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“Ding! Kill 1 Red-Tailed Scorpion and get 1510000 Gold Coin!”

“Ding! Kill 1 Giant Marsh Crocodile and get 1910000 Gold Coin!”

“Ding! Kill 1 Stormflame Eagle and get 1710000 Gold Coins!”

1st floor, Quicksand Plane!

2nd floor, Flood Plane!

3rd floor, Storm Plane!

4th floor, Flame Plane!

5th floor ……

Monray went all the way up without any pause. In less than 3 hours, he rushed to the 11th floor of the Dragon God Tower, and Monray suddenly felt the difference!

There is only one element in the first ten floors!

On the 11th floor, the two magic elements are particularly rich, namely Earth Element and Water Element!

This is a Semi-Plane full of mud, sand and swamps, smelly, and miasma, as if to a garbage dump!

With Monray’s keen perception, he can sense that one after another mighty aura is dormant in the sand and swamp, launching a surprise attack at any time!

“The first ten floors are mostly Level 7 Magic Beast, at most Level 8 Magic Beast!”

“On this level, Level 9 Magic Beast has begun to appear!”

“Higher level, will Sacred Territory Magic Beast appear?”

Monray licked his lips, revealing a touch of greed: “Sure enough! Dragon God Tower is the most suitable training place for me!”

Before, he fought against the ant tide in the Magic Beast Mountains, fiercely made a fortune, and because of this, he gained a lot of strength through the system spend gold!

But since then, few Gold Coins have been accounted for, and the strength has stagnated. This can make Monray anxious. If he hadn’t participated in the exchange competition, he would have graduated to hunt Magic Beast!

it’s good now!

Monray has found a better place to make money!

That is Dragon God Tower!

Dragon God Tower, a total of 100 Semi-Plane, in which countless Magic Beast and native creatures live!

In the eyes of others, this is a stumbling block that prevents them from reaching a higher level, but in Monray’s eyes, this is a shimmering golden mountain!

Level 8 Magic Beast 1000000 Gold Coin starts!

Level 9 Magic Beast can be sold for 10000000!

Not to mention Sacred Territory Magic Beast!

With just one Pit Demon Spider Sovereign that just broke through, the fortunes of 52100000000 +61100000000 =113100000000 Gold Coins are created for him!

As you can imagine, what Dragon God Tower means to Monray!

“System + Dragon God Tower = the best cheating device!”

“Haha! The road to making money has been unimpeded since then!”



Just as Monray laughed triumphantly, in a smelly swamp not far away, a few bubbles popped up!

next moment, aura assaults the senses!

Monray turned his head, and saw a black figure pounced at him. The speed was so fast that in a flash was right there!


Monray casually pointed, and a thunder spear shining with a silver lightning arc appeared quietly, and instantly penetrated the big mouth of the shadow!


The black shadow froze in the air for an instant, and his eyes were filled with disbelief. It was obviously that it launched the sneak attack. Why did this Human come first instead?

It’s a pity that it will never know this question, and the violent thunder spear exploded, exploding its head into a pulp!

“Ding! Kill 1 Black Water Locust and get 13910000 Gold Coin!”

“13910000 Gold Coin?”

“It’s pretty good!”

Monray waved a big hand, put away the magic core of Black Water Locust, then released the magic flying carpet, and moved on!

Although he can have a spatial flight, Monray feels that in such a place, the wretched development is good, so that he can lure the secret Magic Beast to attack him!

Only in this way can we make money!

This is the fact, he drove a magic flying carpet, like a fat flesh to swagger across the market, attracting countless Magic Beast covets!

“Ding! Kill 1 Black Water Locust and get 13610000 Gold Coin!”

“Ding! Kill 1 head of Six-Tailed Poisonous Worm and get 14810000 Gold Coin!”

“Ding! Kill 1 blue-eyed golden toad and get 27110000 Gold Coin!”


Monray beheaded all the way, and a head of Level 8 Magic Beast was killed. When he was approaching the 12th level magic array, he finally encountered a level 1 Magic Beast!

The height is 50 meters, the whole body is snow-white, the roots of the needle-like mane are upright, all over the body, the muscles are bulging, full of explosive power!

It looks like a giant ape, but has 4 scarlet eyes, hands and feet, but 2 pairs of fins!

“Level 9 Magic Beast-Blood Eye Water Ape!”

Monray’s eyebrows opened and smiled, and the level 9 Magic Beast started at 10000000, and finally made a profit!


Blood Eye Water Ape banged on the chest, thundering like a drum, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, roaring again and again!

Next moment, it pulls up the giant palm and grabs Monray!

“Usually I can play with you, but I have limited time this time, sorry!”

Monray body flashed disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already behind the Blood Eye Water Ape, and a heavy fist blasted out!

“ka-cha -“

The back of Blood Eye Water Ape’s head was directly shattered by the violent power, and the energy penetrated into the body, instantly shattering the brain of Blood Eye Water Ape, killing it on the spot!

“Ding! Kill 1 Blood Eye Water Ape and get 120010000 Gold Coin!”

“Tsk tsk! It’s better to hunt down the 9th level Magic Beast, come quickly!”

Monray grabbed it casually and took a shot of the magic core of Blood Eye Water Ape, elated and left!

As for this level 9 Magic Beast corpse, leave it to the native Magic Beasts of this Plane to enjoy, he looks down on it!


The magic array lights up, Monray disappears in place, and when he reappears, he has already reached the 12th floor of the Dragon God Tower!

All around is the lush and lush primitive forest, and towering trees of hundreds zhang high are everywhere. At first glance, the forest is vast!

But in the middle of the forest, there stands a huge mountain peak, one after another thick smoke rises from the top of the mountain, like a fire beacon!

And all around the mountains are the black lava that has just solidified and the dust, lime, and gravel from covering the mountains and plains…

This is an active volcano that erupts at any time!



“The Wood Element and Fire Element of this World are extremely active. It seems to be a Semi-Plane dominated by Law of Wood and Law of Fire!”

Monray releases a magic flying carpet, moved towards the place where the Wood Element and fire elements are strongest!

“xiu – ”

With a stern sky-splitting sound, a vine that looked like a poisonous python suddenly shot out from the forest and shot towards Monray at lightning speed!

“Sneak attack me?”

Monray hehe smiled, neither dodge nor attack, let this vine entangle himself, and then drag it back to the ground!

After a while, Monray was dragged to a strange tree with dozens of people. The strange tree was not high, but countless vines fell from the canopy, like hair, messy!

“xiu xiu xiu!”

The vines with sharp thorns stretched over and pierced Monray’s body fiercely, as if to pierce Monray’s body, and then sucked Monray into an adult!

“Ding ding ding ~ ——”

However, the strange tree got the wrong idea, and its spikes pierced Monray, as if it had pierced Steel Muscles Iron Bones, splashing a series of sparks!

Besides, it failed to pierce Monray at all!

“Level 9 Magic Beast-Man-eating Tree Ghost!”

“You can’t hurt me even if you stab you!”

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