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Who can come here through the qualifications of their respective kingdoms and duchy, who is not a proud and arrogant?

How can they endure this almost humiliating provocation?

“Isn’t it just born in the Academy directly under the Empire? What’s so great? Have the ability to come out and challenge!”

A player from Black Dragon Kingdom couldn’t help jumping out, glaring at the Academy directly under the Empire!

“That is, the dog that bites does not bark, and if it has the ability, it will show the ability. Let’s see, what kind of ability is it to be able to take a shot?”

“Could it be that the Academy directly under the dignified empire has cultivated a group of talkers who only speak big words?”

“You don’t have to wait until the exchange match, just do it, let these self-esteem empire students take a look…”

Players from other kingdoms and Duchy also spoke up one after another. They were completely enraged by the Academy directly under the Empire!


Seeing the exciting kingdom, duchy players, and the Academy directly under the Empire laughed loudly, as if seeing a group of irritated dogs barking, I felt very funny!

An Academy directly under the empire said with a smile: “Country folks, although I want to tear your stinky mouth so you can know how good the people in our city are, it’s a pity!”

He pointed to his feet: “Do you know what this place is? This is the Dragon God Academy, the most lofty, outstanding, and greatest school in the empire. It is no better than your rural primary school, and it is not a place where you can go wild if you want to be wild!”

“Dragon God Academy, private fights are forbidden! Country folks, you are looking for abuse, don’t worry about this for a while, wait, tomorrow’s exchange game will make you beautiful!”

“Hmph! Why wait until tomorrow, let you know how great today!”

The arrogance and contempt of the players directly under the empire completely angered the duchy players in the kingdom. They stepped forward one after another, and their imposing manner flourished, fighting intent Straight Clashing Nine Heavens!

“Hehe? Are you still afraid that you villagers won’t succeed?”

The players from the Academy directly under the Empire showed no fear in an imposing manner, and the atmosphere suddenly became with swords drawn and bows bent!

“What are you doing? What are you doing?”

At this moment, a group of teachers who led the team walked out of the faculty building, and a vast and majestic horror aura rolled over and pressed on the players instantly!


The players were hit hard, each and everyone turned pale, and there was a look of horror in their eyes!

Even Monray, who is a Sacred Territory, feels shocked, because the teachers who have just come out to lead the team are all Sacred Territory!

All Sacred Territory!

There are 100 Sacred Territory!

What a terrifying force is this?

“What do you want to do? Impudent here?”

A Vice-Dean from Dragon God Academy said coldly: “It is clear that the exchange competition will not start until tomorrow. No matter how angry you are, you will hold it back until tomorrow!”

The players all bowed their heads, afraid to look at them!

“Hmph! A group of little bastard, one virtue every year, in the end they died before the exchange match was over!”

This Vice-Dean coldly snorted, his face was slightly relaxed: “After many discussions, the schedule of the exchange match has been set, and it has been decided to adopt the previous round-by-round elimination system!”

“Everyone will gather at Dragon God Church before 8 o’clock tomorrow morning. Those who do not arrive before 8 o’clock will be deemed to have given up the game!”

“have you understood?”



Vice-Dean slightly nodded: “Now you are free to move around, you can stroll around on campus, or you can go outside to taste food. You must gather before 8 o’clock tomorrow!”

As soon as this statement came out, the players from Duchy from the kingdom brightened their eyes and looked at their respective teachers, Monray and the others also looked at the 6 Dean Fred!

“Today you are free to move around. Just remember to go back to the hotel before 9 o’clock in the evening! Remember, don’t cause trouble, and don’t do anything illegal!”

“Yes, Dean!”

The players, such as the amnesty, dispersed in the blink of an eye. Almost all players from 15 Kingdoms and 48 Duchy were inquiring about the location of the Dragon God Tower, and everyone wanted to break into the Dragon God Tower. Monray is no exception!

“Lord Monray, free activities today, do you want to visit Dragon God Tower?”

Joel Elton and a few players got together and enthusiastically said with a smile!


Monray slightly nodded: “Do you know how to get to Dragon God Tower?”

“I know! I have been to Dragon God Academy before, and I have also admired the style of Nation Protecting Divine Artifact!” Joel repeatedly nodded!

“Lead the way ahead!”


The entire group rushed towards the Dragon God Tower excitedly, and after a while, I saw a towering Heavenspan giant tower!

To Monray’s expectation, Dragon God Tower not at all features related to Dragon God and Dragon Race, the shape is very peculiar!

On the dark tower body, engraved with Sun, Moon and Stars, mountains and rivers, trees, birds, beasts, insects and fish, 10000 1000 races…

A sense of ancient boundlessness and mysterious majestic radiated out, and people can’t help but give birth to a sense of insignificance and shock!

Looking at the towering sky, without seeing the giant tower at the top, Monray was involuntarily wondering: “Is this giant tower really made by Dragon God?”

What kind of aesthetics is Dragon Race? Monray has a deep understanding!

And the Heavenspan giant tower in front of me is completely out of touch with Dragon Race, there is no trace of Dragon Race characteristics at all!

Non-yellow golden!

There is no dragon scales dragon claw!

There is no dragon Horned Dragon first!

This tower is really Dragon God Tower?

“As expected of Dragon God Tower, it is really majestic and domineering!”

“Tsk tsk! We can’t see the top with our eyesight. How high is this?”

“At least 100 kilometers…”

The players who saw Dragon God Tower for the first time were shocked, and they made waves of exclamation and emotion!

“Lord Monray, look, that is the Dragon God Genius List!” Joel pointed to a magic light curtain at the bottom of the tower and said!


Monray looked at it and saw a huge magic light curtain tall with a hundred zhang, on which the densely packed name was recorded in small blood red letters!

And at the very top, is a very eye-catching name:

No. 1: Timon Barton, Human Race, 25 years old, 78 floors

“It turned out to be a Human Race!”

Monray looked sideways, his eyes moved down!

2nd place: Augustine Crocker, Draconian, 30 years old, 76 floors!

“Augustine Crocker” Monray startled: “Croc? This surname is so familiar…”

“This is the last name of our Crocker Family!”

The old man’s voice rang in his ears, Monray turned his head and saw the old man suddenly appeared, and said sighfully!

“In other words, this Ranked 2nd fierce man turned out to belong to your Crocker Family?” Monray startled!

“Augustine, it’s my father!”

old man faintly said!


Monray opened his mouth wide: “Old Dean, Augustine Crocker, No. 2, is your father?”

“Yes! It’s my father!”

The old man looked proud: “I told you before, my father is a training genius!”

“He started training at the age of 10 and became a Level 16 Warrior at the age of 9, and he was promoted to the Sacred Territory at the age of 26!”

“Before this Little Brat named Timon Barton appeared, father was the historical number one genius of Dragon God Empire!”

“Awesome my Old Dean his dad!”

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