You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Francis stands proudly on the fighting stage, wearing silver soft armor, holding a silver long sword, slender figure, handsome face, even if Pan An is reborn, Song Yu’s rebirth is only this!

No, as soon as he took the stage, he attracted countless 1000 gold Misses to commit idiots, and the Harazi was almost out!

“Wow! So handsome…”

“He looks so good-looking!”

“This guy really has a good face!”

Even Philip Sixty-six and the others in the box can’t help but admire Francis for his handsomeness!

Firmament Continent strength is respected Yes, but the love of beauty, human nature, and high-value people are more dominant in any world!

“The strange thing about this King is that he would challenge that little bastard. Interesting. Interesting now!”

Philip Sixty-six tapped the table lightly, with an interesting smile on his face!

“What Your Majesty said is that these two people have a deep understanding of Power of Ice, and there is no match for Sacred Territory!”

“Another more perverted, direct comprehended law, can instantly cast a level 9 magic, the body is not bad! They meet, really like a pinpoint touching a wheat, strong collision!”

“Monray, Little Brat, has already been comprehended the Law of Fire. The talent alone is much better than Francis!”

“The only disadvantage is that the training time is too short, and Magic and Martial Training is too complicated!”

The burly old man stroked his beard: “Therefore, his body, mental power and magic power reserves have not reached the Peak, which gave Francis a chance to win!”

“Yes! If Francis wants to defeat Monray, now is indeed the best time. Otherwise, waiting for Little Brat to train various attributes to Peak, he will go straight to the Sacred Territory. By then, Francis will have no chance of winning!”

The deans commented, with expressions of interest in their eyes. Monray clearly surpassed Francis in Law Comprehension. This is his advantage!

His disadvantage is that he is too young, the training time is too short, and all attributes fail to reach Peak, which is inferior to Francis!

Francis wants to defeat Monray, now is the best chance and the last chance!


The discussion in the box is unknown to Monray, he is very violent now, with the urge to run wild, and the urge to beat others!

step by step Boarded the fighting stage, Monray glanced at Francis, then turned and looked towards the player stand: “Who else wants to challenge me, let’s go together!”

“(⊙o⊙) …”

Monray’s voice is not loud, but it spreads throughout the martial stage, clearly in everyone’s ears!

Everyone is stunned!

“What does Little Brat say?”

Philip Sixty-six pulled out his ears, thinking that he had misheard, the deans also looked at each other in blank dismay, who else would challenge me and go together?


Is this human talk?

“This brat is too arrogant!”

The burly old man looked ugly: “How dare you humiliate Francis so much, it’s bully intolerably!”

“At a young age, so supercilious, is the character of geniuses so twisted and weird…”

At this time, Dean Fred doesn’t know what to say. To be honest, he also thinks Monray is a bit supercilious!

This is the humiliation of Chi Guoguo!

as predicted!

Francis ran away, his eyes were cold, and a deep chill burst into his eyes: “courting death!”

The indifferent voice is still echoing in the martial stage, and Francis has disappeared in place!


As soon as the sound of the sharp sword being unsheathed sounded, a blade flashing cold glow appeared a few centimeters from Monray’s throat!

“so fast!”

Feeling the cold sword glow from his neck, Monray’s figure exploded, and in the next moment, he appeared outside ten meters!

“You think you can kill me? Very good!” Monray showed cold light and slowly vomited 3 words: “Meteorfall!”

Tone barely fell, a crack suddenly appeared in the sky above the martial stage. It was dark and deep, as if someone had forcibly torn a hole!

“this is……”

The audience shouted in unison!

Many Sacred Territory faces have changed dramatically!

Next moment, a giant meteorite with a diameter of 100 meters and black flames suddenly passed through the crack and hit the fighting stage at lightning speed!

Along the way, there was a loud noise of “hong long long”, all the audience was deaf, their brains roared, and only the roaring sound was left!


“Forbidden Spell-Meteorfall!”

“Madman! This is a madman!”

The burly old man yelled and disappeared into the box instantly!

“Forbidden…Forbidden Spell!!!”

Francis stared blankly at the black meteorite that kept falling, feeling the terrifying lethality coming from the meteorite, face suddenly became pale!

“I am going to die?”

Only this idea remained in Francis’ mind, and then he could only watch the black meteorite get closer and closer!

He knows that he can’t escape!

Such a big meteorite!

So close!

Can’t escape at all!

The distance of several dozen meters came in the blink of an eye and reached the top of his head in a flash. At the moment Francis thought he was going to be bombed to death, a burly silhouette suddenly appeared!


loudly shouted!

punched out!


Just hearing a buzzing sound, the black meteorite shattered in an instant, turning into countless black gravel and falling down!

The burly old man stands proudly on the fighting stage, hunting in long clothes!

“The courtyard… Dean!”

Francis stared at the old man blankly, his throat moved!

“hmph! ”

The burly old man glared at Francis, then looked towards Monray again, his face was ugly to the extreme: “Little baby, how dare you release Forbidden Spell here, you are too brave!”


Monray indifferent expression smiled: “Isn’t it all right?”

Even so, Monray was secretly shocked. Meteorfall attacked Forbidden Spell as a single fire element, power incomparable!

The ordinary Sacred Territory did not dare to hard-wire, but was crushed by this old man punched, the strength of the old man is truly unimaginable!

“hmph! ”

The burly old man is coldly snorted and directly disappeared!

“Do you want to fight?”

Monray looks at Francis!

“No need! I give up!”

Francis took a deep look at Monray and jumped off the fighting stage without looking back, but the voice came over: “But you wait, one day, I will defeat you!”


Monray twitched his lips, this time he didn’t rush to leave, but looked towards the player’s seat: “Is there anyone else? Let’s go together if there are any. I don’t have time to play the wheel fight with you!”


The player stand was silent, all the players lowered their heads almost at the same time, no one dared to face Monray’s edge, and no one dared to challenge Monray!



Don’t you die?

Still challenge!

All the players were frightened by the Meteorfall just now. Some people recognized this as Forbidden Spell, and some people didn’t recognize it, but this does not prevent Meteorfall from giving them a terrifying shock!

Everyone has a feeling: as long as they are hit by Meteorfall, they will undoubtedly die. ! !

They were all scared, and challenged a fart?

“no one there?”

Monray asked twice again, and after making sure that no one challenged, he left the fighting stage and returned to the contestant’s seat to sit down!

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