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There are so many Human Vultures, and they are crushed by blackness, rolling over like black clouds. Not to mention, this imposing manner is really ridiculous!

In fact, Human Vulture is not only an imposing manner, they are generally around Level 6. Many Human Vulture can reach Level 7, and Human Vulture King is even comparable to a level 9 powerhouse!

Plus the amount of terror!

The Human Vulture group is simply the nightmare of the caravans and ordinary villagers in the past, and the consequences of being targeted by them are absolutely miserable!

However, Human Vulture has no fixed place, like a solitary soul, an unbound ghost, wandering in 4 places, catching someone and doing something, if you are caught, you can only consider yourself unlucky!

“Lord, please return to house and sit down in the room, let’s get around as soon as possible, otherwise, we will die if we get caught!”

Beast Tamer’s voice is a little trembling, and the Floating Beast sitting down is shiver coldly, panic?

They were all shocked by Human Vulture!

“It’s just trifling Human Vulture, why should I be afraid?”

Monray hehe smiled: “Dear deans, wait a moment, I’ll be there when I go!”

“Monray, just a bunch of clay chickens and pottery dogs, you Sacred Territory do it, let them go!”

The six deans haha ​​smiled and pointed to the players and said!

“No! They can’t fly, it’s kind of troublesome!”

Monray laughed, rose into the air in an instant, then turned into a stream of light and shot towards the Human Vulture group!

These are all money, how can someone do it for you?




The Human Vulture group is flying very fast. They quack and scream, their screams are stern and sharp, mixed and chaotic, like a group of random neighing crows!

Coupled with the amount of hiding the sky and covering the earth, ordinary persons will definitely be scared to death, but it is them that are tragedy today!


Monray pointed at the void, an orange-sized Fireball crossed a line of fire and suddenly shot into the Human Vulture group!

It seemed unremarkable and did not cause the slightest movement, but when Fireball shot into the center of the Human Vulture group, it exploded!


A violent shock wave swept across several li in an instant. All Human Vultures within this range were blown to pieces without a scream, burn to ashes!

“Ding! Kill 1 Human Vulture head and get 3110000 Gold Coin!”

“Ding! Kill 1 Human Vulture head and get 810000 Gold Coin!”

“Ding! Kill 1 Human Vulture head and get 1710000 Gold Coin!”

The system hint sound followed and the wealth points began to grow. Monray couldn’t help but smile: “Sure enough! This sound is still the best!”


The remaining Human Vulture was shocked by the sudden explosion, fluttering wings and fleeing away from the fire sea, with a frightened look in his eyes!

who am I?

where am I?

What did i do

Unfortunately, no matter how fast they flee, they are not as fast as Monray can launch Fireball!

One after another Orange-sized Fireball shot out like a machine gun, and then exploded!

“hong long long -“

In the explosion of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, the entire sky was shrouded by the terrifying fire sea, and the Human Vulture bandit group hiding the sky and covering the earth was also swallowed by the ocean fire sea!

After a few minutes, the smoke was gone!

The black human Vulture bandit group disappeared, completely disappeared in the world, not even a single hair was left!


“No magic core?”

Looking at the empty sky, Monray was slightly surprised. The fire sea just now was just an ordinary eight-nine magic, not enough to burn the magic core!

“In other words, these Human Vultures have no magic core at all?”

“Fuck! Happy for nothing!”

Monray was disappointed!


Dragon God Empire is vast and boundless, lying in the east of Firmament Continent, bordering the endless deep sea to the east, and Magic Beast Mountains to the west, under its jurisdiction 15 kingdoms and 48 duchy!

Among them, the 15 kingdoms and 48 duchy are all located in the surrounding areas of Dragon God Empire, belonging to the subordinate kingdom of the guarding Dragon God Empire. The most extensive and richest land is still under the rule of Dragon God Empire!

Because it is too vast, flying from Fire Dragon Kingdom to Dragon God Empire Imperial Capital is a very long journey, and it takes at least 5 days to fly!

If you go by land, it will take longer!

Fortunately, 5 days is nothing for a trainer like Monray, it is just a time for meditation, a nap, or a retreat!

During this period of time, Monray was not idle, either picking up the fallen light ball, or hunting down the thieves, Magic Beast…

After 5 days, a lot of gains were made!

“Finally to Imperial Capital!”

On the evening of the 5th day, Imperial Capital was watching from a distance, and the six deans looked at the majestic giant city that lay above the earth, with sorrowful expressions on their faces!

“After a few years, I finally come to Imperial Capital again!”

“The last time I came to Imperial Capital was 18 years ago. Didn’t expect a blink of an eye. 18 years have passed!”

“Haha, your Black Glory Academy’s performance over the past few years is extremely poor. As the dean, naturally you don’t need to come to Imperial Capital…”

Monray and other players are also standing on the back of Floating Beast, looking at Imperial Capital from a distance. They are far away from Imperial Capital, but they can still see the outline of Imperial Capital!

The Imperial Capital is like a Great Desolate Giant Beast, crawling on the ground. The roads with 4 connections and 8 connections extend from the Imperial Capital like blood vessels to all parts of the empire!

And the outermost part of Imperial Capital is the towering city wall, the Golden City wall that is as high as hundreds of zhangs. Behemoth. Any city wall that Lei sees must be majestic and luxurious. The brilliance and bright light!

“Is this Imperial Capital?”

The players murmured to themselves, they were all shocked!

Monray’s gaze was attracted by a giant tower that pierced into the sky. This giant tower stands at the center of the Imperial Capital, as if Heavenspan’s building blocks are connected to the World!



Can’t see the top at a glance!

Monray couldn’t help thinking of the Kailin Tower in “7 Dragon Ball”, this Heavenspan giant tower is indeed similar to Kailin Tower has several points of!

“That is Dragon God Tower!”

Noting Monray’s gaze, Dean Fred twisted his beard with a smile: “We, Dragon God Empire’s Nation Protecting Divine Artifact, during the exchange game, you can try to break through!”


Monray is very nodded. He is very interested in this giant tower. He wants to know how many floors he can reach!



The sky above Imperial Capital is a no-fly zone. Except for Sacred Territory, any flying Magic Tool and flying mounts cannot fly!

Floating Beast can only land at a port outside the Imperial Capital. Monray and the others rented a magic car and flew towards the Imperial Capital!

city ​​gate Behemoth Any city gate that Lei has ever seen before must be tall and big. Teams of guards wearing golden armors guard the city gate and scan the merchants and vehicles entering the city!

“Imperial Capital was established 40,000 years ago!”

“At that time, the rule of the Beastman Empire began to disintegrate, Firmament Continent was plunged into unprecedented turbulence, and the silent races were born one after another!”

“After my Giant Dragon ancestors were unwilling to resign, they led 3000 Giant Dragon to fly out of Dragon Island and began the great journey of Firmament Continent!”

“Finally, under the leadership of His Majesty the Founder Dragon Sovereign, the Giant Dragon ancestors overcame obstacles and spent thousands of years of hard work and battle to have the current Dragon God Empire!”

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