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“You can’t hurt me even if you stab you!”

Monray snorted, and green vines appeared on his body, turning into green pythons to twist around the strange tree, then pierce the bark of the strange tree, and absorb it frantically!

It is Wood Element magic-Life Absorption!

Monray, this is a deal with a man as he deals with you, don’t you want to suck me up? I’ll suck up you first!



Feeling the life force passing continuously, the strange tree struggled frantically, the tree shook, the vines lashed, and frantically attacked the green pythons, trying to Peeling them from the body!

However, the green python rooted in it is like a tarsal maggot. No matter how hard it struggles, it can’t shake it any more, and can only watch them madly devour its life force!

“wu wu wu ——”

In the end, in the miserable roar of the strange tree, its life force was swallowed up, and then died in unwillingness and regret!

“Ding! Kill 1 Man-eating Tree Ghost and get 173010000 Gold Coin!”

“Tsk! 170010000 Gold Coin is here!”

Monray was satisfied and nodded, and then dug out a durian size from the strange tree, glowing with a translucent green crystal like a green jade!

“This is the magic core of Man-eating Tree Ghost? What a rich life aura…”

“This is a good thing!”

The voice of the old man appeared in his mind: “The magic core of Wood Element Magic Beast is also called Core of Life. It contains a very huge life force. The flesh and bones of life and death can be saved even if severely injured and dying. It is called the holy medicine for healing!”

“So, the value of a Core of Life is several times or even ten times that of the magic core of the same level!”

“Man-eating Tree Ghost is a level 9 Magic Beast. Core of Life is even more exotic. If its Core of Life is put up for auction, it can sell for at least 100000000 million!”

“One 1? That’s pretty good!”

Monray’s eyes lit up, he put away Core of Life and continued to fly forward!

Soon after he left, the surrounding motionless trees stretched out vines, piercing the body of the Man-eating Tree Ghost, absorbing the remaining life force of it within the body!


“Ding! Kill 1 Emerald Wood Butterfly and get 129010000 Gold Coin!”

“Ding! Kill 1 withered wood cicada and get 146010000 Gold Coin!”

“Ding! Successful integration, constitution +3870!”

“Ding! Successful integration, magic power +2659!”

All the way up, all the way down!

When Monray came to the magic array leading to the 13th floor, as many as 9 48-level Magic Beasts were killed by him!

48 9-level Magic Beast!

How efficient is this?

You know, from the time he entered the 12th floor to the present, it was only half an hour?

This kind of efficiency, this kind of hand speed, I am afraid that a single 10000-year old bachelor can’t match it!

“shua ——”

Step into the magic array!

The sky is spinning!

The surrounding environment changes again!

Monray came to a vast and boundless green grassland. The knee-high grass grew extraordinarily luxuriant, the strong wind hit, the weeds bowed their heads!

“Huhuhu ~~~”

On the ground not far away, a tornado with several dozen meters high is raging, bursting out with a crazy roar!

100 miles of sound shock, murky heavens dark earth!

“Wood Element!”

“Wind Element!”

“Very rich!”

“This is the 13th floor of Dragon God Tower?”

“It’s very suitable for training Wind Element magic!”

Monray sensed it as usual, and then moved on!

“Ding! Kill 1 Storm Flying Elephant and get 170010000 Gold Coins!”

“Ding! Kill 1 Storm Flying Elephant and get 180010000 Gold Coins!”

“Ding! Kill 1 Cloud Walking Azure Ox and get 160010000 Gold Coins!”

After half an hour, Monray reached the 14th floor!

“Ding! Kill 1 Goldenback Thunder Mantis and get 190010000 Gold Coin!”

“Ding! Kill 1 Three Winged Sky Lightning Ant and get 186010000 Gold Coin!”


Level 15!


Level 16!


Level 17!


Level 18!


Level 19!


Level 20!

All the way up

Go all the way!

“shua ——”

After half an hour, Monray successfully reached the 21st floor!

The environment has changed dramatically again!

The snowy frosty world just before, the next moment became a world full of volcanoes and lava!

The sky is a thick layer of red clouds, one after another purple thunder and lightning are running between the clouds!

Rumbling, terrifying!

Above the earth is the scorching hot lava river, if ordinary creatures come here, they will definitely be baked into dry skin!

“The three elements magic element of fire, thunder and darkness is particularly rich!”

“From this level, there should be Sacred Territory Magic Beast, right?”

Monray has a faint look of expectation in his eyes. Before, he was crushed and hunted all the way, after all, it was just an appetizer!

The high-level Sacred Territory Magic Beast is the feast he really looked forward to, so he came here in one breath without stopping!

“The magic element over there is the strongest!”

Monray checked the direction and drove the magic flying carpet over. Half an hour later, the magic array leading to the 22nd floor was already in sight!

But the strange thing is that I didn’t even see a Magic Beast, let alone Magic Beast, I didn’t even see a Magic Beast hair!


“Is there no Magic Beast on this floor?”

“No, no!”

Monray stopped in the air, looking at the empty lava world, with doubts in his eyes!

“xiu – ”

At this moment, a scorching air wave suddenly came from behind, and I saw a python composed entirely of hot lava shooting out, seeming to swallow Monray in one bite!


Monray’s ears moved slightly and disappeared suddenly!


Lava The python jumped into the air, and then exploded, turning into countless lava 4, scattered and splashed!

Monray appeared strangely in another place, but his eyes fell on a nearby lava lake, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, the lava python just now was shot from this lava lake!



The lava lake was bubbling with bubbles, and saw a stone-like head slowly emerging, and on this stone head, there was a single horn, one eye, and a nose!

“Crash-bang ——”

Lava rolled, a humanoid creature with a height of 3 meters, which was made of red rock and surrounded by raging flames, came out!

“Level 9 Magic Beast-Red Rock Fire Demon!”

Monray startled, suddenly disappointed: “Why is it still Level 9 Magic Beast? What about Sacred Territory Magic Beast? Where is it hiding?”

Just when Monray was puzzled, one red head after another came out of the lava lake!

The whole body is red, covered in flames, all of them are Red Rock Fire Demon, the number is more than 100?

In a flash, they surrounded Monray!


Red Rock Fire Demon roared together, then opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, spraying out one after another hot red lava!

In a short time, hot lava came from all directions and directly blocked Monray’s path, making Monray inevitable, unavoidable, only hard-wired!

“128 Red Rock Sword Demon!”

“It’s also a wealth!”

“I’ll just accept you hard for it?”

Facing the attack of lava, Monray calm and collected. At the moment when the hot lava was about to enter, a layer of brilliant diamond-like crystals rose from the whole body, and the whole person instantly became a diamond Stoneman!

Level 9 magic-Earth Guard Sacred Armor!

PS: It seems to be available on the 6th next month?

What’s on the shelves? Have you started charging?

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