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Dragon God Academy can be named after “Dragon God”, which shows its lofty status in Dragon God Empire!

In fact, Dragon God Academy is not only Dragon God Empire Ranked 1st Warrior Academy, but also the best magic Academy for Dragon God Empire!

Even in the entire Firmament Continent, Dragon God Academy is also the highest school among the best. Its foundation and strength are not comparable to Fire Dragon Academy and other Academy!

“This is Dragon God Academy?”

A magic car parked outside the gate of Dragon God Academy. Monray and the others walked down and looked at the majestic school gate standing in front of them. They couldn’t help but reveal a look of shock!

The so-called school gate turned out to be guarded by two Golden Dragon statues with hundreds of zhang highs. They looked at each other, and the dragon claws grasped each other and made their wings fly high!

The dragon scales are lifelike, the dragon claw is fierce and mighty, the dragon horn is raised to the sky, and the dragon’s mouth blood basin is wide!





“Dean Fred, you guys are finally here!”

A middle-aged woman wearing a purple magic robe greeted her with a warm and happy smile on her face!

“Dorothy, long time no see!”

Seeing the people coming, Dean Fred smiled suddenly, laughed and greeted him!

After some greetings, Dean Fred pointed to the middle-aged woman introduced: “I will introduce you, her name is Dorothy Ceasar, Holy Archmage of Wind and Fire, and Vice-Dean of Dragon God Academy!”

“of course!”

“She is still my discipline, one of the outstanding alumni who came out of our Fire Dragon Magic Academy, is considered one of the best developed among the students who graduated from Fire Dragon Academy!”

“I have seen Lady Dorothy!”

The players were awe-inspiring and said hello quickly!

“Hey, Junior Brother junior sister big sister is good!”

Dorothy smiled and greeted everyone, his gaze flicked over the contestants one after another, and a gratified smile appeared on his face: “Dean Fred, it seems that this contestant is not bad, and there are so many good seeds!”

“hahaha, that’s nature!”

Fred stroked his beard and laughed: “This time we are prepared to be ashamed. If we are not in the top 3, we will fail!”

“Haha, dare to boast shamelessly here?”

There was a thunderous laughter and I saw a strong old man of the firstborn Black Horn leading a group of people stride proudly ahead!

The face is like an eagle and a vulture!

“Who am I? It turned out to be Fred you!”

The sturdy old man walked up to Dean Fred, his face suddenly showing disdain: “Who doesn’t know that your Fire Dragon Kingdom bottoms out every year and want to shame you? Are you kidding me?”

Dean Fred suddenly sinked his face: “Angus, don’t laugh at these 50 steps and 100 steps, you Black Dragon Academy is not much better!”

“Hehe, better than your Fire Dragon Academy!”

The strong old man smiled triumphantly: “Fred, I’m not afraid to tell you that this year we have a genius in the Black Dragon Academy. I hope your people will not run into him in the exchange competition! Otherwise, you will be abused and cry, hahaha! “

“Hmph! Then let’s wait and see!”

Dean Fred is coldly snorted, with a smile endowed with extraordinary intelligence at the corner of his mouth. Your Academy has a genius, don’t we?

In his mind, the genius of Black Dragon Academy is no better than Monray. Monray is already a Sacred Territory, enough to show divine might greatly in the exchange competition. Few more powerhouses than him!

“Fred, just be stiff!”

The strong old man Angus shook his head and chuckled, and then led a group of people into the Dragon God Academy. Dean Fred looked at his back, cursed and waited!

“This old Black Dragon is still so annoying!”

War Dragon Academy Dean foul-mouthed!

“Black Dragon Kingdom are a bunch of lunatics with gloomy hearts!” Dean Fred shook his head: “Go, let’s go in too!”

“People of Black Dragon Kingdom…”


“Ding! Successful integration, Mind +139!”

“Ding! Successful integration, magic power +872!”

“Ding! Successful integration and magic…”

Walking on the vicissitudes of the ancient forest island, listening to the system hints constantly coming, Monray was at ease, enjoying the scenery of Dragon God Academy!

Unlike the tall and majestic school gates, Dragon God Academy looks very quiet inside, with traces of history and vicissitudes of time left everywhere!

Hug the thick Champs tree neat and tidy!

The old stone slab is covered with moss!

Students meditating in the forest can be seen everywhere!



Full of historical aura!

“It’s a forty thousand years college!”

Monray sighed in his heart. As the dean and the others came to a tall faculty building, they found that many players from other kingdoms had gathered here!

Players from various kingdoms are divided into several camps, secretly peeping at each other but everyone minds their own business, keeping enough distance!

“Storm Kingdom, Lightning Dragon Kingdom, Black Dragon Kingdom, Earth Dragon Kingdom players are here, plus our Fire Dragon Kingdom, this is the 5 kingdoms!”

“Assemble the report today and the official game tomorrow. All players will get the match. The players from the other 10 kingdoms must be coming soon too!”

“You are waiting here, we will come as soon as we go!”

The 6 deans confessed, and then, accompanied by Dorothy Vice-Dean, entered the faculty building, leaving only 52 players such as Monray waiting quietly!

In the next more than an hour, the other 1 kingdoms, duchy players and the teacher leading the team arrived in turn!

All of a sudden, people stood in front of the faculty building!

15 kingdoms!


Close to 2000 contestants!

All 9-level powerhouse!

This kind of formation alone has brought great psychological pressure to many players. Monray from other kingdoms does not know that many Fire Dragon Kingdom players are getting nervous!

But this is not over yet!

After another ten minutes or so, a group of about 3000 people came towards this side, and it was crowded, as if the underworld was out, causing a huge commotion!

“they are……”

Everyone looked up!

Many people’s faces have changed!

“They are the Academy players directly under the Empire!”

“What? A player from the Academy directly under the Empire?”

“Good… really strong!”

Monray looked up too!

A small number of contestants in the exchange contest are from 15 kingdoms and 48 duchy, and the overwhelming majority are from Dragon God Empire!

These players are also called the Academy players directly under the Empire, which means the Academy players directly under the Dragon God Empire!

Obviously, these 3000 people…

3000 players, wearing different styles of uniforms, obviously from different academies, but they looked towards Monray and other 15 kingdoms, 48duchy players, full of contempt and disdain!

As players from the Academy directly under the Empire, they have a sense of superiority, and they look down upon players from the Kingdom and Duchy at all!

In their view, the Kingdom Duchy players are from the countryside, how can they be qualified to compete on the same stage with them?

“They are players from Kingdom 15 and 48 Duchy? They don’t look very good!”

“Sure enough, it’s from the country, a group of mob that’s all!”

“In which exchange match, they didn’t play soy sauce, they walked through the field…”

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