, and with a crisp sound, it broke into 2 pieces directly from the middle!


Elizabeth was stunned!

“hmph! ”

Monray was coldly snorted and flew out, hitting Elizabeth’s lower abdomen. With a scream, Elizabeth flew out like a falling leaf!

Then it fell to the ground, spurt a mouthful of blood, and the expression instantly languished!

“There are so many people, I just challenged me, there will be no end!” Monray coldly snorted, and went straight back to the contestant seat!

“Win! Monray wins!”

The host ran over, announced the result of the game loudly, and then asked concerned: “Miss, are you okay?”

Elizabeth ignored the host, clutched her stomach and stood up, and then silently left under the gaze of the audience, leaving only a lonely and stubborn back!


“This bastard!”

Philip Sixty-six’s puffed lungs exploded, and he slapped the armrest of the seat with a slap, his eyes were like a cannibal tiger!

“How dare to treat Little Eight like this, how can this King tolerate him?”

“Quite your anger!”

“Your Majesty!”

When everyone saw this, they quickly dissuaded: “Your Majesty, as soon as you go to the fighting stage, you are alive or dead!”

“Even if Monray really killed His Highness Eighth Princess by mistake, it is not wrong! Even more how, he has subordinate merciful!”

“Subordinate mercy?”

Philip Sixty-six extremely angry laughed back: “First, there were 5 9-level magic, and then another heavy punch. You said he was subordinate to be merciful?”

“Your Majesty! With Monray’s strength, if there is no subordinate mercy, the Eighth Princess would have died long ago!”

“Your Majesty Observe!”

“Yes, Your Majesty! This brat just smashed the long sword of the Eighth Princess with a punch. The body is beyond imagination. If it is really bad for Her Highness the Princess…”

The deans also spoke one after another!

Philip Sixty-six only slightly eased, but still gnashing teeth: “This little bastard is too cruel to start! Doesn’t he have the slightest heart to have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex?”

“This one……”

Everyone looked at each other, their faces were weird!

have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex?

Take a pity!

On the fighting stage, who dares to have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, do you want to die? Do you think that everyone is like you, even Chicken Woman?

“Maybe… Monray is still young, Minzhi hasn’t opened yet, right?” Fred said!



“Finally quiet!”

Returning to the contestants’ bench, watching the fighting stage quickly take shape under the repair of the staff, Monray breathed a long sigh of relief, and then came to Ge You to lie down and lie down comfortably!

However, as soon as I lay down, the old man yelled angrily: “Smelly brat, how many times have I told you, don’t expose Golden God Slayer Ant Bloodline in front of outsiders, you take my words as in one ear and out the other?”

“Not that serious!”

Monray raised his eyelids and slowly said, “I just had Ant Transformation with my hands just now, how can outsiders see Golden God Slayer Ant Bloodline? Old Dean, don’t make a fuss about nothing!”

“To make a fuss about nothing? hmph! It’s really fearless!”

old man coldly snorted: “Once exposed, you are dead…Forget it, don’t bother to talk to you, remember for yourself, don’t use it in front of others easily in the future!”

“I know, I know!”

Monray rolled the eyes!

“Hmph! You are impatient!”

The old man was a little upset: “By the way! You haven’t told me, when did you understand Law of Fire?”

“If I remember correctly, you didn’t even comprehend Power of the World, how can you comprehend Law directly?”

On the other hand, with the efforts of several staff members, the fighting stage quickly resumed as before. As soon as the host announced that the challenge would continue, a silver silhouette rushed up!

This person is no stranger to everyone. It is another genius that Philip Sixty-six and the others talked about before, a 28-year-old 6th grader from War Dragon Academy-Francis Matthew!

“It’s him!”

“Why is he on stage?”

“Isn’t he the winner, who is this to challenge?”

After seeing Francis, Philip Sixty-six and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, and then looked towards the burly old man with a puzzled look: “War Dragon Academy Dean, what is Francis doing?”

The burly old man smiled bitterly and shook his head: “I don’t know either!”

“Monray, I want to challenge you!”

“fuck !!!”

Monray almost ran away!

PS: The second one is sent here, by the way, please let me know!

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