You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

In Monray’s eyes, Floating Beast looks like a whale on Earth, with a flat and round columnar body, a broad and flat plump back, and a whale-like tail…

One word: it looks like!

The difference is that the abdomen of the whale has leaf-shaped fins, while the abdomen of the Floating Beast is a pair of sky-shielding wings covered with scales, and 6 pillar-like elephant legs!




It is hard to imagine that such a huge creature is so docile that an ordinary person can raise it!

Of course, riding on such a giant is certainly not as comfortable as the magical ship or the empire train, but it is in line with the appetite of the players!

Everyone is a 9-level powerhouse. Who doesn’t want to ride the Magic Beast, gallop in the wind, and what’s the point of riding a magic boat and special train?

The entire group came to the leasing company and soon rented a Floating Beast, and the related staff quickly moved!

After more than an hour, a huge house was fixed on the back of one of the Floating Beasts, just like a raised turtle shell!

“This Floating Beast is our means of transportation. There are 60 rooms in total. You can choose one of them!”

“Trouble the Dean!”

A ladder drops from the back of the Floating Beast and hangs down to the ground. Guests can climb the ladder to the back of the Floating Beast, but no one uses the ladder!

Everyone tapped their toes and turned into a stream of light, and rushed to the back of Floating Beast in a flash. All of them were chic and happy, strolling in the courtyard, attracting a burst of attention!


More than 50 9-level powerhouses are enough to cause a huge sensation wherever they are. When it is Monray’s turn, the sensation is even greater!

With both feet off the ground, they slowly rose into the air, as if there was an invisible ladder suspended below them, step by step stepped up!

This scene shocked everyone!

“Dean Fred, is this Little Brat breakthrough?”


Dean Fred proudly nodded!


The deans looked at Monray’s back and were shocked speechless. After only one night, Monray had a breakthrough?

As for the players, they were even more stunned, mixed feelings!


On the back of Floating Beast, Monray chose a room at random. The room is smaller than expected, only 4 square meters!

There is a slatted bed and a table inside. There is nothing to do except sleep and eat. The environment is simply shabby, but there is no way!

Because of its low cost, Floating Beast is very popular among small caravans, adventure groups and mercenary groups. It is a relatively inexpensive long-distance flight vehicle!

The real rich, who rarely sits on this? All went to take the magic ship and the empire train!

“It’s really shabby!”

Monray shook his head and lost his mind. He came to the head of Floating Beast, intending to enjoy the scenery.

There are many players who have the same idea as him. Many people stand outside the house, waiting for Floating Beast to take off!

“Passengers, please enter the room and fasten your seat belts. We are about to take off!”

Beast Tamer, who controls Floating Beast, kindly reminds that they have signed a master-servant contract with Floating Beast and can control Floating Beast!

Also the driver of this trip!

“No need to!”

“You can drive!”


Beast Tamer didn’t insist. He just saw the power of these passengers, knowing that everyone is a powerhouse, It shouldn’t be dropped!

“xiu – ”

Beast Tamer took out his whistle and blew it hard!


Floating Beast a long whistle, slowly began to move, 6 elephant legs stepped on the ground, making a muffled sound of hong long long!

Monray and the others standing on their backs felt the violent bumps. Floating Beast ran faster and faster, and the bumps became more and more severe!

Go slowly!



Finally, when the speed reached a certain level, Floating Beast suddenly opened the huge wings that covered the sky and skyrocketed!

Dual vibration!

The wind is whistling!

Floating Beast is flying higher and higher, the square is getting farther and farther!

A few minutes later, when the flight reached a certain level, the flapping frequency of Floating Beast slowed down, and it took almost half a minute to flap its wings and start the most labor-saving gliding flight!

Feeling the oncoming gust of wind, looking down on the shrinking earth, a wave of pride rose from the heart, Monray jumped and jumped off the back of Floating Beast!


A burst of mad wolf laughter came, and Monray opened his arms and flew freely in the air like a bird!

Sprint forward sometimes!

Dive down sometimes!

Sometimes draw circles in the air!

Happy like a bird!

Happy like an eagle!

“This brat…”

The six deans looked at the flying Monray, shook their heads and chuckled lightly, and couldn’t help but recall the moment when they broke through Sacred Territory, almost the same as Monray…


Soar freely!

They don’t know that Monray’s mood at the moment is even more exciting than them. As a native of Earth, Monray knows that Human cannot fly on its own!

This is the iron law!

It is also a law!

I can only look up at the sky again and again, envy the flying birds, and sigh like this:

I wish I had a pair of wings!

But now, Monray can fly by himself, which is a feeling that cannot be described in words!

Carefree, uplifting, excited…

“Great Roc will rise with the same wind in one day!”

“Swing straight up 9 ten thousand li!”

“Drink Bailu in the morning, Cangxia in the evening!”

“A real man!”



“It’s so fucking cool!”

Looking at Monray soaring in the sky, other players are envious. They want to fly freely just like Monray!

Unfortunately, I can only stare!

After flying smoothly for half an hour, Monray returned to the back of Floating Beast with unsatisfactory intentions!

“Monray, come here!”

Dean Fred called Monray over: “Come on, let me introduce to you, this is War Dragon Academy Dean!”

“Who is this……”

Say hello to Monray!

5 people responded with a smile!

Before the breakthrough, Monray was just a talented junior and student. They could not take Monray seriously!

But now, Monray has become the Sacred Territory, standing in their equal position, they have to be treated equally!

It has nothing to do with age!

“Heroes come out from the Youth!”

War Dragon Academy Dean exclaimed: “In the qualifying match yesterday, we all thought that it would take a while for you to break through. We didn’t expect you to have a breakthrough last night, really…”


“I don’t know how you did it?”

The other deans were also amazed and confused!

“The deans are overpraised!”

Monray is very humble!


Floating Beast is flying quite smoothly!

Monray and the 6 deans sat on the back of Floating Beast, enjoying the mountains, rivers and lakes of the earth, talking about the world, and talking about fun!

Monray listened quietly, it can be said to have benefited a lot!

The six deans are at least over 6 years old. All of them are experienced and knowledgeable. They have extraordinary knowledge and can listen to them talk about life, which is a valuable asset that can’t be exchanged for much money!

“Monray, I went to Imperial Capital this time. You can try to break into the Dragon God Tower. If you have good luck, maybe you can get some good things!” Dean Fred suddenly said with a smile!

“Dragon God Tower?”

Monray is puzzled!

PS: This chapter is scheduled. If nothing happens, I’m still in the hospital right now!

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