You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Old Brother, are you up?”

At the dawn of the 2nd day, fatty came out of the apartment and yelled. Not long after, Monray walked out wearing a brand new magic robe!

“Early morning, what’s the name of the ghost?”

Monray said ill-humoredly!

“Hehe! You are leaving for Imperial Capital today, I’ll see you off!”

The fatty laughed suddenly stared at Monray, with a look of doubt in his eyes!

“See what I do?”

Monray glared at the fat guy!

“Old Brother, how come you feel different!”

Fatty circled Monray, and said in doubt: “It’s just different. As for what is different, I can’t say clearly for a while, it always feels weird!”

“You drank too much wine last night!”

Monray laughed and broke the topic: “Let’s go, go to the dean’s room first, and meet the dean and them!”


Coming to the dean’s room, Dean Fred, several Vice-Deans, and other school leaders are already waiting, and Teacher Dirk is on the list!

“The dean is good!”

“Good school leaders!”

“Teacher Dirk is good!”

The school leaders smiled nodded and looked appreciative. Dean Fred stared at Monray suddenly, and said in surprise: “Monray, have you broken through Sacred Territory?”


Hearing this, everyone startedled and looked towards Monray together, with expressions of shock, incredible, incredible, etc. in their eyes!

Especially Teacher Dirk and Fatty looked at Monray as if they had seen a ghost, Monray…breakthrough Sacred Territory?

“After the battle yesterday, I got a chance occasionally, a chance to breakthrough!” Monray didn’t deny it, and I can’t help it!

Mental power and magic power breakthrough may be concealed, but the body breakthrough Sacred Territory cannot be concealed at all. The old Sacred Territory like Dean Fred can tell at a glance!


“A fluke by chance?”

Dean Fred opened his mouth wide and was shocked directly, even though he knew that Monray had mastered Law, the breakthrough Sacred Territory was a certainty!

But who could have expected Monray to break through so soon!

Doesn’t it mean that his attributes have not been trained to Peak?

Didn鈥檛 it take him a while to break through Sacred Territory?


Why did he break through after only one night?

“Really Sacred Territory?”

Hearing Monray personally admit that the school leaders, Teacher Dirk, fatty and the others were all shocked and shocked!

Especially Teacher Dirk, his expression is very exciting, shocked and unbelievable, but he smiles bitterly!

How long is it?

How long has this been?

Back then, that little Level 3 Mage became Sacred Territory, and he, as the Teacher of Level 9 Archmage, is still standing still!

Is the gap between people really so big?

“It’s unbelievable, but it’s a good thing!”

Dean Fred calmed down and admired again and again: “With Monray here, our Fire Dragon Magic Academy will definitely shine in this exchange competition. It’s a shame, haha!”

“What the dean said is extremely true! In the last few exchange competitions, all the players sent by our Fire Dragon Kingdom Academy failed miserably and ended up disastrously! This time…”

The school leaders were very excited, all red light across the whole face, looking towards Monray was full of admiration and expectations!

Of course, there is no lack of awe and please!

School leaders, only a few are Sacred Territory!

The overwhelming majority are all 9 powerhouses!

Sacred Territory praises Monray!

And at level 9 you need to look up!

9 level!

Sacred Territory!

the difference between one level!

As different as heaven and earth !


The players are coming one after another!

This time, Fire Dragon Academy finalists, among which is included 2 old students who postponed graduation, 4 temporarily joined the Academy鈥檚 social powerhouse, plus a Monray!

A total of 7 people!

“Everyone is here, let me go to the palace to assemble!”

Dean Fred waved his big hand and the school bus soared into the air, carrying Monray and the others towards the palace!

As the largest, most extensive, and most luxurious building complex in Fire Dragon King City, the palace is composed of 100 large and small palaces, forming a huge cluster of palaces!

“Lord Fred, please come with me!”

The school bus landed at the gate of the palace, and then under the leadership of a court guard, came to a square where the huge Dragon God Statue stood proudly, uncommon military might!

“Dragon God above!”

“Dragon God above!”

Dean Fred led the crowd to pray and salute the Dragon God Statue first, and then walked towards the corner of the square. King Philip Sixty-six and Queen Diana were already waiting!

“Meet Your Majesty!”

“I have seen Queen!”

Everyone salutes!

“Let’s go flat!”

At about the same time, everyone from the other Academy arrived!

“Everyone, the exchange competition will begin soon. You will represent your respective Academy and represent our Fire Dragon Kingdom in the Empire Exchange Tournament. This King hopes that you will have an outstanding performance in the exchange competition and win honor for the Academy and the Kingdom!”

Philip Sixty-six encouraged: “This King promises here that players who can shine in the exchange competition and achieve excellent results will be given generous rewards!”

“Come here, read the will of this King!”

A minister stood up and took a golden scroll and read it out: “King’s decree: enter the top 3 of the exchange game, be named a marquis for life, reward the territory for 100 miles, and you can enter the kingdom treasure house to choose 3 treasures!”

“If you enter the top ten, you will be awarded a lifetime Earl, you will receive 50 li, and you can enter the kingdom treasure house to choose one treasure!”

“Anyone who enters the top 20 will be awarded a lifetime viscount, and a territory of 10 li!”

“Anyone who enters the top 50 will be a Baron for life, and a mile will be rewarded!”

After the reading, the minister retreated!

Philip Sixty-six said with a smile: “Everyone, you are all young talents cultivated by my Fire Dragon Kingdom. This King has high hopes for you, and don’t let this King down!”

“King is 10000 years old!”

“Glory be with me!”

“King is 10000 years old!”

“Glory be with me!”

The players swear loudly!


Philip Sixty-six is 鈥嬧€媠atisfied with nodded: “In that case, I will leave the rest to you, I am waiting for your good news in Royal City!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”


There are a total of 6 teachers in the exchange team, including 6 deans, and Dean Fred is one of them!

“This time I went to the Imperial Capital. The journey is long. It takes 5 days to hurry. You can take the magic boat or take the Imperial train. But the 6 Old Guys of us discussed it and decided to take the Floating Beast!”

“Floating Beast?”

Monray’s heart moved!

Floating Beast is a Wind Attribute Level 7 Magic Beast. Although it is huge, it has a gentle temperament and is easy to tame!

In addition, the Floating Beast has excellent endurance. As long as you have a full meal, you can carry heavy objects for continuous long-term flight. It is regarded as the best flying Magic Beast for long-distance travel!

“The magical ship and the empire train are undoubtedly more comfortable, but my generation Practicioner, galloping around the world, eating and sleeping in the air, is comfortable…not bad!”

“Hurrying, is training!”

Under the leadership of the 6 deans, the entire group came to the floating plaza, and many huge monsters stood upright!

The height is 30 metres, the body length is astonishing seventy meters, and the back is very flat and wide!

It is Floating Beast!

PS: Yesterday I went to the hospital. I came to the hospital for gastroscopy today. It is estimated that I have to do colonoscopy. Sad reminder!

I solemnly remind everyone, take good care of your health, 10000000 don鈥檛 get sick, or you will suffer too much, oh!

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