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3rd place: Goblen Frederick, Golden Dragon, 29 years old, 75th floor!

No. 4: Horace Frederick, Golden Dragon, 30 years old, 75 floors!

5th place: Alex Frederick, Golden Dragon, 30 years old, 75th floor!

6th place …

After browsing, in addition to the first and second places, the top ten are all named Frederick, all Golden Dragon!

It wasn’t until the 11th place that a black Dragon Race came out. After that, the Golden Dragons surnamed Frederick began to dominate the list again!

“Frederick is the last name of our Dragon God Empire Imperial Family!” The old man explained: “The Golden Dragons on the list are all from the Imperial Family!”

“The top 100, that’s not right, more than half of the geniuses in the top 100 are Golden Dragon, incredible!”

Monray stared at the list, feeling unimaginable, the huge Dragon God Empire, countless geniuses, so many people add up, is it not as good as a few Golden Dragons?

“This is normal!”

The old man said with a smile: “Golden Dragon is the Imperial Family in Dragon Race, talent is not comparable to other races!”

“Looking at the entire Firmament Continent, only a few races such as Lightning Titan from Titan Empire, Golden Behemoth from Beastman Empire, Royal Family Elf from Elf Empire can compare!”

“Each generation of Golden Dragon is rare, but all talents are extraordinary! After all, Golden Dragon is a race of Sacred Territory among a few adults!”

“Adult is Sacred Territory?”

Monray shook his head slightly and continued to browse the list!

“Old Dean, you ranked 689th?”

“Hehe! My talent is average!”

After browsing, Monray has a general understanding of the entire list!

60% Giant Dragon!

30% Lesser Dragon!

9% of other races!

1% Human Race!

Judging from the list alone, the talent of Giant Dragon is much better than Human Race and other races. With 60% Giant Dragon and 30% Lesser Dragon, this is 90%. The gap is not so big!

“My Human Race is terrible, less than 1%!”

“That’s for sure, Human Race talent is the worst, even if the number is the largest, there are not many true geniuses!”

A Human Race player shook his head and sighed!

“Is the Human Race talent really bad?”

Monray was silent, but he had a different opinion in his heart. Although Human Race has a gap with Giant Dragon in talent, the root cause of such a gap is not talent!

But… status!

In Dragon God Empire, Human Race is at the bottom, 99% of Human Races do not get training opportunities, even if there are talented people, who knows?

In contrast!

Giant Dragons are scarce in number, but occupy 99% of the training resources. Isn’t it right for them to appear on the list?

“If one day!”

“Human Race can also get training opportunities. This so-called Dragon God Genius List will definitely undergo the change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down!”

Monray was in a mixed mood, and then looked towards the entrance of Dragon God Tower, and saw a team of golden armor guards guarding the entrance!

At this moment, many players from the Kingdom and Duchy gathered at the entrance, all gearing up, be eager to have a try!

“Are you all entering Dragon God Tower for the first time?”

A golden armor guard asked!


“Since it is the first time, it is necessary to explain to you!”

“First, the Dragon God Tower is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be buried in it. You must be fully prepared for 10000 before entering!”

“Secondly, the magic array leading to the next level is all located in the place where the magic element is the most concentrated, and this place is often home to the most powerful native creatures!”

“So, it’s the most dangerous, so be careful!”

“Third, try not to act together, because the larger the target, the easier it is to be besieged by native creatures. Once besieged, the more dangerous it is!”

3 questions in a row!

Everyone is dangerous!

It can be seen that it is dangerous!

However, the players are passionate about it and just want to enter the Dragon God Tower immediately. Who reminds the golden armor guard to take seriously?

When the golden armor guard saw this, he shook his head slightly: “Crossing into the Dragon God Tower is not a trifling matter. If you are not careful, you will die. I have said everything that should be said. It is your business to listen to it!”

After speaking, he waved his hand: “Let them in!”


The entrance was wide open, and the impatients swarmed in!

“These wild and ignorant idiots just went in so hastily? Don’t prepare for it?”

“Look at it! They will cry later!”

“Crying? Then there must be a chance too, for fear that they will stay inside forever and never have a chance to come out alive!”

“That is, they will pay a heavy price for their stupidity and arrogance! Who doesn’t know that the annual exchange game is the time when the death toll is the highest!”

“I don’t know how many more will hang this time…”

Many of the lively Dragon God Academy students are pointing fingers, and they take pleasure in other people’s misfortune to watch a good show!

“Joel, Dragon God Tower is so dangerous?”

A player asked nervously!

“Then you need to say? The Heaven’s Chosen buried in the Dragon God Tower every year is like a crossing river carp. This is by no means empty talk!”

Joel’s face was solemn: “Be careful when going in later. If you feel danger, retreat immediately! Anyway, safety first!”

“When you say that, I am a little afraid to go in!”

“Yes! This is too scary!”

“In fact, there is no need to be too scared. With our strength, the first 10 floors are quite safe!”

Joel said with a smile: “Besides, we have to participate in the exchange competition tomorrow. Just go in and take a look today!”


“We are here today to see and see…”

Several players have nodded!

“Lord Monray, let’s go in together!”


After passing through the whirlpool-like magic light curtain, after a while, the environment suddenly changed like Heaven and Earth turning upside down!

Yellow sand!

Yellow sand in the sky!

What you see is the yellow sand that you can’t see at a glance!

The sky is scorching!

Steaming around!

There are bones on the ground!


The heat!



This is a world flooded with quicksand!

“This is the Dragon God Tower 1st floor?”

Monray turned his head and looked around, as if he was in a vast desert, boundless!

Monray is puzzled, this is also Semi-Plane?

Is it different from the complete Material Plane?

“Joel, where are they?”

What makes Monray most amazing is that Joel and the others who came in with him are all gone, only he is standing alone in the boundless sea of ​​sand!

Behind him is a vortex-shaped Transmission Gate. As long as he enters the Transmission Gate, he can leave the Dragon God Tower!

“Is it random transmission?”

“Forget it! Forget it!”

“Look at the 2nd floor!”

Monray rose into the sky, sensing the changes of the magic element, then turned into a stream of light and flew out!

The Earth Element magic element in this Semi-Plane is much richer than the outside world, and it changes constantly from place to place!

According to the golden armor guard, the entrance to the 2nd floor is located at the strongest place of the magic element!

So, just go to the place where the Earth Element has the strongest elements. Monray is not very interested in the first few layers. He wants to go to the upper level to see it, so he doesn’t bother to waste time!

One sentence fast as lightning, gallop!

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

There was a sudden violent fighting in front of him. Monray looked down and saw a robust man with first-born silver horns being besieged by a group of African elephant-sized scorpions!

These scorpions wore hard armor and were yellowish in quicksand. Only the tall and erect tails showed strange scarlets. The number was about 20!

“Level 7 Magic Beast-Red-Tailed Scorpion?”

Monray shot at random, a Wind Blade shot out, and then divided into two ten, accurately submerged into the body of Red-Tailed Scorpion!

“Ding! Kill 1 Red-Tailed Scorpion and get 1310000 Gold Coin!”

“Ding! Kill 1 Red-Tailed Scorpion and get 1210000 Gold Coin!”


In just an instant, 20 Red-Tailed Scorpions were cut off their heads and fell to the ground one after another, motionless!

“(⊙o⊙) …”

“Shen horse situation?”

The besieged silver corner robust man looked dumbfounded!

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