You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“This Little Brat…”

Philip Sixty-six frowned: “It’s too unscrupulous to act! There are 10000 spectators watching the game, so he dares to release the Forbidden Spell of the fire element? How bold!”

“If War Dragon Academy Dean hadn’t made a timely move just now, it might have caused much death and injury, and must be severely punished!”

“At a young age, it is so vicious and merciless, and you will have it in the future? Dean Fred, this is your negligence!”

“How dare to release Meteorfall, a Profound Truth-level Forbidden Spell, in a place with so many people, I really don’t know if he was kicked in the head by a donkey, or whether the audience is dead or alive!”

“Severe punishment! Must be severely punished…”

The deans spoke one after another, severely criticized and condemned, obviously very dissatisfied with Monray’s behavior just now!

Philip Sixty-six slightly nodded: “Originally, he was good at resisting the ant tide, and he was Royal Family Bloodline. He should have been named Earl. This King plans to seal the reward together after the exchange competition is over!”

“Now, get rid of it!”


The challenge continued to be staged until 8 o’clock in the evening before it came to an end. 52 winners were successfully selected!

After that, King gave a speech!

The qualifying round is officially over!

Monray and Fatty left the martial stage together, and then went to the Assembly of Delicacies Building to eat, eat meat, drink a large bowl of wine, have a meal, and then return to the Academy to rest in the early morning!

“Before, I always felt that my strength was barely enough, and it should be more than enough for this exchange competition, but now…”

Lying on the sofa, Monray recalled the afternoon battle, first Elizabeth, then Francis. Although they were defeated by themselves, it was not easy!

In order to defeat Elizabeth, both of his hands Ant Transformation, this is regarded as exposing part of the trump card!

In order to defeat Francis, he released Forbidden Spell, a Meteorfall cost over 100000000 Gold Coins!

It seems easy, but it’s not easy!

“If this is the case for the qualifiers, what about the formal exchanges? The opponents you meet must be stronger!”

“Improving strength is an urgent task!”

Monray directly open the properties panel!

Wealth: 25,876,546,539 gold coins

Constitution: Level 9 Warrior (769,879,108/1,000,000,000)

Mind: 9-level Archmage (1,388,760/1,000,000,000)

magic power: 9-level Archmage (968,678/1,000,000,000)

“System, exchange for 24100000000 Gold Coin and add it to the constitution!”


Wealth points shrank by 24100000000 instantly!

At the same time, a surging flow of heat rushed across the body, spreading to every part, frantically strengthening!

Monray feels like his body is sitting on a rocket, increasing at a speed visible to naked eye!

8100000000, 8.8100000000, 9100000000, 9.9100000000…


The body finally broke through the 10100000000 mark and entered a brand new field. A horrible aura radiated from Monray and swept the entire room instantly!

At this moment, Monray felt his whole body light and fluttering, as if he had blended into this piece of World. As long as he wanted, he seemed to be able to fly high in the sky at any time, galloping 9 ten thousand li!

“This feeling……”

Monray did not resist!

Then, he floated slowly like a balloon, and finally floated quietly in midair, motionless!

Standing in the air!

walking in the sky!

“Smelly brat, you actually broke through Sacred Territory???”

The old man flew out of the space ring, looking at Monray floating in the air, his eyes almost stared out!

Previously, Monray was always mysteriously enhanced. Although he was shocked, he was barely acceptable, but this time it was different!

Sacred Territory!

Monray turned out to be Sacred Territory!

Sacred Territory that countless people dream of and cannot get!

The old man must be shocked!

9 level!

Sacred Territory!

It seems to be a step away, but it is like a moat. Countless people are stuck in the 9th Peak and cannot make progress in their lives. Monray is good, and entered the Sacred Territory without a word!

It is not logical at all!

“Yes! Breakthrough Sacred Territory!”

Feeling the surging power within the body, Monray feels very strong, stronger than ever before, and one punch is enough to blow a huge mountain!

“The most important thing is that you can fly!”

“You don’t need to use any force, you don’t need to use any tools, just like this, just like instinct!”

“Is this the Sacred Territory?”


“You are a pervert!”

The old man was a little crazy: “Mysteriously comprehended the Law of Fire, and now mysteriously became the Sacred Territory! Why? Why on earth? How did you do it?”

The old man is really crazy, if he can, he really wants to knock Monray’s head and take a look, what’s the secret!

“Old Dean, don’t be impatient!”

Monray hehe smiled: “Mysteriously there will be more things in the future, and you will get used to it slowly!”

“hmph! ”

The old man is coldly snorted, very dissatisfied!

When it comes to key things, this stinky brat is always silent, or avoids talking, or pulls off the topic, which is too much!

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for being promoted to the Sacred Territory Warrior, please continue to work hard for the host to achieve another breakthrough!”

“Ding! The host has detected the achievement Sacred Territory, which meets the system upgrade conditions. May I ask the host, do you upgrade immediately?”


“Are you going to upgrade?”

Monray stayed for a while.

“Yes, host!”

system answer!

“Get up!”

Monray is looking forward to it!

“Ding! system upgrade will consume 100100000000 Gold Coin…”

“Wait! 100100000000 Gold Coin?” Monray was stunned: “Upgrade and upgrade, and will consume 100100000000 Gold Coin?”

Monray glanced at the wealth points, only 234100000000 left. If this is upgraded, wouldn’t Laozi only have 134100000000 left?

A big loss!

“Ding! Host, after the system is upgraded, it will be more powerful, with more complete functions, and better serve the host!”

“Excuse me, host, do you upgrade now?”

“More powerful?”

“more perfect?”

Monray clenched the teeth: “Ascend!”

“Ding! system starts to upgrade!”

“Upgrade time: half an hour!”

“During the upgrade, system will close all functions, please be patient with the host!”

The system’s voice fell silent for an instant, and even the properties panel disappeared. Monray returned to the bed, his eyes full of expectation!

“After the system is upgraded, what functions will be added?”

The wait is always long!

Just half an hour, like a century!

Finally, a familiar cold voice came in my mind!

“Ding! Strongest Pick Up System has been upgraded!”

“Ding! Strongest Pick Up System for you!”

“Finally completed the upgrade!”

Monray was overjoyed: “system, tell me, after the upgrade, what more features do you have?”

“Host, after the system upgrade, on the basis of the pickup function, there are 2 more functions!”

“Respectively [Unlimited Pick Up] and [Ruthless Plunder]!” system coldly said!

“Unlimited Pick Up?”

“Ruthless Plunder?”

Monray blinked and said, “It sounds amazing, but I don’t know what’s going on! System, let’s talk about it in detail!”

“Unlimited Pick Up: Randomly pick up drops from other Plane, including but not limited to: Money, Bloodline, Law Fragment, Divine Spark, Divine Artifact… etc.!”

“Price: 100100000000 Gold Coin times!”

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