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“Dragon God Tower is the Nation Protecting Divine Artifact of my Dragon God Empire. The legend is that after the great His Excellency Dragon God became a god, he was specially forged for my Dragon God Empire Supreme Divine Artifact!”

War Dragon Academy Dean explained with a smile: “Dragon God Tower is located in Dragon God Academy. There are 100 floors, and each floor is an independent Semi-Plane!”


“Yes! Semi-Plane!”

“The magic elements in these Semi-Plane are extremely rich, and even World’s Law is much clearer than the outside world. Training twice the results for half the effort inside is an excellent training place!”

“This has caused many people to want to enter Dragon God Tower training! However, only powerhouses who are under 30 years old and have the ability to reach Level 8 or above are eligible to enter!”

War Dragon Academy Dean took the stubborn words: “So, there are not many people who are really qualified to enter the Dragon God Tower!”

“One more thing, the higher the Dragon God Tower goes, the stronger the magic element and the clearer World’s Law!”

Dean Fred looked fascinated: “It is said that the 100th floor of the Dragon God Tower even contains the secret of becoming a god!”

“The secret of becoming a god?”

Monray was shocked!

“This is just a legend, no one knows the details!”

Dean Fred nodded: “After all, Dragon God Tower has been around for more than 410000 years, and no one has ever successfully climbed the 100th floor of Dragon God Tower!”

“Therefore, the authenticity of this legend cannot be confirmed so far, but the Oracle, which His Excellency Dragon God occasionally lowers several times, has implicitly expressed this meaning!”

Speaking of the 100th floor of the Dragon God Tower, the eyes of the six deans were full of fascination and regret. They are already in the Sacred Territory, and in this world, there is very little that can make them feel excited!

Only becoming gods is what they yearn for something even in dreams, and what they are pursuing now!

However, they did not meet the conditions and could not enter the Dragon God Tower, and naturally they could not learn the mystery of the 100th floor!

“Dear deans, the Empire Heaven’s Chosen has come out in large numbers, and talents are like crossing river carp. After so many years, no one has successfully climbed the 100th floor of the Dragon God Tower?”

Monray frowns, with doubts in his eyes!

“You haven’t entered the Dragon God Tower, so naturally you can’t know the horror of Dragon God Tower!”

War Dragon Academy Dean said with a bitter smile: “As I said before, each floor of the Dragon God Tower is a Semi-Plane with rich magic elements and rich World’s Law! Although it is an excellent training Holy Land, it is more conducive to Semi-Plane. Native creatures within!”

“These natives live in it all year round, and are nourished by magic element and World’s Law. Their strength is extremely terrifying. The probability of birth of a powerhouse is much higher than our Firmament Continent!”

“Moreover, the natives in these Semi-Plane are extremely xenophobic, and outsiders who enter it can easily be attacked!”

“If you don’t have enough strength, just enter it, let alone training, life-saving is a problem!”

“For countless years, so many young supreme talents have died in the Dragon God Tower, and how many talented Monsters have been buried in it is vivid!”

A dean sighed: “I entered the Dragon God Tower back then, if it wasn’t for good luck, I would die in it!”

“Being less than 30 years old, this condition is too harsh!”

Another dean sighed: “Heaven’s Chosen talents at this age can only survive the Sacred Territory Early Stage. Such strength can reach the 50th floor at most!”

“Sacred Territory Early Stage can only reach the 50th floor?” Monray was shocked: “How strong is the 100th floor?”

“Sacred Territory Limit!”

Dean Fred said!

“Sacred Territory Limit?”

Monray startled!

“Yes, Sacred Territory Limit!”

Dean Fred said: “The reason why Semi-Plane is Semi-Plane is that World’s Law is incomplete because it is not conceived completely. In other words, there is no complete World’s Law in Semi-Plane! Do you know what this means?”

Monray shook his head!

“It means that the strength of native creatures can reach the Sacred Territory Limit at most, and impossible is beyond this category!”

Dean Fred said with a smile: “You should know that when you enter the Sacred Territory, your strength is completely tied to Law Comprehension!”

“The deeper the Law Comprehension, the stronger the strength! When Sacred Territory fully comprehends a kind of Law, it will naturally enter the Demi-God level!”

“However, Semi-Plane does not have a complete World’s Law, so Demi-God will never exist! Sacred Territory Limit is the limit that these native creatures can reach!”

“It turned out to be like this!”

Monray suddenly realized, after a long afterthought, he said: “So, as long as someone can achieve Sacred Territory Limit before the age of 30, there is hope to enter the 100th floor of the Dragon God Tower?”


The six deans were all nodded, and then all shook their heads: “But it’s too difficult, it’s impossible to achieve!”

Sacred Territory Limit!

What is Sacred Territory Limit?

Completely comprehend a kind of Law as Demi-God!

The Sacred Territory Limit is an infinite comprehension of a kind of Law. It only takes one step to fully comprehend the existence of a Law!

Want to achieve Sacred Territory Limit at the age of 30?

Idiot said dreams!

“Understanding Law requires years of accumulation, several hundred to above 1000 years may not be able to make any progress!”

“For 30 years, I just took a nap, and still want to fully understand a kind of Law? It’s basically impossible!”

“Okay! I’m the only one who has little knowledge!”

Monray slowly nodded!

“You have just stepped into the Sacred Territory, and you are Heaven Warping Genius again. I don’t know how difficult it is to comprehend Law, it is entirely reasonable!”

The six deans haha ​​smiled: “When you are completely immersed in the Law Ocean, you will understand the difficulties!”

Monray slowly nodded, and immediately asked curiously: “Dear deans, you should have also entered the Dragon God Tower, have you been up to the highest floor?”

Hearing this, the six deans looked at each other. The expressions on their faces were not all the same. Some were proud, some were embarrassed, and some were unnatural!

what’s the situation?

Monray became even more curious. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the Floating Beast who was sitting down suddenly shook his body, staring directly at the void in front of him, and let out a burst of low roars, his expression on guard was extremely alert!


When everyone was puzzled, they listened to the Beastmaster reminding them: “Not good! Human Vulture bandit appears in front of you, please be alert for all passengers!”

“Human Vulture bandit?”

When everyone looked at it, they saw a dark cloud sweeping over, black and heavy, covering the sky and covering the earth, hiding the sky and covering the earth!

“Really Human Vulture bandit!”

Dean Fred frowned: “These dirty and greedy guys are just like mice in a stinking ditch. You can see them everywhere!”

“Human Vulture bandit?”

Monray also looked over. The so-called dark clouds turned out to be a group of half-human, half-bird creatures!

They have the head of a vulture, a human body, the wings of a vulture, and the sharp claw of a vulture!

Bare head!

Dirty body!

Tattered clothes!

It looks absolutely mob!

“Human Vulture? Why isn’t it a vulture man?”

Monray has some doubts!

Dean Fred explained: “Ordinary half human half beast creatures can be called humans, because they have high intelligence and are no different from Humans, such as Ox Head Man, Tiger Head Man, we Draconian!”

“But Human Vulture is different!”

“Although these guys have human bodies, they are essentially a group of Magic Beasts in human skins!”






“Moreover, they like to rob past caravans in groups, burn and looting, commiting any imaginable misdeed!”

“Therefore, they are called Human Vulture, not vulture people. They cannot be called humans at all, but a group of wild beasts!”

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